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Planning to Go Back to Work

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Mar 2, 2009
United States
I am 4 1/2 weeks post-op and doing well. My ROM isn't quite where the therapist wants it (I am at about 85 degrees and she thinks it should be past 90 at this point.) but I am working hard at improving it. I walk with a rollator rather stiff-legged right now but am working on that too.

My goal is to return to work four weeks from today. I am hoping to be using a cane by then but I guess time will tell. My administration has been wonderful offering to allow me to stay out longer should I need the time. However, I am a teacher and feel it is really important to start the school year with my classes myself. My therapist and doctor both feel it is a realistic goal for me to return to work in four weeks so I am doing my best to work towards it. I will be 8 1/2 weeks post-op when school starts.

When did others return to work? My doctor said I could drive at 6 weeks post-op and return to work at 8 weeks. Is this time frame the average?
I'm a nurse and went back at 4 weeks and regret it terribly. I did not have other options as was in danger of losing my job if I didn't return. I did alright but as my doctor told me it would just take longer to heal than some. It has.
I'd take as much time off as you are allowed to build up your strength. If your doctor and PT agree to it then 8 weeks is probably fine. But be careful and take good care of yourself. Don't keep going if you are not up to it.
I am a CPA, and made the mistake of going back at 3 1/2 weeks. I figured, it was mostly a desk job, so.......well, I ended up laying on the floor of my office much of the time. Probably set myself back on recovery.

6-8 weeks would have been a more realistic return-to-work time frame for me. I am now 10 weeks out and it is much better. A little advice:

-Don't plan any "extra" activities those first few weeks of returning to work. I kid you not when I say you will be wiped out. When you get home, just plan on icing/elevating/sleeping.

-Figure out a way to ice and elevate at work. Can't overemphasize this.

-Make yourself walk some every hour to keep the stiffness from setting in too much.

-If at all possible, phase in to full time. It's tough to start out smack with 8+ hours a day plus the commute. (Also, you may still be doing PT sessions on top of work? I am.)

Sounds like you have a very reasonable and workable game plan. I wish you the best!!
:thmb:Big Red.....Sounds like you're on schedule for everything go back GRADUALLY! Jo has a great schedule for returning to work....just PACE yourself! We're ALL different in our recup......just be FLEXIBLE!!! Good luck!!::flwr:
Judles, you spiked me! Here's my suggestion for a phased return to work; use that and 8 weeks is very doable ... the trick is to have days of in-between ...

week 1: Tues, Thurs 10-3
week 2: Mon, Wed, Fri 10-3
week 3: Tues, Thurs full day
week 4: Mon, Wed, Fri full day
week 5: normal duties
:wub::Jo! YOU are the maven HERE! I just read Red's post first, is all! Hope you are feeling well! We had a near tornado here last night! Happy things have settled down!!:flwr:

I went back to work at 6 weeks working full eight hour days. My job is mostly sedentary, so I didn't have to worry about standing on my feet all day. The advice to get up and walk frequently is a good one to follow. I also had a freind at work who had knee surgery about a year ago and brought his Cryocuff coooler for me to use to ice my leg at work. I also bought one of those things that look like bike pedals that just sit on the floor and did that for five minutes every two hours. That helped prevent some of the stiffness. Using all these tricks made my return fairly easy. Good luck.

Yep just dont go full speed ahead take it easy. Only do what you feel comfortable...I so love that chart Jo...its been it so makes sense......Good Luck BigRed...

I went back to work at 6 weeks working full eight hour days. My job is mostly sedentary, so I didn't have to worry about standing on my feet all day. The advice to get up and walk frequently is a good one to follow. I also had a freind at work who had knee surgery about a year ago and brought his Cryocuff coooler for me to use to ice my leg at work. I also bought one of those things that look like bike pedals that just sit on the floor and did that for five minutes every two hours. That helped prevent some of the stiffness. Using all these tricks made my return fairly easy. Good luck.

Big Red..I went back at six weeks....full time. That was too much. I should have tried to do Josephines schedule...First couple of weeks, I think I crawled home..sat down and slept.

I know being home is boring...BUT it is better to heal and recouperate well before going back to work...think if one of those kids has a fit and hits that new knee area....OWWWIE. :shk:
Sounds like you are making good progress. I was about ROM 95 degrees at 4 weeks.

Take care
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