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Post RTKR - 15 weeks: Crossing legs and Kneeling

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Mar 21, 2008
Kanata, Ontario
Canada Canada
I am just at 15 weeks post RTKR. Every thing is progressing well so far. A little stiffness and some slight aching on ocassion. I am wondering when it is safe to cross legs while sitting to put socks on? Right now, I just sit on the side of the bed with the leg bent on the bed to put socks on. To clarify! By crossing I mean putting the outside of the right ankle on top of the left knee while sitting.

Also, when is it safe to kneel on the operated knee? I find that I am very protective of the new knee at this time! I expect that some of you have have gone through this stage at some time and I would appreciate your thoughts.
Many thanks, Ross
I'm 11 weeks....I've been crossing for weeks....was I not supposed to?????
As for the kneeling....I was told (NOT by my OS) that it was forbidden....which makes me sick because I REALLY enjoy kneeling for communion. I'll ask the kneeling question tomorrow when I visit my Dr.
To clarify! By crossing I mean putting outside of right ankle on top of left knee while sitting.
Cheers, Ross
Ross, I've been doing that and sitting with my legs crossed now and then for several weeks. Also, I am not to kneel unless I have something padded under the new knee, so I don't crack my kneecap. No one said anything about crossing my legs. I do think there is something about keeping the toes and knee aligned while bending until at least 3 months... hope I didn't screw anything up! Wouldn't I know if I did??
Crossing legs is fine if you can do it! There's nothing I can see that you are going to harm by doing it though I wouldn't recommend it until the wound is well healed - maybe 3-5 weeks.

However kneeling is a no-no pretty much because it will HURT! Hence the suggestion of pads. Other than that I can see no reason why not and is yet another benefit of the MIS and mini incision approaches.
Josephine....are you saying that after TKR a person will never be able to kneel again? Ack!!! My gardening days would be over! Please say it isn't so!!!
I have been kneeling on my surgically repaired knee since week 7. I have no pain whatsoever in the TKR it just feels like there is a pad in front of the patella but no pain. I asked my OS and he had no problem with kneeling if it does not hurt.
dw6928.....I'm going to hold on to that thought. Thanks for giving me something to look forward to. Hopefully it will be the same for me too.
I don't have the nerve to try the kneeling just yet......but it's great to know that I will be able to!! yippeee
Not at all! Over time, the scars will be less painful. But there are other ways to garden. I've used things similar to these ....

[] Post RTKR - 15 weeks: Crossing legs and Kneeling

[] Post RTKR - 15 weeks: Crossing legs and Kneeling
I've been crossing my legs to put socks and shoes on for several weeks. Still get a sharp pain on the outside of the knee but I think that is related to the realignment of the new knee.
My Dr. told me I could get on the floor and grapple (fight) on the knee. My scar isn't sensitive. My son has tested it several times. Usually I'm on a carpet. It really doesn't hurt. I was hesitant at first. Actually I'm still hesitant but it seems o.k. the 5-6 times I've been on it.
Leg crossing is also bad in early stages because of blood clot issues, right? My Os said i could be gardening by this summer if i want and kneeling if my knees can tolerate it.
At 9 weeks I forgot and slid down on the floor to help my 19 month old grandson with something, not even thinking. Wow, stuck on the floor with no one else around. I almost panicked and call my husband to come home and get me up, but I had to basically roll over hang onto the sofa for dear life put my good leg up with foot on the ground for leverage to lift my body, but had to kneel on my new knee. I didn't put full weight on it, but I can tell you it hurt. But as far as crossing my legs, no one told me we couldn't and I have been, not sure when, just habit I guess and one day I noticed they were crossed.
I have a check up on Thurs. I will check with my OS and just see what his opinion is.
Oh Jamie, about gardening that is one of my loves. Where there's a will, there's away.
NO one can take that joy away from us. Those little cute things Josephine just sent look great to me. I really like my latest method though. I take my granddaughter out with me to do the things that I can't. ha ha
Kath, unfortunately you couldn't get my grandkids to help in the garden on a bet. They are a bit spoiled by their mother (our daughter) and they would think that was punishment. They are both preteen in age, but mentally they are full-fledged teenagers. I have used the little seat on wheels before. It works as long as you are working from the edge of a bed. My husband uses it all the time and loves it. I'm a pretty spastic gardener who is constantly moving from here to there and it's sometimes a pain to have to scoot the seat around so much. Maybe I just need to be more organized in my work! Anyway, I'm happy to know that eventually I would be able to kneel in the garden at some point if I wanted to. I'm sure it will work out. Heck, at this point, I'd just be happy to be OUT there!!! At a little over 3 weeks out from surgery, that is still just a dream.
Leg crossing is also bad in early stages because of blood clot issues, right?

Absolutely right. NO post op patient should sit/lie with their legs crossed in the early days, it can contribute to thrombosis. But that applies to any surgery not just knees and also just to the first 2-3 weeks. We were always un-crossing patients legs in recovery and some folks legs would just cross again as soon as we turned our backs!! It's one of those things that just sort of happen without you really thinking about it.

The reason it's a hazard is the calf of the top leg is compressed and therefore (technically) impedes blood flow. And slow or static blood clots.

Little known factoid: this is why all patients have ankle rests put under their 'at rest' legs when they are on the operating table.
Pattipoo, I'm with you...I too don't have the nerve to kneel yet at 9 wks post op. Been able to cross legs for about 3 weeks now, but the kneeling part has gotta wait - mentally can't handle that one yet!
It does feel odd. I'll grant that..Everything on the outside or right side of the incision is numb anyway so I guess that helps.
I talked to my dr. about kneeling, yesterday. He said that it wouldn't damage anything but would probably be uncomfortable....he said it could take a year until I would feel comfortable while kneeling. ....guess I'll be standing with the little ladies (I'll be the giant) in the corner this Sunday....
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