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Possible complication from prior Osteotomy

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Jan 14, 2008
United States United States
Josephine - I have been having lots of pain and spasms in my thigh (quadraceps, particulary on the sides of my thigh) and in my calf just below my knee. It dawned on me that since I had an osteotomy 7 years ago that altered the positioning of my knee by 4%, and that my doctor straigtened back out with my TKR, I am feeling this pain due to the tendons, ligaments, and muscles adjusting to the change in the degrees back from 4% to 0%. I think it is making the progress a bit slower and somewhat more painful than it would have been.

I mention this in case anyone else has had a previous high tibia osteotomy and has these same symptoms down the road. It eased my mind to realize that the additional pain is probably due to that and nothing more serious. My PT says I'm doing great, so I have to believe I'm making progress. It is just so darned slow!!

For those of you that are the praying sort, I'd appreciate prayers as I work to determine when to return to work. My boss wants me back 2-1, but I am still unsure. I see my doctor 1-30. My TKR was 12-17. I would be working completely from home, but it is still a stressful and high paced job.

God bless you all! We're on the journey to healthy knees together. Always a few bumps in the road and a few detours, but we'll get there if we just stay focused.

Skeet, I think you are spot on about your pain. Have you considered using a TENS machine on the areas that are troubling you most? Could be very beneficial.

As for your return to work, 6½ weeks is far too early. I would have said 8 would be a minimum and probably more under the circumstances. You have had a very major op and are going to need longer than that to be able to return to work. Don't let them rush you.

And you have my prayers. In fact, all of you are in my prayers. I think of you all as my little family that I care about very much. (where are those cute little emoticons when you need them!!)
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