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Please help me

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Feb 20, 2008
Chillicothe, Ohio USA
I had a total knee replacement on Jan 10th of this year so I am 6 weeks out today. I am 55 year old woman that had constant pain in my knees before surgery and had received many different treatments and finally decided on tkr. I feel so stupid that I allowed this to happen and knew so little as to how recovery would go. Three years ago I had gastric bypass surgery and lost 150 pounds and I completely learned everything about that but for something as serious as this surgery i did nothing. I had a passive motion machine for 3 weeks after surgery and got to 95 degrees with that but going to therapy 3 days a week at 6 weeks out the furthest I can get is 75 degrees on the bike at pt. I go to my surgeon for my 6 week check up and I am terrified he will force my knee or want to put me out to do a manipulation.
I live in Ohio and its dark and dreary and I'm in pain and I'm so depressed I can't stand it.
Can someone tell me this gets better because it sure doesn't seem like that will happen anytime soon.
Before surgery I was living on pain meds and I know that wasn't something I should continue for the rest of my life but right now it feels like a better option than what I'm feeling now.
I am on prozac and have been on it for years so I thought my depression was under control but this feels different.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hey, it gets better. I have been where you are. I was so depressed my doctor increased my anti-depressant dosage and it really helped. Pain and healing as well as the frustration that comes with them really take it out of you. We've all felt that way - guaranteed. As for your range of motion (ROM), just keep doing what PT says. If you doctor wants more, he can put you out and increase it under a general. I hear it isn't that big of a deal, and it's better than not having the ROM to live a normal life. Use pain meds as you need them. I'm at 9 weeks and I have gone from 12 a day to 2. So, the pain lessens, honest. I found that I had a big shift in pain and ability at 6 weeks, at 8 weeks, and I hope again at 12 weeks. I'll be praying for you. we're here for you anytime. God bless you, dear! You will make it.

My heart goes out to you..... so many of us have found ourselves dragged down by this experience.... I know I have written more than my fair share of posts very late at night as I sat and just sobbed from pain and discouragement. I have found this group of caring, giving people to be a lifeline. I hope it will be useful to you as well.

I am 8 weeks post-op from PKR and 5 weeks post-op from Lumbar decompression surgery (an unexpected "emergency" surgery due to nerve damage and probably caused by severe limping before the KR). Between the knee pain, back pain, and being shut up inside in the Oregon rain I had days and nights I wasn't sure if I *wanted* to make it through.

But today was the best day I have had in months and months and months. Pain under control, a good report from the neurosurgeon that leads me to believe the nerve will recover and I won't have to wear a foot/ankle brace
much longer, a knee that is getting better every day, and an actual shopping trip! I drove myself to the doctor and went to about 5 different stores and probably spent too much money just in my joy of being able to get out and do something "normal".

Hang in there..... let your doctor help you with the depression and getting your ROM going....

Stay with us here on this site... there are many who will support you.

We're all behind you, I promise. I had my surgery 3 days before you did. You seem to be very anxious about your ROM right now....that may be affecting your workouts. Do everything you can, right before PT, to relax, soaking bath....great music....great smelling lotion (hey gals....I heard on the news that women over 50 should buy body spray to smell like grapefruits!!!!....don't know why, but I bought me some at Bath and Body and it smells GREAT..just a side note).....back on're clean/smelling like a grapefruit/warmed up/swaying to the music/taking your meds and going to PT. Keep that relaxed attitude and take that "bend" a weeee bit farther than you did yesterday. the same.

Best of luck to you. We've all hit the wall a time or two! (or four)
Let me take a shot at this one. Newwoman, I know exactly how you feel becaause I felt the same way a couple of weeks ago. TKR on 12/27, so I'm at 8 weeks post-op. I can look back and give lots of suggestions, mostly from the perspective of don't do what I did. I think everyone on this board will agree that none of us were really prepared for this. All of us have struggled with some aspect of the recovery process, pain, depression, discouragement, impatience, whatever we have fought dragons at some point. I too had my 6-week followup knowing the doc wasn't going to like my ROM, he gave me 4 more weeks of 'aggressive therapy' and mentioned the "manipulation". I have gained about 15* in the last 2 weeks my leg is MUCH stronger, and I'm mosstly pain-free unless I'm pushing it. This recovery is not a smooth upward line on a graph, its more like a stock market report. One minute things are up and the next they're down; the important thing is what happens over time. Don't compare days or even weeks, focus on accomplisments-no matter how small. Remind yourself of what you can do today that you couldn't do 2 weeks ago. Hang in there lady, work hard and pray hard, God bless you, you will make it.
Hmm - stock market report!! I like that! Very good description.

Be encouraged, Newwoman. Come here and vent, share and seek friendship and support. We're here 24/7. And here for you.
"Blind pigs and acorns" whatever. Thanks though. Newwoman, go back through my older posts and I think you will see some simularities with yourself. There are better days ahead, trust me. I will not promise you that it will be easy, but it can be done. There is nothing magical about it, no secrete for success that people aren't telling you; it is hard but worth the effort. I know if a wuss like me can do it anyone can.
Newwoman, please go read what I posted under the topic "4 months post surgery." I was feeling very discouraged at 6 weeks, too. I really started to feel better and optimistic at about 12 weeks. I know that must sound like forever right now, but it's not. You just have to keep doing the best you can, like you are right now.

I don't know if you're a spiritual or religious person, but I used my enforced time of being isolated, especially the lonely, long nights when I couldn't sleep due to pain, for inspirational reading, prayer and meditation. (Oh, yeah, I would usually take some more pain meds then, too.) It really helped me a lot, especially on dark, cold nights when I just felt like there was no end in sight.

Please keep posting here--there are great people going through this with you and they will help!

I can't thank you all enough for your kind words and I will definately continue to post to this site. I saw my ortho surgeon yesterday and he gave me a shot of cortisone to bring down any possible swelling but after my therapy session today I think I need to jump right ahead to the manipulation. I've called the surgeon's office and I am scheduled for Weds at 8am and then immediately following it I go to pt. To say I'm afraid would be an understatement but as my adult daughters tell me it is what it is so go to it. I've prescheduled my 3 therapy sessions next week for Weds. Thurs and Fri. so I can get the most out of the manipulation. Have any of you had this before. My surgeon acts like it's no big deal but I guess it's not happening to his leg is it?
I was on pain meds for so long before the surgery because of two bad knees that the pain meds doesn't really help alot but I'm sure praying I'm wrong.
I called my general practioner and am getting my antidepressents upped so maybe the attitude will change.
Hope everyone has a decent weekend and that not everyone has snow and ice to deal with but sunny skies.
Will be thinking of you - don't doubt it! I've not had the manipulation but if it's necessary, you can handle it! You handled the surgery!!!! They'll make you as comfortable as possible AND you'll have meds afterwards....come back here as soon as possible so we can kiss the booboo and make it feel better for you!
Let us know how the manipulation goes. I think we are all curious about it. I'm sure you'll do just fine.
Pattipoo, I'm was trying to figure out the grapefruit thing. I was telling my wife about it, and she said she had some. I told her I would rub some gun oil on and probably feel better. She nixed it.
Frankly, I prefer the smell of gun oil to grapefruit...
I figured you would jump on that when I wrote it. I was a firearms instructor for many years at the police academy. We used to joke about using the solvent Hoppes #9 for cologne
I believe it. I love the smell of all citrus. I use the orange oil on the kitchen cabinets. Remember I live in Florida. Citrus is our business. When I was a kid we would sneak into the groves and have a war with rotten fruit. If we wanted to initiate a new comer, we would throw them under the tree where they put the rotten fruit. You have never seen nats so thick. And you haven't lived until you've been in a mango war!!
Newwoman: Man do I feel your pain and discomfort. I had to sit here and rethink things before I wrote my post. First of all, just as everyone said here....It will get better. We went through a very serious procedure. Our body has been invaded by a prosthesis, our femor and tibea have been cut off and replaced with metal knee! Our body is in physical pain and our mind is in emotional pain. We are thinking, will it ever get better? Why did I do this? Is something wrong? Its cold out, we cant even open a window for fresh air. How will I get to the bathroom? YES, we have all been there, we made it and so will you. Everyone on this forum has experienced everything that you are saying. Speaking for myself, If I wasnt on an anti depressant and a sleep aid prescribed by the Dr. I would be locked up in a Mental Ward. You must remain dilligent in your recovery and PT. You must also remember that your a mouse click away from your best supporters in the world!
Respects and Godspeed in your recovery to your new life!

PS: As for the pain killers, I was on the for about 2 years prior to my TKR. I was so loaded up after my operation, nothing seemed to help, not even Oxy's or Dilauded....but just as my Dr. and everyone else said, one day soon you will feel better. Guess what, Had my TKR 11/20/07, today I was shoveling snow, yesterday I was cutting firewood! Now, Im finishing a hardwood floor and tomorrow I gonna paint a wall in my basement. Im doing all this on one 5 mg percoset a day for pain. OK, Sorry to ramble on but I just want you to know you are loved here in this forum and all the people are great. Dont be afraid to ask the Chief TKR Guru Josephine your questions, she is the one who has the time and experience.
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