Post Op Lifestyle?

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Mar 5, 2008
My husband a very fit vigorous 69yrs has to have a TKR in September. He is totally gutted by what his OS is telling him about post op lifestyle.

As well as run his own engineering business, we also operate a horse farm and he loves to do the farm maintenance, fencing, haying etc. Basically, he is being told to quit the farm and physical activities. The thought of selling the farm and the horses is, well devastating to us.

Is it really that restrictive?

I don't have as big of a "homestead" as you do...just a big backyard garden...but at about 4 and 1/2 months post-TKR, I am able to do a lot more in my garden than I have in years.

The past couple of summers, I tried to garden and could barely function out there, so it wasn't enjoyable.

Now I am expanding my vegetable patch, making new raised beds, building cold frames, putting up fencing, rototilling, etc. And I am doing almost all of it myself, since my husband doesn't share my interest in gardening. (Boy, is he gonna be surprised when he gets home today and finds out I have the back of his pickup truck full of horse manure!)

Anyway, my own experience is the opposite of what your husband's doctor is saying.

I think your husband should get a second opinion from another surgeon. Also there are probably lots of previous posts on this forum where people have asked similar questions, so you might go look at some of the earlier threads. I know a couple of months ago, there was a lot of discussion about horseback riding after surgery.

My surgeon says I can do anything I want to do. He recommends against things that involve falling, such as skiing and jumping out of planes. But I've met people who have gone back to skiing after having TKRs.

Welcome to the board.

I have a good friend that runs a landscaping/irrigation business - appx. 60 yrs.old....he and his son do ALL of the labor.....back breaking/bending/squatting labor.....he had a TKR and hasn't skipped a beat.
My Dr. told me the only restriction I would have is no running and heavy power lifting with the legs(deep squats with weights) . He did say I can get back into Karate and hike all I want to.
Hey y'all! My guy told me pre-op that I "could ride horses, play doubles tennis, swim, anything I felt like".......sounded like a tampon commercial. I have never heard of anyone being restricted to that extent.
Hey Castleton, I wouldn't have thought he would be that restricted, he sounds super fit too. I would definately get a second opinion. Where abouts are you in Canada? I'm in Ontario.

gatiger.... hey if my guy had told me I could do all that after I would have been shocked, 'cos I never rode or played tennis before I had my knee done!!!! lol.......I just hope to get back to hiking, swimming and being able to jive when I go to parties etc.
Did this new knee come with a dance function in it?? If so I can't tell my wife. I've used the bad knee as an excuse for years.
Castleton: The only restriction I have is running and repetitive lifting over 50 pounds...oh, and snow skiing downhill. I had my TKR 11/20/07 and except for some discomfort and cramping, Im riding the Harely, raking leaves, and all that outside stuff. I was told to let the discomfort be my guide in whatever I do. Your Hubby may have to get a clearification from the OS and may have to take it a little easy, but selling the farm is a bit big.
I pray that all goes well and Godspeed in your Hubbys recovery!
Thank you all for your encouraging words and humour. I will keep you posted! We live just outside Kingston, On for the person who asked!
I am restricted from running, or any contact sports - like I was going to start playing tackle football or something - and no high impact things. I also was told not to kneel without a good cushion as I might break my kneecap. That's all I was told. I was sent back to work with no restrictions at all - other than to travel business class when traveling international...but I kind of asked for that one :)
My OS said no jumping or basketball. Darn--- the Portland Trailblazers were counting on me until Greg Oden is cleared to play.

He also said no jogging--- and then added that he could never figure out why anyone would want to jog anyway. He says if it is too far to walk--- that is why he has a car! I love that man!

Basically he said, in my usual world, there is nothing I can do to hurt my knee.

I think common sense is the key. Think a little about exact what was done to our knees and what could possibly UN-do it and go from there.
Castleton.. You are in Kingston then? My friends daughter goes to Uni there. I live in Orangeville, just north of Toronto. Hope all is going well for you.
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