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Post Op excruciating pain

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junior member
Apr 17, 2008
United States
Its 7 days post op and all seams to be going great. If I go from lying down to standing the pain is so excruciating that i feel I might pass out. After a good 15 mins I can get it to pass. It feels like a massive blood rush. I quit using compression to see if that would help, but it hasnt. There is no way this can be common pain because it its off the pain charts. It has gotten progressively worse. I will call my doc first thing in the am to find out what is wrong
Can you tell me more about it, Vern? Does the pain arise in your calf, your thigh, where? Where does it start and where does it go to?

Does your leg swell with it, does it change colour, does the skin get numb to the touch?

These would help me get a better picture ...
It feels if it is comming from the thigh and moving to the knee joint. There seems to be no color, swelling or any other variations. The wound looks good and i dont see any addtional swelling any where.
The pain is coming from the top of the thigh. I know that my surgeon did not split my thigh but was able to move it to the side. He did say it was the biggest thigh he has worked with. No sure if that matters.
Is it at the point indicated by the red strip, Vern? Or thereabouts ...

[] Post Op excruciating pain
Sorry Josephine, It start at the bottom of my thigh or right at the top inside of the inplant. It starts and stops there. There is a bruise the size of my fist at this location. After the pain starts to subside I go into uncontrollable shivvers. Prior to this I feel great and almost 100 % pain free, as if I could get up and run, but as soon as my foot hits the floor it more pain than I have ever felt before.
Today no change I did notice that when my foot head for the floor my lower leg veins start bulging out of the skin. I have always had my TED's on before. I don't get up the pain is so bad. I keep testing it to see if it is getting better.
Waiting for a call from the surgeon.
Whoa I am Really Sorry to hear about your suffering. Since it is now going into the second day have you considered just heading to the emegency room? I am assuming you can get there of course.
Hope you get this attended to ASAP.
I kind of agree with gloucesterman(I should be able to get the spelling right I am from New England)
I was worried about blood clots. Call your surgeon's office back and discuss this with his nurse, or better yet, the ER
I doubt it's blood clots, per se - doesn't sound right. What I think it MIGHT be is a haematoma created by a little bleed soon after the op. These collections of blood can be very painful.

In any case, this does need seeing by a doctor, preferably the OS, pretty soon if only to reassure. You shouldn't be suffering this way.
Vern. After my TKR I used to have excrutiating pain from knee to ankle but only when I first stood up. After walking to the washroom in the hospital room it would usually subside a bit. It was as if all the blood in my leg would rush down, my doctor couldn't explain it. I had an ultra sound incase it was blood clots but all was clear. It got better during the second week if I remember.

Hope you get it sorted soon. Good luck. Sue
Vern, I sure hope by now you have had someone look at your leg or at least discuss it on the phone. I don't think you should try to wait it out and the Emergency Room may be your best bet if you can't get a response from your surgeon. Please take care of yourself!!! And let us know how you are.
Thanks for everyones help and concerns. It turns out its massive blood rush. I have a very large quad muscle that holds lots of blood. It will pile up when elevated and rush to the injured site as soon a I tried to stand up. I have not had a ace rap since leaving the hospital. With compression shorts, wrapping my knee and ted socks I can control it some what. My doc says I am not out of the woods until sometime in my second week. I use a daily routine to get my foot to the floor slowley. It takes about 30 mins for me to stand and another 10 for most of the pain to subside. I'm looking forward to being out of the woods on this one. On the positive I did 5 min on the elliptical yesterday.
Sorry you have that pain, but at least you know what is happening. I hope it gets better
Wow, I'm sure glad you found out what was causing your pain. It's good that you have a way to deal with it and know that it will get better. That must help your mental state a lot! Please continue to take good care of yourself!
I do remember having something like that as well. It wasn't as debilitating as what you are experiencing--- but wasn't fun. It did pass after a while--- never to return! Glad to know what it is and that all is well with your new knee. Take care of yourself!
I am so glad you found out what was going on with your leg!
Thank goodness it was not anything more serious. I can't imagine what you are going thru. Hopefully, this will pass very soon.
You are in my prayers.
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