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THR Posterior LTHR following accident


new member
Mar 19, 2023
United Kingdom United Kingdom
On January 28th I was visiting the university leisure centre and was getting changed after my swim - i was a very keen swimmer - and was getting changed in the disabled changing room (I already have a disability from a car accident many years ago - a broken pelvis and many other injuries). Slipped on the non slip tiles which were not properly maintained and cleaned and were like an ice rink. Have started a personal injury claim against the leisure centre. I am making slow progress but am really struggling with the restrictions. I am autistic and have had trouble understanding the instructions i was given when i left the hospital. They are very vague. I have had to use the internet to enlighten myself. The occupational therapist rang me last week They are not coming out for another 3 to 5 weeks!!! Any help or advice would be appreciated. I share the house with my estranged husband and 23 year old autistic son. Because it was an accident we did not have a chance to prepare the house which was already difficult for me because it is very small and cluttered. I am really struggling day to day with sticking with the rules - Im sure im breaking them a little bit with everything i do and am always sore. and the change in my life. Sorry to ramble on. Will I ever be able to put my shoes on again? I was always so independent even with my existing disability. I am trying my best to be positive. I have lost my confidence going out in public on my own because I am so worried about people bumping in to me - i have used crutches for years and it was always a problem - but my balance is far worse now than it was before the accident. Sorry about rambling on folks - it is a bad habit of mine!!! PS the surgery was on the 30th January
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:hi: @Murin
I am so sorry that after suffering the consequences of the car accident, you fell and had to have your left hip replaced.:console2:
Was your surgery done on the 28th of January?

This forum was very helpful for me during my recovery and I will leave you our recovery guidelines below. You can tap on the blue links to read some useful articles...

If you have any questions, do there are lots of friendly folks here, all in various stages of recovery who love to share advice and support.

Here are our Recovery Guidelines. Each article is short but very informative. Following these guidelines may help you have a less painful recovery.

Just keep in mind all people are different, as are the approaches to this recovery and rehab. The key is, “Find what works for you.“ Your doctors, PTs and BoneSmart are available to help, but you are the final judge as to the recovery approach you choose.

Hip Recovery: The Guidelines
1. Don’t worry: Your body will heal all by itself. Relax, let it, don't try and hurry it, don’t worry about any symptoms now, they are almost certainly temporary​
2. Control discomfort
take your pain meds by prescription schedule (not when pain starts!)​

3. Do what you want to do BUT​
a. If it hurts, don't do it and don't allow anyone - especially a physical therapist - to do it to you​
b. If your leg swells more or gets stiffer in the 24 hours after doing it, don't do it again.​

4. PT or exercise can be useful BUT take note of these

5. At week 4 and after you should follow this

6. Access to these pages on the website

BIG TIP: Hips actually don't need any exercise to get better. They do a pretty good job of it all on their own if given half a chance. Trouble is, people don't give them a chance and end up with all sorts of aches and pains and sore spots. All they need is the best therapy which is walking and even then not to excess.

We try to keep the forum a positive and safe place for our members to talk about their questions or concerns and to report successes with their joint replacement surgery.

While members may create as many threads as they like in a majority of BoneSmart's forums, we ask that each member have only one recovery thread. This policy makes it easier to go back and review history before providing advice.
Hi @Murin , I'm so sorry to hear of your difficulties, especially as they relate to feeling overwhelmed when given instructions. I do not have autism, but I suffered severe brain fog post-op. My OS's post-op staff was lovely to me, but they sent me home with verbal instructions on creating a meds schedule! I ended up calling them in tears, asking them to please send me written instructions by email attachment.

The greatest help of all when I felt (or still feel) confused is to post my questions and frustrations on this forum. The good people here have saved me when countless times when I was freaking out over adhering to post-op protocols or dealing with pain issues.

So welcome! You never have to be afraid to "be confused" here. Hang in there! :console2:
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