New here, schedualed for my first knee to be replaced Nov30
I have put off knee replacement for a long time, mainly because of fear, not just of the surgery but how it will affect my life with horses
Over the years my legs have become quite bowed, but at the same time the pain has become more confined to just when I walk,esp on hard ground .
At one time they were painful at night, but now they seldom bother me when sleeping or sitting down
I am still able to ride without much pain, exception being when I post riding English
I do need a mounting block, often just in the form of ground advantage. I also do all of the chores, lift hay bales, clean stalls etc.
Both knees are bone on bone, and the fear exists that further procrastination will result in a possible wheel chair future. I have put off knee replacement two year in a row
Now that I have an actual surgical date, I have made an appt with the OS, at the ninth hour, so to speak, to ask questions that should have been asked a long time ago
If I needed to make a choice between riding, caring for my horses and living with the existing pain between having the replacements and being limited in what i can do physically,, I would chose the former.
At the same time, the amount of bow to my legs rather over shadows the decison based on one will know by the level of pain when it is the right time to have the replacements`, rather than by x-rays alone``
I am rambling, as my mind is a jumble of indecision!
I no no one can make the decison for me, but all insight will be very much appreciated!
New here, schedualed for my first knee to be replaced Nov30
I have put off knee replacement for a long time, mainly because of fear, not just of the surgery but how it will affect my life with horses
Over the years my legs have become quite bowed, but at the same time the pain has become more confined to just when I walk,esp on hard ground .
At one time they were painful at night, but now they seldom bother me when sleeping or sitting down
I am still able to ride without much pain, exception being when I post riding English
I do need a mounting block, often just in the form of ground advantage. I also do all of the chores, lift hay bales, clean stalls etc.
Both knees are bone on bone, and the fear exists that further procrastination will result in a possible wheel chair future. I have put off knee replacement two year in a row
Now that I have an actual surgical date, I have made an appt with the OS, at the ninth hour, so to speak, to ask questions that should have been asked a long time ago
If I needed to make a choice between riding, caring for my horses and living with the existing pain between having the replacements and being limited in what i can do physically,, I would chose the former.
At the same time, the amount of bow to my legs rather over shadows the decison based on one will know by the level of pain when it is the right time to have the replacements`, rather than by x-rays alone``
I am rambling, as my mind is a jumble of indecision!
I no no one can make the decison for me, but all insight will be very much appreciated!