I noticed this am another older thread giving a testimony on pre TKR exercise. I wanted to give my experience for all folks facing knee surgery and wondering IF exercise helps the experience. I also realize that some people for a variety of medical or physical constraints are unable to do pre surgery exercise--and most people with PT help do just fine anyway.
Last Monday-8/10-I had my LTKR. Very nervous when I first arrived at the hospital (normal I know to feel scared---but as a RN I think I was at a disadvantage because I thought of everything that could go wrong.) The surgery prep didn't help--I was thinking thoughts like-oh GOD that's a catheter tray on the table--sure enough I got a catheter---or-here comes the shaving prep tray. Funny but the nurse thought I was quite relaxed?? during this process. :hehe:Anyway--all went swiftly and I also talked to the anestheologist about the spinal that I would receive-with light sedation. Soon I was in the operating roon--no pre-op loopy medicine--told I didn't need it:yn:!!!!!
Anyway-all went excellant-awake at the end of surgery--did great in the recovery area-had to recover in this area while my spinal wore off--about two hours---I kept saying I wanted a big cheeseburger to eat-REALLY--unfortunately for me my surgeon had me on a liquid diet until the next day--which I hated.
Husband and son thought I looked good after I got in my room--but the huge dressing/drain didn't look so good. The nurses assistant immediately went to empty my drain--and it sprayed some blood onto the towel under it--plus onto her top---I thought my adult son would puke---I remember laughing a lot at this--the nurse thought it was odd that I felt this well?
That day I ambulated in the hall with the walker and practiced going up steps-even with a catheter. They had to hold me back. The first time I stood up on my new knee joint-a big smile appeared on my face-it felt WONDERFUL! Of course I had morphine placed in my spinal during surgery--lasted for 24 hours or so--so I felt GREAT!:D I spent time also in the recliner chair--even put make-up on, did my hair. So the first day was great--OS visited and could not believe how well I was doing.
The next day exceeded all my expectations--did PT 2 times-wore my own clothes-by this time had my catheter taken out and they capped my IVs so I could wash and get dressed. I did have another IV fluid with vitamins that day. I felt good with energy and minimal pain-felt hungry and went to the bathroom--didn't sleep real soundly-but that was a hospital thing. Used my walker but felt I had good balance already.
Went home after lunch on Wed-8/12--but essentially I was just waiting for discharge paperwork and details. I did have PT two times. I was told that NO ONE had done that well in their experience. Called me the Poster Child--I just said they were sweet---but even my anal/retentive--attention to detail OS told me that I exceeded HIS expectations.
Home has been great--I feel healthy and strong--I take oxycodone APAP 5-325 mg but have only needed to take them about 2-3 times per day--only one tab (1 tab every 4 hours as needed or 2 tabs every 6 hours is ordered). Sleep and eating are great and my pain level is mostly 1-2--unless I am doing home PT. PT also says I'm going well-way ahead of curve. Yesterday-my biggest accomplishment:thmb:My flex at 110 and I rode the exercise bike for 5 minutes. I am ambulating lots without the walker--PT wants me to try a cane today. Anyway so far this has been a "most excellent adventure".My PT agrees that quad work (lots) plus exercise has done it's magic. I hope it continues--I also will be happy to get the staples out next Monday.
So--if you are ready (and are able to exercise) remember that strong muscles can really help. I did lots of things--but did 100 leg lifts with weights per day---it did hurt like crazy since my knee was so bad. Now---I also have a RTKR in the future:pnc: Best of luck to all. Nancy
Last Monday-8/10-I had my LTKR. Very nervous when I first arrived at the hospital (normal I know to feel scared---but as a RN I think I was at a disadvantage because I thought of everything that could go wrong.) The surgery prep didn't help--I was thinking thoughts like-oh GOD that's a catheter tray on the table--sure enough I got a catheter---or-here comes the shaving prep tray. Funny but the nurse thought I was quite relaxed?? during this process. :hehe:Anyway--all went swiftly and I also talked to the anestheologist about the spinal that I would receive-with light sedation. Soon I was in the operating roon--no pre-op loopy medicine--told I didn't need it:yn:!!!!!
Anyway-all went excellant-awake at the end of surgery--did great in the recovery area-had to recover in this area while my spinal wore off--about two hours---I kept saying I wanted a big cheeseburger to eat-REALLY--unfortunately for me my surgeon had me on a liquid diet until the next day--which I hated.
Husband and son thought I looked good after I got in my room--but the huge dressing/drain didn't look so good. The nurses assistant immediately went to empty my drain--and it sprayed some blood onto the towel under it--plus onto her top---I thought my adult son would puke---I remember laughing a lot at this--the nurse thought it was odd that I felt this well?
That day I ambulated in the hall with the walker and practiced going up steps-even with a catheter. They had to hold me back. The first time I stood up on my new knee joint-a big smile appeared on my face-it felt WONDERFUL! Of course I had morphine placed in my spinal during surgery--lasted for 24 hours or so--so I felt GREAT!:D I spent time also in the recliner chair--even put make-up on, did my hair. So the first day was great--OS visited and could not believe how well I was doing.
The next day exceeded all my expectations--did PT 2 times-wore my own clothes-by this time had my catheter taken out and they capped my IVs so I could wash and get dressed. I did have another IV fluid with vitamins that day. I felt good with energy and minimal pain-felt hungry and went to the bathroom--didn't sleep real soundly-but that was a hospital thing. Used my walker but felt I had good balance already.
Went home after lunch on Wed-8/12--but essentially I was just waiting for discharge paperwork and details. I did have PT two times. I was told that NO ONE had done that well in their experience. Called me the Poster Child--I just said they were sweet---but even my anal/retentive--attention to detail OS told me that I exceeded HIS expectations.
Home has been great--I feel healthy and strong--I take oxycodone APAP 5-325 mg but have only needed to take them about 2-3 times per day--only one tab (1 tab every 4 hours as needed or 2 tabs every 6 hours is ordered). Sleep and eating are great and my pain level is mostly 1-2--unless I am doing home PT. PT also says I'm going well-way ahead of curve. Yesterday-my biggest accomplishment:thmb:My flex at 110 and I rode the exercise bike for 5 minutes. I am ambulating lots without the walker--PT wants me to try a cane today. Anyway so far this has been a "most excellent adventure".My PT agrees that quad work (lots) plus exercise has done it's magic. I hope it continues--I also will be happy to get the staples out next Monday.
So--if you are ready (and are able to exercise) remember that strong muscles can really help. I did lots of things--but did 100 leg lifts with weights per day---it did hurt like crazy since my knee was so bad. Now---I also have a RTKR in the future:pnc: Best of luck to all. Nancy