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TKR Post op 12 weeks TKR

Thank you for your reply, very kind, it is the left need and 26th September 2024.
So me worrying about the bend, is not a concern? I see so many people at 120 dgrees week 3 and 4, and i find it quite depressing.
Thank you
I feel for you. I am the exact same way. It is so depressing to find that you are not one of the quick ones in getting their flexion back. I have a doctor appointment Wed. and am scared to death about it, as he has already said that I might need a MUA. My flexion is only in the 70's after 8 weeks.

Good luck. Hoping knowing that there are others out here just like you will make you feel more "normal" in this journey. :console2:
Hi, is it normal, (knowing there is no normal, or only normal for you) my knee seems to be getting worse, 14 weeks now, more like a board everyday
Bend seems to be disappearing. When i try and bend its like a brick wall, that i cannot even force any further than the wall.
I regressed in my bending at about the 6 week point. My PT was appalled and emailed my surgeon to get me in quickly to talk about a MUA. I'm a coward and made my DH take the phone call from the doctor and he just told the doctor's office that "no, we will keep our January appointment. Period". I actually quit my PT classes cause I just couldn't bear to have them depress me and hurt me so much. Then I got covid and didn't even do my home exercises. I haven't been back to PT since before Christmas. Yesterday I finally started home exercises again and last night my leg kept me awake quite a bit from the pain. I even had a nightmare about my upcoming doctor appointment and what all he wanted to do to me! :loll:(which didn't feel funny at the time I woke up all sweaty and worried!).

This journey seems awful, but everyone on this forum is so helpful and encouraging. I swear I would have given up and just turned to dust on my couch without everyone's stories of their recoveries and all the positive encouraging ideas and thoughts from this forum.

Even tho I have a hard time staying positive, I'm telling you to stay positive and keep trying. Time seems to be our friend right now. Along with patience. :console2:
Thank you Jockette, wishing you lots of luck. Same happened to me, was expecting to see consultant December, called the hospital to be told not until February, after he told me 5th November i needed intense physio as quads bot working.
Its such a hard journey, you never know if you are doing enough?? Doing the right thing? Had to cancel my PT for a few weeks as i cant afford it after xmas.
Thinking of you and please let me know how you are getting on
Thank you for your reply, very kind, it is the left need and 26th September 2024.
So me worrying about the bend, is not a concern? I see so many people at 120 dgrees week 3 and 4, and i find it quite depressing.
Thank you
I feel for you. I am the exact same way. It is so depressing to find that you are not one of the quick ones in getting their flexion back. I have a doctor appointment Wed. and am scared to death about it, as he has already said that I might need a MUA. My flexion is only in the 70's after 8 weeks.

Good luck. Hoping knowing that there are others out here just like you will make you feel more "normal" in this journey. :console2:
Hi Westiemum, wishing you loads of luck. It does help thank you. This is a good forum as you don’t have members telling you how great their bend is and how great their journey. Members are kind and like minded souls on similar journeys which really helps
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Happy Posting! :flwrysmile:
Question people, does anyone else have experience of bend getting worse? Max bend has been 90 am around 70, is this normal? I expected it to improve? Sorry if i sound like moaning thanks
Yes, this can happen if we’re doing more activity than the knee is ready for. Often a lower number indicates swelling. The knee can’t bend well when it is swollen.

3 and a half months is still early days, in this year long recovery.
Hi poppypony,
Please don't feel like you're moaning when you're only asking a question out of concern, that's what we're here for, as well as all members, to advise, note their experiences and support one another. Thanks for your willingness to share here.

If you have persistent swelling it may be hindering your bend. If you feel this may be a factor, revert to icing and elevating on a regular basis, it's not too late. Just as overactivity can lead to swelling, so can underuse as you're not maintaining flexibility and strength. Also, I wonder if you're subconsciously limiting yourself due to discomfort or pain. Improvement is possible over the next several months, even longer really as many still notice progress into their second and third years post op.

Best wishes as you continue healing!

My flexion went from 80+ to 70 something. My personal opinion is because PT forced too much on my knee and I was always swollen and in pain. I actually quit going to PT before Christmas to take a break, then got Covid so stopped. I haven't been there since 12/15. When I was at my OS appointment Wednesday, he said flexed my knee and said I was at 90 degrees. So I actually got better by doing absolutely NOTHING. :happydance: Everyone on here with experience says to take it slow (against almost all doctors' advice) and we will get better. I am living proof of that.

I still walk like a zombie, but it's on 9-1/2 weeks since my TKR. I'm not using my walker hardly at all (but take it with me if I leave the house, just in case). I'm on meds that make me dizzy and lose my balance a lot, so I was pretty scared to trust myself to walk without the walker.

Hope my story of being totally lazy and sick to do hardly any exercises, mostly just ADL, and still improve helps you to feel better about yourself. :friends::SUNsmile:
Question people, does anyone else have experience of bend getting worse? Max bend has been 90 am around 70, is this normal? I expected it to improve? Sorry if i sound like moaning thanks
Thank you so much for your comments and yes i have been doing too much for me. Was taking stronger painkillers to help with more exercise and tonight my knee has swollen right up! Plus been sitting at my desk longer all week working. Will take your advice and rest up more. Thank you x
Everyone is so helpful, thank you all, this is a great forum with great people, good luck people and hang in there.
Another quickie, the last week i have had more pain, inside my knee. Making it harder to walk, do i just ride it out, will come right? I just never know if i am doing the right thing. Thanks ❤️❤️
yes i have been doing too much for me. Was taking stronger painkillers to help with more exercise and tonight my knee has swollen right up
Please understand that it's not a good idea to take pain meds before PT so you 're able too push harder, as this can mask pain, which is a signal from your body that you're overexerting. You can harm yourself doing this with increased inflammation and more pain. Work within your pain tolerance instead for a more effective recovery, without setbacks and time in the ODIC (Over Did It Club)
i have had more pain, inside my knee. Making it harder to walk, do i just ride it out, will come right?
Try rest and ice and avoid overactivity and see if it helps. You're only four months into a recovery that lasts a full year for most.

Have a lovely weekend, poppypony!

My flexion went from 80+ to 70 something. My personal opinion is because PT forced too much on my knee and I was always swollen and in pain. I actually quit going to PT before Christmas to take a break, then got Covid so stopped. I haven't been there since 12/15. When I was at my OS appointment Wednesday, he said flexed my knee and said I was at 90 degrees. So I actually got better by doing absolutely NOTHING. :happydance: Everyone on here with experience says to take it slow (against almost all doctors' advice) and we will get better. I am living proof of that.

I still walk like a zombie, but it's on 9-1/2 weeks since my TKR. I'm not using my walker hardly at all (but take it with me if I leave the house, just in case). I'm on meds that make me dizzy and lose my balance a lot, so I was pretty scared to trust myself to walk without the walker.

Hope my story of being totally lazy and sick to do hardly any exercises, mostly just ADL, and still improve helps you to feel better about yourself. :friends::SUNsmile:
Bless you for Your post, very encouraging. I am
Poorly now and doing next to nothing, as feel too ill. So lots of rest. Hoping my knee improves do you or anyone reading my post know how to release pinched nerve in my buttock / pelvis, sciatica, other leg to operated knee, as its making walking very painful ! So want to be better all round. Don't mean to be negative as i am such a positive soull normally x
know how to release pinched nerve in my buttock / pelvis, sciatica, other leg to operated knee, as its making walking very painful
Have you tried Ice to reduce inflammation or Heat to relax the tight muscle pressing on the nerve? Try alternating both? Gentle massage may help also. OTC meds temporarily. I am sorry you're having such a rough time of it, poppypony. :console2:I do hope you find some relief and begin feeling better soon.
@poppypony. RTKR 9/16/24. I also got a new stiffness setbaçk a week ago on the outside & lower from the knee. No new activities to trigger it, just woke up feeling like an old school wooden ruler got inserted alongside my knee joint. Wish we had ßoft tissue x-ray eyes so we could see what's happening. Dfid a bunch of scar tissue just stitch tissues together? I àm doing occasional massage in that area, hoping to re lease whatever it is.
So sorry to hear you're not doing well. There are so many bugs out there, everyone is getting sick. In my area, they've actually closed schools for a week as so many children were sick.
Right now I'm fighting a cold and feeling miserable. I've not done exercises for about a week or so either. Just cannot motivate myself while feeling so crappy, so I totally get where you're at.:blackcloud:I hope better times ahead for you (and all of us here on this journey). Just take care of yourself for now - sometimes that's the best we can do.
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