new member
Not sure where this goes, please move to proper area. Am 70 yrs. young and always have been very active, not athletic, just active. Have been "waddling" for several years as I thought most of my leg pain was caused by bad lumbar discs for which I had received EPI shots for every couple of years. But an increase in "lightning" leg pain led me back to my Ortho. Surg. who x-rayed the hip, smiled and said "I can fix that, 100%". So on May 11th 2009 I received a new right hip joint. Believe its called an implant as its not cemented, has to let the bone grow into it. Surg. has told me he did not cut and reattach any muscles or ligaments, just had to slice a couple to get into the socket area so they should heal nicely. I have always healed fairly quickly from any injuries and have almost too high a pain threshold to be safe so thought this would be a cake walk. WRONG! Left the hospital on May 13th because I was so full of Percoset I could walk the corridor the proper distance. I seem to have twisted my knee 2 days after coming home and the exercises just seem to keep it from healing. I had home therapy till two weeks ago and then changed to out therapy. The latter therapist said I should NOT have been doing some of the exercises since it was an implant instead of cemented and the bone wasn't strong enough yet due to being drilled out. Anyway after 4 weeks the dull ache in the bone finally left me so I could get off the Percoset. It only masked it anyway, never quite took it away. Then of course I had some withdrawal symptoms from taking that junk for a month. Yes I'm glad it was there, I needed it but cannot believe people take it for fun. Anyway I'm at 6 weeks now and now have a new pain right in the groin area. A moderator has drawn a pic in the "PSOA TENDON" discussion on May 9th and that locates my pain as well. Its an area about 3" wide by 3-4" deep in the #2 and extending to #3. About 1" in from the side of the hip. Really burns when I put any weight on the leg. Seems to be right under the skin, not deep at all.Tylenol doesn't touch it. Any ideas? Believe I have the Anterior type as the incision is high on the hip. Will post a pic in the pic section if I can. Any suggestions will be appreciated. thanks.