post op swelling

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Oct 14, 2007
United States
This may seem trivial but after 3 weeks I still get significant selling in my ankle and lower leg. My hip seems good but the problem is the ankle. any advice?
Hi there, kbarun. I believe that no question is ever trivial.

I would start off by assuring you that 3 weeks is no time at all. Just keep your leg elevated in between exercise and if you can, wear some support hose most of the day. Knee high ones would be good providing the swelling doesn't include your knee. Hope this helps.
Thanks. That is great advice and I'll go put on some socks now. Another question. I am seeing my doc for a follow up next week. I need to start driving but have been told 6 weeks for the right hip is normal. Other than the swelling I have no pain or discomfort. thoughts
I would say 6 weeks would be the absolute minimum. The problem is the position in which you sit. You can see in this picture how the hip is at 90 degrees flexion which is not good especially when you are pushing on pedals. You really need to take the advice of your PT or surgeon for this - different surgeons have different ideas on the optimum times for moving back into normal functions. Other things like climbing stairs and using a bath are also important to know.

[] post op swelling
my doctor was very adamant that i lay flat on my back not with my knees up it took 2 days but the swelling is gone...i had mine on the 16th ,,
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