Hi Steph and Bean,
You know I was scared/ nervous etc prior to my surgery...(4 weeks ago) and then I looked at what were the things I was scared of....pain? (thats what pain relief is for and it is very effective).... something going wrong? (statistically thats unlikely)..... being less mobile? (a reality, but one that can be partly dealt with by being organised)..... loss of independence? ....(allowing people to help you ,allows them to help another person...isn't that a good thing?).... rehab and how I'd cope (retrospectively it hasn't been bad for me and if you recognise that every step is another step in the right direction it makes it easier to keep your head in the right space. Actually a bit like the contractions of childbirth...tough at the time but all leading towards the positive reward of a baby ...or in your case mobile, painfree hips)....reacting badly to anaesthesia?...(again really bad reactions are highly unlikely, and any minor ones can be dealt with , with other medications).....
From another perspective, I did find that I was worrying all the time, until I recalled something i read one time about dealing with worry and anxiety. This book suggested allocating yourself "worry time"....half an hour each day at a set time....so everytime you start thinking about the what ifs....distract yourself and do something else and then allow yourself that 1/2 hour to put into the anxiety....this allows you to acknowledge your concerns and worry, but it stops it from taking up every waking (and sleeping) hour. I know it sounds trite and a bit ridiculous,, but if it helps....?
Please try to not panic...look at how many positive stories that you read of....these are in the vast majority of THRs.....the problems are rare
Look at the end product and the results that you are aiming for....a pain free, mobile hip/hips which allow you to be the person God brought you into this world to be