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pre surgery exercise has proved to be a Huge help!!!

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Jul 5, 2009
United States
I noticed this am another older thread giving a testimony on pre TKR exercise. I wanted to give my experience for all folks facing knee surgery and wondering IF exercise helps the experience. I also realize that some people for a variety of medical or physical constraints are unable to do pre surgery exercise--and most people with PT help do just fine anyway.

Last Monday-8/10-I had my LTKR. Very nervous when I first arrived at the hospital (normal I know to feel scared---but as a RN I think I was at a disadvantage because I thought of everything that could go wrong.) The surgery prep didn't help--I was thinking thoughts like-oh GOD that's a catheter tray on the table--sure enough I got a catheter---or-here comes the shaving prep tray. Funny but the nurse thought I was quite relaxed?? during this process. :hehe:Anyway--all went swiftly and I also talked to the anestheologist about the spinal that I would receive-with light sedation. Soon I was in the operating roon--no pre-op loopy medicine--told I didn't need it:yn:!!!!!

Anyway-all went excellant-awake at the end of surgery--did great in the recovery area-had to recover in this area while my spinal wore off--about two hours---I kept saying I wanted a big cheeseburger to eat-REALLY--unfortunately for me my surgeon had me on a liquid diet until the next day--which I hated.

Husband and son thought I looked good after I got in my room--but the huge dressing/drain didn't look so good. The nurses assistant immediately went to empty my drain--and it sprayed some blood onto the towel under it--plus onto her top---I thought my adult son would puke---I remember laughing a lot at this--the nurse thought it was odd that I felt this well?

That day I ambulated in the hall with the walker and practiced going up steps-even with a catheter. They had to hold me back. The first time I stood up on my new knee joint-a big smile appeared on my face-it felt WONDERFUL! Of course I had morphine placed in my spinal during surgery--lasted for 24 hours or so--so I felt GREAT!:D I spent time also in the recliner chair--even put make-up on, did my hair. So the first day was great--OS visited and could not believe how well I was doing.

The next day exceeded all my expectations--did PT 2 times-wore my own clothes-by this time had my catheter taken out and they capped my IVs so I could wash and get dressed. I did have another IV fluid with vitamins that day. I felt good with energy and minimal pain-felt hungry and went to the bathroom--didn't sleep real soundly-but that was a hospital thing. Used my walker but felt I had good balance already.

Went home after lunch on Wed-8/12--but essentially I was just waiting for discharge paperwork and details. I did have PT two times. I was told that NO ONE had done that well in their experience. Called me the Poster Child--I just said they were sweet---but even my anal/retentive--attention to detail OS told me that I exceeded HIS expectations.

Home has been great--I feel healthy and strong--I take oxycodone APAP 5-325 mg but have only needed to take them about 2-3 times per day--only one tab (1 tab every 4 hours as needed or 2 tabs every 6 hours is ordered). Sleep and eating are great and my pain level is mostly 1-2--unless I am doing home PT. PT also says I'm going well-way ahead of curve. Yesterday-my biggest accomplishment:thmb:My flex at 110 and I rode the exercise bike for 5 minutes. I am ambulating lots without the walker--PT wants me to try a cane today. Anyway so far this has been a "most excellent adventure".My PT agrees that quad work (lots) plus exercise has done it's magic. I hope it continues--I also will be happy to get the staples out next Monday.

So--if you are ready (and are able to exercise) remember that strong muscles can really help. I did lots of things--but did 100 leg lifts with weights per day---it did hurt like crazy since my knee was so bad. Now---I also have a RTKR in the future:pnc: Best of luck to all. Nancy
Wow Nancy you are really doing well....Love the son story my daughter was grossed out as glad Im not a nurse well at that time because your right you know all that stuff I had no idea glad you doing well keep in it but take it easy as well.........I wish i cold have exercised before hand but I couldn't wasn't allowed per Dr. but your right I think it helps....Keep posting.:)
He, Nancy! Definitel sounds lile you are way ahead of the curve! Keep up the great recup!!! ((:0)
Congratulations to you Nancy! Why? Your positive attitude, your doing the work before surgery and reaping the benefits, and for being diligent in your PT. Knowing what to expect and how to handle the experience is so very important. I know you will continue to thrive and work hard to use your knees so you can get back to living life!
My very best wishes on your continued recovery and your next TKR!
Hi Nancy!
Wow! Thank you for sharing your was very interesting to read. Since you are one day ahead of me (surgery-wise), it was especially interesting to read. Although one wise thing to do for all TKR patients is to NOT make comparisons with others, or even, your other knee...still, we do. LOL

I do have some thoughts about pre-surgical exercises. For me, the first TKR, I was able to do them, and I did them faithfully EVERY DAY...I do think that it made it difference in how fast I rebounded.

However, with this 2nd TKR, this knee has had persistent Baker's Cysts off and on for over a two-year time span. But, I was determined to try to do the pre-surgical exercises, knowing how much I would benefit. Well, I did them for about 3 nights...then the good old Baker's Cyst showed up and not only did he show up...he was more enlarged than ever before! I couldn't even walk it was so large. So, I called my OS's office, spoke to his office nurse, and she said to not do them while the Baker's Cyst made them painful. But to resume doing them, should the Baker's Cyst go away.

I spent literally, 2 weeks in the recliner doing nothing more than icing every 2 hours, wrapping the knee when out of the chair, elevating the knee when in the chair and resting maybe 22/7. Well, the Baker's Cyst did go down in size 5-6 days prior to surgery, but it did not go down in size enough to resume the pre-surgical exercises. So, I approached this second surgery without any pre-surgical exercises, whatsoever. I was reluctant about it, as I knew that the pre-surgical exercises were so beneficial on the first TKR. But, today it has been a week, and I'm doing VERY well (according to my home therapist). I've been walking with a cane since the day I was discharged from the hospital (last Friday afternoon), and although I don't know my "numbers"...I do know that the therapist was pleased with them, in spite of the swelling.

Now, I'm trying to determine whether I'm doing well because I was active up until the last Baker's Cyst or because of this...

In 1971 I was involved in an automobile accident, breaking my left femur -- which led to a 14" steel rod in my leg (it's still there) for years, I catered to my left leg. Then I had the LTKR done in 2007, and even though the right knee had taken a beating, catering to the left knee all those years, I still favored my left leg out of habit and never really developed the left leg quad as I should have...even in the days and weeks leading up to my RTKR. So, I can safely say that my right leg quad has be the stronger of the two since 1971 and even, I'm thinking that's why I'm doing so well now.

Sorry for the long dissertation, but I wanted to put things in perspective about my circumstance...but!

I do think that had I not catered to my left leg all these years, making my right leg quad stronger, then I would NOT be doing so well with this TKR.

Hope all that makes sense to anyone who was interested enough to read all that! LOL
Nancy, Its so great to hear that you are doing so so wonderfull.Just keep it going!!!
Great thread, guys! Excellent stories for those who are yet to have their surgery. I do believe in the benefits of pre-surgery exercises. It almost always makes the recovery a lot easier.
And it's just as important to exercise AFTERWARDS!!! Now I'm feeling inspired!/guilty.....I'm off to work out!!! :pnc:
:hissy: :thmb:
Stronger you are going in the stronger you are coming out! True

Well done all you peeps
Hi everyone,

On my first TKR, I had less than 2 weeks to prepare, so OS said stay off injured leg. Recovery has been very hard. With diligent pt, I have developed muscles I haven't had in years. Somewhere around 2 months, I started adding in left leg to equal out the muscles. Some of my therapists wouldn't allow the time for the exercises on the equipment with both legs, others did.

Now with the second TKR pending in two weeks, I try to compare the two legs and realize the right one is more muscular. Granted I have torn the meniscus in the left one twice in the last 3 months and had to pull back on it. Also the left leg has a good deal of swelling from the thigh to the ankle. So although my effort has been there, the results are yet to be known. Hope it is enough to make a difference this time.

If it weren't for this second meniscus tear at pt last Wed., I would still be doing aquatic aerobics 5 times a week with pt 3 times a week and feel ready. UGGGHHHH!!!!! :rant:
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