Post surgery update

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junior member
Jan 21, 2009
United States
Well I made it throught the suregery. I had LTKR on the 17th and was home on Sat night. I have to give my hospital staff credit. They were the best group I have ever seen in a hospital. The care was just outstanding every step of the way. If you are anywhere near NE Ohio I would suggest going to Geauga County Hospital which is a branch of University Hospitals.

My surgery had some complications. My OS told my wife that in 35 years doing this it was the worst knee he has ever seen. I had a knee realignment 30 years ago( without prior consent or discussion, they just went in and decided on their own to do it.) I call that surgery the root of all evil. My OS agrees he said there was nothing correct in what they had done. The result was massive scar tissue across the entire knee. It took him an hour and a half just to cut scar tissue to get to the joint.

Now the good news once he got there the bone was pristine and the ligaments were strong and intact. At that point the device fit like a glove and he had top do little cutting on the bone. He believes we can achieve a good result if we can 1) keep infection out, there is a very dangerous area where the scar lines cross which puts it at an elevated chance for infection. However in 35 years he has had one infection so with his hper vigalante protocol and massive antibiotics of the highest strength I think we will be OK. 2) If I can get ROM back before the scar tissue comes back. Lots of swelling but I am doing my PT and I left the hospital with 65 degrees extension. So I am hoping that I can balance rest with pushing and end up with my ROM back.
So glad that you are now on the other side of this surgery Maumee, Hopefully you get make it through this with NO infection and the scar tissue will behave its self untill you get through with your recovery. Sound like you have a good Doctor.
Best wishes for a great, trouble free recovery.

Chris :)
Keep working on that PT Maumee! And be really really vigilant about cleanliness; that infection danger is real even without any complicating factors like you wrote about! My surgeon was extremely worried about infection also and for the first 2 weeks did not allow showers. Even after the staples were out and the incision looked pretty well healed, I took extra care, washed my hands constantly and was paranoid about getting even a little cut (as in no new blade in the razor to shave my legs -- dull is good!!!) I have a gym buddy whose new knee got infected 6 months after the operation!! The doc had to open up his scar again and clean it out and luckily that was enough.
Keep working on the bend and the straightening; everyone recovers ROM etc at his/her own pace. I think it has a lot to do with how quickly the swelling goes down too; I found the more active I was - bending, stretching, walking alot and resting alot in between with lots of ice and elevation -- the better off I seemed to be. After about 6 weeks the swelling gets a lot better; I think the anti-clotting stockings help too if you have to wear them. I am also a firm believer in drinking lots and lots of water and I think the circulation through your body and into the blood stream helps with the swollen tissues too. That's not a medical opinion -- just my experience. If you're in pain, the pain meds help relax your knee and leg anough so you can do what you have to in PT. Otherwise your body tends to stiffen up against the pain and nothing gets accomplished. So take the pills - especially before PT sessions.
Good luck. You sound psyched -- and attitude is half the battle! It really gets better very quickly; you'll be surprised how quickly 4 weeks, then 6 weeks then 2 months will be!!! And the first week will become a distant memory very very soon!
So happy to hear you are through the surgery and on the road to a successful recovery, Maumee! Keep up the good work!!
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