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Pre-Op Clinic

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junior member
Jun 21, 2008
Burlington ON Canada
I had my pre-op at the hospital today. 7 hrs. Started with 2 hr classroom session for upcoming knee & hip recipients. Included a session with a blood specialist about donating blood, a physiotherapist about what to expect at home, what equipment to rent or buy. We were given and reviewed a 57 page binder with all sorts of info. There was plenty of time to answer all questions. There were 5 people in the class today.

Next came interviews with various nursing specialists, 2 internists, a anethetist (sp?), blood work, an ECG, and x-rays.

I was very impressed with the amount of info provided, the concern of the various staff and the whole program.

It's on the surgery, Aug 11 at 1:00 PM at Henderson Hospital, Hamilton, ON Canada.

Sounds like you had a good intro! Hope it all goes well for you.
Wow! Sounds like they really prepare you! I had a 2 page handout and discussion with my OS. All the other stuff was scheduled and I showed up. Fortunately the OS was always willing to answer questions! But it would have been nice to have a class or something!

Good Luck on the 11th~
Wow--that was thorough...

My OS had a pamphlet, the hospital does a 2 hour class that was VERY good, with a large book that had everything you could possibly ask, and I had blood work, check-up with internist as well as OS. Sounds like much the same--but I like the idea of having it all at once!

Good luck on the surgery!
I've agreed to be part of a study called " Continuous Infusion of Bupivacaine Following Total Knee Arthroplasty" A small catheter is inserted into the knee at the end of the operation which delivers a constant flow of local anesthetic or placebo for 48 hours after surgery. The purpose is to reduce the pain but decrease the amount of morphine used. They will monitor the amount that patients use the pain pump. You have a 50-50 chance of getting the local anesthetic. There are all sorts of safety measures if a rash develops, etc.

I don't know if you ever find out if you had the real thing.

Vern... thank you for your post. I nursed my husband through 2 recent TKR's (each one 4 months apart) and I figured I didn't need to attend the pre-op class my hospital offers. But, I'm the type of person that feels more comfortable, the more I know, so after reading your experience, I think it'll be a good idea for me to attend the class.
Well we did Bill's pre Op today, blood, urine , ekg.They will call us on the 18th of Aug and let us know what time his surgery will be on the 19th! He can keep taking all his medicine except for his low dose aspirin. They gave us no exercises to do before the surgery. It was like we had to drag a lot of info out of them. We won't meet the surgeon until the morning of his surgery, or his anesthisiologist? That's the VA for you!
Sandie & Bill
I had mine today also! And I must say I'm am exhausted! That was one heck of a run! Today was the finally at the Hospital I gave blood at Sloan Kettering and I also had to give blood for some testing on my Heart,(I feel like a pin cushion!) But I also feel one step closer to my new life! August 14th here I come! I also have to say that over the last few weeks I have come to really enjoy Ny City! It is an incredible place! I want to tell you they have there stuff together like you would not believe! I am very comfortable at this point and time that everything will be just fine! I can't wait until next Thursday!!!
Ralph in Ct.
I am now signed in for a 2nd study. Last week I had a CAT scan of my heart as part of a "Vascular Events In Noncardiac Surgery Patients". I will have special blood tests 6 hrs after surgery and on Day 1, 2 & 3 after surgery. There is also follow-up at 3, 6 & 12 months

My OS is involved because of the incidents of silent heart attacks people have following joint replacement surgery. Since I had a silent heart attack back in 2001, (no joint replacement at that time) I was considered a good candidate for the study. It means that there will be more checks than normal.

Tomorrow is the big day. Can't wait to get the job done.

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