Pre-Surgery Jitters - HELP!!!

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Well, I decided to read thru the thread before posting a reply of encouragement, and I had a good laugh remembering EXACTLY where the thread progressed to...! LOL!
I also had my THR surgery ( Rt. side ) on 3/17/ SECOND actually...had the Lt. side done in 3/07. BOTH went fantastic....ZERO complications at all! I'm 48 now, ( celebrated my B-day in Phys. rehab.! ), and I'm well on the way to having my life back for the first time in 5 yrs.! Finally, to be pain-free again, at last!
I was also nervous/apprenhensive/scared as heck before the first time.....NEVER had a major surgery prior to that. The replies RE: "you'll not know anything at all happened" are exactly correct. I woke up thinking ' allright guys....lets stop messing around and zonk me GOOD and lets get on with this...!' My wife's voice came thru and said ' It's already done honey, and everything's perfect! Just relax..." WHEW!! What a relief.
It was a BIG help that my wife is a Interventional Radiological Tech at the same hospital I had my surgeries in, and actually picked the Surgeon that did my first hip after working with most of them in the O.R. ( The second was referred by the first Dr., who couldn't do the second hip due to his OWN Ortho./back surgery at the time!)
I had General anestesia the first time, and a Spinal block w/total sedation for the second...the Spinal was MUCH better as far as recovery coming out of surgery and being coherent, NOT 'trashed', less strain on the body functions, etc.
My pain levels never got above a '3' on a '1 to 10 scale'; with sparing use of a PCA /morphine pump to keep from getting up there, and was nowhere NEAR the pain I had on a daily basis for a long time. The scariest time was my first time STANDING on my 'new' 1st. hip...apprensive is WAY too mild....until I DID....and NO PAIN!! Woo-Hoo!!
I almost cannot describe the relief....except to those who have had it done. Good luck...It's great! Lee
Welcome to the forum, Lee! So glad you posted your experience. It will be a benefit for those who follow you.

Yep, we BoneSmarties sometimes get off the beaten path on our threads.....we keep tryin' to do better, though.....staying "on thread" is always the goal. But sometimes the communication amoung members is just so good that, as a moderator, you hate to mess with it too much.
Yay,Lee! Its the BEST surgery!!!! I'm lovin everyday,too! I had RTHR 11/O7/O9!! So thrilled with getting my life back!!!!:)
Welcome to BoneSmart Lee! I had the same surgery date as you -RTHR on 3/17/09. It's amazing to check in with yourself each week and note the increased range of motion. Week 4 was really great for me. Of course, I did overdo it this weekend. It was absolutely beautiful here in New Jersey and I did a lot of walking (with my cane). Boy did I feel it the next day though! I have to remember I'm still recovering and can't overdo it.
Thank you all for the warm welcome! I only wish I had found this site/Forum before I had my surgeries. I had nearly all the same questions, apprehensions, fears, etc. as expressed by many here, too. I'll try to 'give back' all the reassurance, hope and strength I possibly can. I know how much that would have meant to me at the time....especially from people who have BEEN THERE! ( I pray every day for God to give strength to those who have been in 'my shoes' on a bunch of different levels and situations! )
Melissa and Judles, etc., I'm really glad to hear your surgeries went well also!
I also tend to WAY over-do things, and pay the 'pain price'! LOL!
It's been beautiful here in Florida for quite a while, it's easy to forget that I need to take it easy and not chance messing something up. I've come way too far now!
Good luck, and God be with you to all reading this prior to your surgeries. If I can answer any questions, just fire away! Lee.
Bless you, Lee, for being willing to post and help others who follow you in surgery. That's what BoneSmart is all about and we treasure members like you who correspond so freely to help!
Ok - time for another of my mini-lectures!

Mostly constipation is caused by a lack of tone and muscle activity (known as peristalsis) in the large gut. So your period of fasting pre-op followed by the enforced fasting the day of surgery and probably one or two days after will be sufficient to result in an empty gut and low muscular activity. Low fluid intake in this period will exacerbate it as well for hard, dry stools will naturally be less bulky. Not rocket science thus far.

Then you add to it the muscle lethargy from the spinal or the general anaesthetic and the pain killers like paracetamol or codeine, and you're already ¾ the way to being severely bound up!

To correct it you can do two things -
~ take a bowel stimulant/laxative like Dulcolax or Senekot. Milk of Magnesia is a stimulant as well, but milder than the other two.These can often give you cramps while the bowel is 'cranking up' ready to evacuate it's contents. Not nice.
~ or you can take bulking agents that go under names like Fibrogel or Benefibre which create plenty of substance in the gut and stimulates it into action in the most normal way. Bran as in breakfast cereals, fruit and vegetables can do much the same thing.

Prunes, figs and such are a kind of combination as the fresh or dried fruit will provide the bulk but the stuff itself is also a stimulant. It's all a matter of personal choice really. But I'd always recommend a bulking agent first in these situations. Much more natural and kinder to one's 'parts'.

Jo - this is a great explanation. I've only had one tiny BM since the surgery and that was something I had to work hard at. How long should it be before getting back to regular movements? I'll add this to my list of things to ask the OS tomorrow, but I thought I'd ask for opinions on here. If I need to try a stimulant I will.
Wow, Lee, it sounds like you had the type of surgeries and recoveries we all hope for! I had RTHR 2/4/09 and really can't complain about my recovery either. Keep on healin' and welcome to the forum!

Scott, use the bulking agent. It's much, much kinder to your bowel and your stomach muscles! And the matter of 'normal' depends upon what your usual bowel habits are! However, it shouldn't be more than 4 days.

Another point, if you're having to strain too hard, you'll give yourself haemorrhoids so try to avoid that as well.
That's great, Sheila! The time will pass before you know it. Now you have some time to get meals prepared and frozen, house in order, plan for after care and all the other little things that have to be done before surgery. Don't worry....we'll be here to get you through the waiting period. Sometimes it's WORSE than the surgery itself!!
good news. mine is on the 8th like creblue. the no turing back thing lasted about two days. then it turned into the its never gonna get here thing. everyday since i made that decision all i can think is i'm so glad i cant keep going like this. i think surgery scares me but not near as much as living like this.i cant wait to recover with yall.
I'm still shaking in my shoes but I am thinking more on the lines of I don't want to stay and walk like I am right now - every little move the wrong way and ouch. How is all the pre-testing stuff going to be? They also want me to have my medical doctor approve for surgery.
Sheila, there is always a lot of prep work. You'll need a release from your primary doc who will do a complete blood workup. And maybe a release from a cardiologist. Every surgeon is a little different on that. The doctors want to be aware of any possible health issues. Usually if something is found in the screening, it is not a cause to delay surgery.

Also....something they might not talk about that some find to be a good idea....visit your dentist for a very thorough checkup. If you have any major dental work that needs to be done, do it BEFORE surgery. And a good checkup ensures that you don't have any dental infections you are not aware of. Because of the close proximity of blood supplies to the mouth, it is especially important to be clear of infection there.
Excellent advice,Jamie!!!! We'll remind them of the stool softeners right before their surgery! :)
I'm still shaking in my shoes but I am thinking more on the lines of I don't want to stay and walk like I am right now - every little move the wrong way and ouch. How is all the pre-testing stuff going to be? They also want me to have my medical doctor approve for surgery.
i know what you mean, how bout the , im not gonna fall shuffle when it rains, and how sore you get just trying to not have your feet slip when you get inside.
It definitely works. You're right, Dakota.....we need to ask the Colace Company for a kickback for all our recommendations and purchases!!
hi -got my surgery date, june 8th. Gail, I am also 58 and will LHR.Overall, How was it for you? Anesthesia,? I really have pre op jitters!!! Help , anyone!

My surgery is is June 4th and today I go to get all my pre testing done. My surgeon told me yesterday, this is a big deal!! I was a little shocked he said that but he may have because I have a lot of faith in God and I am an upbeat happy person. I am feeling the way you are and I want you and I to keep talking because we need each other. This forum is great and all the people have really helped me and they will you too. Please feel free to write me when you need to. I'll share anything and listen to you.
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