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Pre surgery shopping list

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Jul 28, 2009
United States United States
Now I am thinking about exactly what I will need at home the first few weeks. (retail therapy to take my mind off the fact that I'm actually going to have yet another surgery - 1st on knee, tho)
My husband will be here the first few days, but I'm on my own in the daytime after that.
So, what will I need for sure? Anything you bought but found it a waste of money?
Things on the list so far:

walker (one with wheels or without? which is best? Rollater? )
lots of pillows to make my 'nest'
leg lifter??? yes or no? did you have one/ use it?
the thing with handles to go around the toilet (what is that thing called??)

What else? What was the thing you could not do without?
Thanks for any input!
May I suggest GRAB BARS. You're referring to raised toilet seat I think! If your hospital has a joint replacement class, you should definitely attend!!:sct:
TV Dinners. Easy for you to throw in the Microwave when your alone.
Yep Yikes stool softeners
Yes I wasn't offered that I wish they would have I would have gone in a heart beat...
This was from Jamie and Im glad I saved it....Hope it helps!!!

There are some things you can do prior to surgery:

* Stock up on easy to prepare meals or make and freeze food
* Arrange for a walker, crutches, toilet riser or rails and/or cane (they may be provided for you at the hospital
* Arrange for someone to be with you if at all possible the first couple of days
* Set up a place for you to sleep that is close to a bathroom and ideally on the same floor as your living area
* Remove any loose rugs from your floors
* Get stool softeners as the pain meds can make you constipated
* Get some type of icing system - either an automatic one like Polar Care or enough gel packs to use 2 at a time and have 2 in the freezer.
* Have something available to eat when you take your pain meds (crackers, cookies, brownies) need a little something to keep your stomach from getting upset
May I suggest GRAB BARS. You're referring to raised toilet seat I think! If your hospital has a joint replacement class, you should definitely attend!!:sct:

Got the letter in the mail today.... going on 10-7. Still a long way off, but will give me more time to have a huge list of questions!
Don't worry, Beach! You have plenty of time!:thmb:
I was so worried about where to find the things I'd need. It turned out that the hospital send me home with a portable potty (to put over the regular potty) for the arms, an ice water circulation machine, a walker, and TED stockings, all paid for with insurance. The only thing I needed to get myself was a good cane and I had a few already.

An exercise bike is a must! I got a Schwinn which I love.

I use magnesium asporotate instead of stool softener and stayed regular (after the first 4 days; well, did use Colace a few times). At the joint class, they told me to have a knee length robe. I went shopping in pain to find one. I wore the hospital gown when I had the IV in, then shorts and t-shirt for PT. I've still never worn the robe.

Freeze a few favorite meals, you'll be glad you did.

oh, ...why on earth would someone need a knee lifter? ( and is there really such a thing?) You have a hand. Anyway, the physical therapist wants you to strengthen the leg by lifting it as soon as you can.

Three things I purchased and felt worth every penny:

1. Grab bar installed next to toilet in MB.
2. Knee Wedge for elevating and icing. Alex Orthopedic - 5032-10-SAN - Leg Wedge Bed Leg Cushion - Sand…
3. Stretch out Strap. (serves 2 purposes as leg lifter and for various stretching exercises. broken link removed:

Also keep the big cup they give you at the hospital. When filled with ice and water, it keeps water cold for hours. Holds 4 cups, so you don't have to keep refilling.

Yes, I agree that a "knee lifter" sounds silly. I was able to just lift my leg, but if you can't, it seems like you could just use your hands.

I never used a walker--used crutches for two weeks and then just walked. I like crutches better than canes--used two for a while and then one for a while too.

The one thing you don't have on your list is a seat for the shower--I got one at Lowe's for around 9 dollars. Just left it in the shower for a while--made it easier to shave my legs and wash my hair.

I moved to the side of the tub, lift the legs over and then sat on the seat. I did not stand in the shower for two or three weeks.

Everyone is so different here---I think an extended seat for the toilet is great, and the shower seat. But the other stuff, walkers, etc---seems like you should just rent them. I can't imagine using a walker for more than a week or two--they put you in a weird position. My husband borrowed one from the local senior center--we had it here for a week and then he returned it since I did not want to use it.
My list, in order of importance and usefulness was

ice machine - could not have survived without this - worth every single penny and more

[] Pre surgery shopping list

leg lifter - didn't use it a huge amount but when I did, it was invaluable; like getting the leg in and out of the bath. Couldn't have done without it then

bath shelf - this one you can sit on the end, twist round as you lift your legs in the tub and then slide along to wash. You have no gaps to negotiate like you do with a seat.

4. plastic sleeve so I could shower - I cut the foot off.

5. frame for toilet

6. grabber - definitely useful

[] Pre surgery shopping list
Now I am thinking about exactly what I will need at home the first few weeks. (retail therapy to take my mind off the fact that I'm actually going to have yet another surgery - 1st on knee, tho)
My husband will be here the first few days, but I'm on my own in the daytime after that.
So, what will I need for sure? Anything you bought but found it a waste of money?
Things on the list so far:

walker (one with wheels or without? which is best? Rollater? )
lots of pillows to make my 'nest'
leg lifter??? yes or no? did you have one/ use it?
the thing with handles to go around the toilet (what is that thing called??)

What else? What was the thing you could not do without?
Thanks for any input!

I swear by the electric ice machine and the portable toilet with arms that fits over the regular toilet. I bought compression stockings also.
The only thing my insurance will pay for in above list/s, is a walker. I got the ice machine, leg lifter, grabber, toilet 3-1 seat, regular toilet seat riser, (plus all the garb for hospital and rehab). It's all adding up.

I don't understand the thing about the shower leg cover though. I thought you could shower? I'm pre-surgery.
Hi-- Many things mentioned have helped me in the past week at home. My insurance paid for a walker, a 3-1 toilet seat with bars around (included was a bucket that could be attached for the bed side),and the cryocuff machine (polar ice) which were sent home with me. OT also gave me a long sponge on a stick and a plastic sleeve to help put on socks.

The things I have used most---the walker for a few days and I put a tote bag around one end to carry things(now using a cane)---lots of pillows--the large thermo water cup with a straw from the hospital---the raised toilet seat-(I hate it though--may not use it anymore)---and the number 1 item-THE CRYOCUFF ice machine wow do I love it.!!! I also used an exercise theraband to lift my leg up the first days at home.

My physician's orders for showers--when the staples come out(next Monday)-so it's sponge baths for me-boo hoo!

Anyway--I had some of the same questions and was given so many hints from this BONESMART community. I can't thank everyone enough for all the advise and support I was given. Good luck to you! Nancy
At first I could not lift my left leg, my right leg I was able to lift right away. But what I used to get my left leg into bed was a flat sheet. I just draped it around my foot and pulled at the end of the sheet to get my leg lifted into the bed.

If there's other supplies you need like a tray for your walker, raised toilet seat with handles, google...Dr. Leonard medical supplies. It's a huge medical supply store you can shop for on-line. You can also call Walgreens and if they do not have what you need they will give you the location of a medical supply store near you. I found one just 20 miles away from me!

Best of luck! Feel free to post and ask anything. There is no such thing as a stupid question!

BTKR 7/20/09
I didn't have any shower restrictions after surgery. My surgeon closes the outer layer of skin with glue and steri-strips--stitches below the skin. If your surgeon closes this way, you won't need a leg covering.
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