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Pre op skin & nose cleansing questions

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Sep 22, 2009
United States United States
I know someone here will know the answers for me.
I have to use bactroban ointment in my nose twice a day for 5 days pre op. The prescription was for 10 little tubes. Does anyone know how to properly apply/inject this stuff. I tried it this morning and it was gross! Like 2 blobs of snot filling my nose-UGH. I had to blow my nose after a few minutes. I din't know if you are supposed to keep it all in ther or not.
Anyone ever use this junk?
Also, I need to do a hibiclens shower the day before and day of surgery. It says to do a regular shower first, then turn off water, apply hibiclens from chin down, lather and let it stay on for 2 minutes, then rinse.
Do you use this soap on your privates too?
Yes, I am a nurse but I never had to deal with these pre op instruction before.
I did have to do the shower with that soap the night before nd the morning of . i didnt have the nose stuff ....maybe someone did that can help.........
The correct procedure (AFAIK) is to first blow your nose and wipe just inside the nostrils. Then put about 1ml at most on the end of your little finger and apply as far inside your nostril as you can, making sure you rub it well but gently all around. When both are done, squeeze your nose between thumb and forefinger and massage gently for a few seconds. Then you can gently blow and expel the excess, wiping just inside your nostrils again.

Am I Miss Know-it-all or what?
[] Pre op skin & nose cleansing questions
All I had to do was take a shower using dail bar soap the night before. Zippo that was all.
I only had to use Dial soap that morning and that's it. I've seen several post where they had to do so many different things...either I went to a germ free hospital...yeah right:sct: or they just didn't care if I was germy...:hehe:
Maybe it is just an East Coast thing? You know how dirty us New Yorkers are! :D
Bunnybabe,,just keep your nose clean,,,:p
,I think the doctors only request that for naughty peeps.
My doc had no special things for me to do,,but then I lead a pretty clean life.:hehe:
They told me to buy this expensive soap like 10.00 each at the pharm i wish i would have known about dial......

And yes you do Jo and were very happy about that ......your the bomb.....:hehe::bow:...(thats a good thing)....
Mark, I thought I heard that you had to bathe in Clorax!!!!!!!! :wink:
My docs just told me to take a regular shower...nothing special. Funny how all the hospitals are different.
Mark, I thought I heard that you had to bathe in Clorax!!!!!!!! :wink:

Say what? - ya heard what??:hissy:
Clorax? Clorax?? Clorax??

Ok little bunny,,when your in getting that knee fixed,,maybe have that hearing checked also,,that hearing is not so good either.:hehe:

Matter of fact
,my doctor said,
,hey Clunk,,your so clean maybe just sprinkle a little baby powder on and your good to go!! :thmb:
Wait,,I bet your were talking about that other Mark on here. Sorry,I should have known better.
My docs just told me to take a regular shower...nothing special. Funny how all the hospitals are different.

Whats a inregular,or unregular,or none regular,shower?

I know what a special shower is,,takes two!:hehe:
Whats a inregular,or unregular,or none regular,shower?

I know what a special shower is,,takes two!:hehe:

Baaaad boy, Clunker!!! I'm gonna have to rip one of those Gold Stars from your uniform.....

A "regular" shower means you don't have to bathe with any of that strange stuff the others were talking about or scrub down with "Clorax"....or Clorox either.

You sure had your Wheaties this morning, didn't you!
Baaaad boy, Clunker!!! I'm gonna have to rip one of those Gold Stars from your uniform.....

A "regular" shower means you don't have to bathe with any of that strange stuff the others were talking about or scrub down with "Clorax"....or Clorox either.

You sure had your Wheaties this morning, didn't you!

Jamie Jamie Jamie,
Where is the love?
You know how hard I have worked to get them 87 gold stars, that both you and Jo have given me for my excellent advice to others.
One little screw up and your going to de-star me?
Aww ,,thats ok,I am sure I will be earning allot more. matter of fact,,take a couple of more,,that way if I would HAPPEN to mess up again,we are even:hehe:

Oh and after much deep thought on this subject,,I think I have to vote for the special shower,rather then the regular one.:whis:

[] Pre op skin & nose cleansing questions
[] Pre op skin & nose cleansing questions
[] Pre op skin & nose cleansing questions

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