Pre-Surgery Jitters - HELP!!!

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I get my pre testing on May 19 and I was wondering if I have had the dental cleaning scheduled to July 21 if I can wait until then because if I reschedule it sooner the insurance may not pay for the visit. I go every 6 months and nothing was wrong the last time I went.
Jayne - the more people I hear that are scheduled make me feel ok about being nervous. I agree that this forum is a great place to seek comfort because you all know what is coming up and I am not alone to go through it. Welcome Jayne.
I got my surgery date of June 9th. I am shaking in my shoes right now. One day after Creblue so I will be recovering along with her. I feel like there is no turning back now.

Hi Sheila - you will ALL be very glad you've gone ahead with this surgery! :) I'm looking forward to reading your posts once you've all had it done.
I honestly feel I have my life the age of 49 I'm feeling young again! And that's with just one hip replaced! Look out world once I've had the right one done as well! :)
I get my pre testing on May 19 and I was wondering if I have had the dental cleaning scheduled to July 21 if I can wait until then because if I reschedule it sooner the insurance may not pay for the visit. I go every 6 months and nothing was wrong the last time I went.
Jayne - the more people I hear that are scheduled make me feel ok about being nervous. I agree that this forum is a great place to seek comfort because you all know what is coming up and I am not alone to go through it. Welcome Jayne.

If it were me (Ive been a dental nurse for a very LONG time!) I would get a script for some prophylactic antibiotics to take one hour before your dental appt - just to be on the safe side.
I had a crown done roughly 3 months post-op and the only precautions I took were the antibiotics.
Very good idea - I will remember before I go get them cleaned because with all the scraping going on during that procedure it will be a good preventative. You are in the same boat as me getting my left hip done first then after the right hip done.
I love this place.
Very good idea - I will remember before I go get them cleaned because with all the scraping going on during that procedure it will be a good preventative. You are in the same boat as me getting my left hip done first then after the right hip done.
I love this place.

Sheila, I don't recall when your surgery date is, but if it dental cleaning is before, just go as usual. If the date is shortly after surgery, I'd suggest you ask your OS if you should reschedule the cleaning. I had a regular 6-month appointment that wound up being about 3 weeks post-op, and my OS thought it best to postpone until at least 2 months after (and he gave me a prescription for antibiotic to take an hour before).
I too had the doubts and jitters and cried on and off on the night I went in to the hospital. My B/P was up and I had worried myself into a real state.
I was so surprised to wake up after the surgery and be in very little pain.

Trust me, you just have to think positive and move forward. Then afterwards, if you do great initially that is wonderful and if like me, your progress seems slower than others, just try not to rush and fret because I did a great deal of that too.

Use the forum!!. When I couldn't sleep or felt depressed and didn't want to get out of bed, I would find myself wondering what Jo, Jamie, Hop, Calling, Doug, Judles, Mudpro and all the others were saying so I would get out of the bed, get on the computer, and sit here and move my leg and it motivated me to get going.
The great jokes helped too. If my neighbors peeked in my windows in my great room, they would have seen my sitting here laughing on some days.
God bless you, Nana.....that's what we ALL did in recovery! It's an amazing support network, isn't it!
OK I am having seconds thoughts about this. I am just freaking out here. I can't stand this waiting and crying all the time.

It's certainly natural to feel nervous about this but you will be surprised how well it goes. Yes, it is a major surgery, but it goes fast and you will be cared for extremely well. I hated the waiting, too, but the date will be here before you know it. We're all here to support so please don't hesitate to post anything.
I know how you feel all they way up until I went in I was a mess BUT, it is fast you dont even know it.Then you wake up then you are on your road to recovery and will feel so much better that you can do things you havent done it awhile. Hang in there waiting is hard. Just get all your stuff together and ready for when you come home.......will be thinking of you post anytime.......Kim
Shiela....everyone gets nervous before surgery. It's normal and it would be out of the ordinary NOT to be aprehensive about it. When you find yourself feeling that way, continue to come here and post. We ALL relate to how you are feeling. Or try to do something to divert your mind away from those thoughts....something that you enjoy and that makes you feel in control of your life.
My surgery is in a weeks time (june 1st) and i am terrified, i keep crying and wanting to cancell it also!

They are hoping to do both hips at the same time, i hope they can as then i wont have to go through it all again a week later, its very very scary!!!
Bean, You are almost through the worst of it. The waiting is FAR worse than the surgery itself (ha! you're asleep!) or even the recovery process. Try to keep busy doing things around the house to prepare or do pamper things for yourself that make you feel good. And...focus on the things you want to do in the months following surgery that you haven't been able to do lately. Visit with friends, see a movie, post on the forum here....just don't let yourself sit and think about it. That's energy wasted!! TWO weeks from today you will be one happy person!!
Hi Sarah

I know what you are going through, mine is the day after yours and I feel really quite scared. We must keep positive though and just think that things can only improve from then on.

Just try focusing on something nice that you can aim for - like your graduation and how great you will feel walking across that stage - I am just thinking that by the time my daughter has her baby at the end of July I should be able to be there for her and for my new grandchild.

It will go very quickly and we will both be wondering why we ever felt like this.

Take care
Steph xx
Hi Steph when is your Surgery? That is so sweet you are getting ready for you grandchild. Is that your first ?
Hi Steph when is your Surgery? That is so sweet you are getting ready for you grandchild. Is that your first ?

My date is the 2nd June, the day after Beans. It will be my second grandchild, my son has a little girl who is 7 years old but she lives a long way from me and so I very rarely see her. I do speak to her on the phone a lot though which is nice.

This new baby is my daughters and she only lives half a mile away so I just know I will be called on to babysit. I am really looking forward to it as my daughter and I are really close.
That is going to be so nice, really to be that close. Spoil her, then here ya go !!! lol. I know you will be just fine for the birth sure gives you something to strive for and that couldnt be better.
Thats great Steph - we both have something to aim for :)

I will be thinking about you on the tuesday, its nice (but not!) to know someone else going through the same, im sure pretty soon we will both be looking back at these posts feeling proud of what we achieved!
Thats great Steph - we both have something to aim for :)

I will be thinking about you on the tuesday, its nice (but not!) to know someone else going through the same, im sure pretty soon we will both be looking back at these posts feeling proud of what we achieved!

Absolutely. Now try and have a relaxing week and pamper yourself a bit so that you are in the right frame of mind and I will be thinking about you next Monday.
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