I am 4 1/2 weeks post-op and doing well. My ROM isn't quite where the therapist wants it (I am at about 85 degrees and she thinks it should be past 90 at this point.) but I am working hard at improving it. I walk with a rollator rather stiff-legged right now but am working on that too.
My goal is to return to work four weeks from today. I am hoping to be using a cane by then but I guess time will tell. My administration has been wonderful offering to allow me to stay out longer should I need the time. However, I am a teacher and feel it is really important to start the school year with my classes myself. My therapist and doctor both feel it is a realistic goal for me to return to work in four weeks so I am doing my best to work towards it. I will be 8 1/2 weeks post-op when school starts.
When did others return to work? My doctor said I could drive at 6 weeks post-op and return to work at 8 weeks. Is this time frame the average?
My goal is to return to work four weeks from today. I am hoping to be using a cane by then but I guess time will tell. My administration has been wonderful offering to allow me to stay out longer should I need the time. However, I am a teacher and feel it is really important to start the school year with my classes myself. My therapist and doctor both feel it is a realistic goal for me to return to work in four weeks so I am doing my best to work towards it. I will be 8 1/2 weeks post-op when school starts.
When did others return to work? My doctor said I could drive at 6 weeks post-op and return to work at 8 weeks. Is this time frame the average?