Popping & BBlike item under skin at 6 mos

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new member
Dec 21, 2008
United States
At six months I still have popping in the knee when I walk.

In the kneecap area there is also something hard under the skin that feels like a bb.

Any ideas?
(Jo, a BB is a projectile metal shot from an air gun) Where do you feel a BB? On top of your patella, the side of the patella, where? I think to get rid of the popping sound, you need to work on strengthening your quadraceps (thigh) muscle more. Get it very strong and it will fire at 100%. The other alternative is you may need a lateral release........
My OS did a lateral release on each knee during my BTKR as my patellas were not tracking properly within the groove provided by the implant.
Ah! Thanks Crystal, I remember now.

Well, Bruce, you can still get little nodules and lumps occur that are nothing to do with your TKR. Could be one of those which are totally harmless. If it worries you, get it checked out by your doctor.
Actually, the place that feels like a BB is above the patella. It can be seen visually. And there is a second one that I am beginning to notice.
Hi Bruce, Welcome. I havent heard of anything like that on here. Thats strange if it was never there before this. I sure hope it doesnt hurt. Well someone will see this and maybe had something like that. Sorry I couldnt help. Hang in there, hope you get your anwers soon............
Thanks for your concern. Thankfully, the little bumps don't hurt.

The popping is annoying,but also not painful. I know others on here have had popping. Does it ever go away?
Bruce, yes it should at least lessen with time....if not go away completely.
I have so many lumps, bumps and nodules on my body, I can't count them anymore! What you feel is probably a fibrous or a fatty lump or nodule. Very common and easily removed under local if you so desire!
Saw the orhopedic today. He says the little bumps are where he put sutures. He did not way whether these would go away, The popping he said might be a tendon or perhaps scar tissue. He said we should just keep an eye on it. It is very annoying, but does not hurt.
I know its annoying but if it doesnt hurt Im happy for you. I did and do have some lil marks like that I was told they will go away...We'll see...I am glad you dont have anymore pain thought at 6 mths that is terrific and thanks for posting that. People like me at 10 1/2 weeks love to hear that...Thanks for sharing it really does help. Hope your popping goes away soon..
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