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Pre Op class

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junior member
Jan 21, 2009
United States
I had my pre op testing and class yesterday at the hospital. I must say I was very impressed wiith the presentation and their set up. The class lasted for over 2 hours. We had the nurse educator direct the class. In addition we heard from the anestiesologist, OT, Pharmicist, and a social worker. They went over in great detail everything we would encounter prior to surgery, during our hospital stay, and post hospital expectations and needs. We were give our own notebook which was about 3 inches thick of material.

There is one whole wing dedicated just to joint replacement. Three different doctors use the facilty actually they created the facility. Each one operates on a different day. We will eat and exercise as a group be in private rooms and even have our own seperate dining room. They seem to have it down to a science. It alleviated a lot of my concerns and I was able to get specific questions answered.
That sounds really terrific, maumee. Bet you're eager for the 'off' now, eh?
Best of good luck,Maumee! Post to let us know how you do! ;). You certainly wll be prepared!
That sounds really great. I would have loved to be with others who had the same procedure.
Maumee, good luck with your op. Maybe you should take the forum info in to give to the other patients?
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