Post THR discomfort

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new member
Sep 27, 2009
I've been very interested to read about other peoples' experiences following hip replacement surgery. I am over the moon, and very happy indeed following my operation in June this year. The procedure has given me back my life, enabling me to walk and do gardening again. I do have a question however regarding discomfort. How would I know whether or not it is due to infection or just normal and to be expected? I experience it when sitting or when in bed. I cannot yet lie on my operation side, is this usual after 14 weeks. I do not need to see my surgical team again for 5 years as they were very pleased with my progress at my 7 week check up. Any comments please?
Hi, HipHip and welcome to BoneSmart. I absolutely LOVE your avatar!!! You've definitely got the spirit!

Actually 14 weeks is still in the "recovery" stage so you can expect odd aches and pains here and there. Some people don't, but many, many do feel some discomfort that eventually gets better with time.

I sincerely doubt that you have anything more than that. With an infection, you would have a fever, your hip would be red and hot. And it is likely that the pain would be pretty constant...not just when you were sitting or in bed.

What types of activity are you doing now? Do you have any pain when walking???
Hey Hip Im a knee so I dont know but listen to Jamie, I hope all that goes away soon but Im glad your happy with your new hip .....woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!
:hissy:Hi Jamie and Texas, very pleased to have replies so quickly. I love walking, it's the most comfortable thing I do. I take my dog into the nearby forest and walk for about an hour each time. I also do a lot of gardening which I feel gives my muscles a real workout, but no heavy digging-yet!
I was virtually housebound in the months leading up to my operation so life is wonderful and I really hope that other people who have had a hip replacement will also benefit from the advice you have given me. Once again, many thanks. Teresa
Good for you with the exercise!!! Good for your doggie too! It sounds like you are doing just the right things...some good activity and not pushing too hard yet. Be sure you are doing some stretching exercises now and then too and I feel pretty confident that your pain will subside with time.
Love your avatar. I love my new hip. As Jamie said you are still early in recovery. I was still taking pain meds at that time, but also hiking and swimming every day. My physical therapist told me to give it a good 8 months for things to settle down, so you may just have to give it more time.
Welcome by the way
14 weeks is still so early days. 3½ months, no less. Discomfort - normal. Unable to sleep on side - normal. All normal. Nothing to worry about at all. Tell the that in 6 months and then I'll say something different!
Thanks to all. It feels so good to be able to communicate with people who have experience of THR. I'm finding it very helpful to read of others' progress during their recovery periods, although I know we are all different and will improve at our own rate. I do take Paracetamol two or three times a day, but for its anti-inflammatory properties rather than as a pain killer. I experience discomfort but I would not describe it as pain, it is never that severe. Will keep updating my progress so that hopefully my experience will also be of help to others following their surgery. Regards, Teresa :thmb:
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