I had TKR done on my right knee and requested in home therapy because i could not drive.
1st visit was to evaluate and measured day 1 after surgery. My spinal block was still active and i was able to bend my knee around 87 deg. Leg and ankle was swollen. It appears they use this as a starting point. So far pain was tolerable and no issues other than stiff and swollen.
4th day after surgery a different TP assistant visited with a pushy attitude. The comments she made sounded like i was into a few weeks after the surgery and was not achieving what i was suppose to.
She started pushing me to bend and exercise ,
My wife said she sounded like a drill sergeant.
My basement has 12 steps, she quickly worked me up and down the steps, not real slow. She kept commenting the Dr will force your leg if i do not get movement.
When then checked my Rom and was able to get 87 deg. She ask when i had surgery and i told her 3 days ago. Her comment was ohh. Well you are doing good smiled and said we were finished for the session.
The next day my leg swelled double the size . Stiff and was hard to make contact to the floor. I used — ice, ice ice . I think because of the aggressiveness my healing went backwards. It took 5 days to recover.
3rd visit - Another therapist visited and is now my permanent home assigned one. We checked my Rom and could only move my leg 26 deg. She went to touch my leg to help with the bend and I said no do not help and told her about my last visit. She looked up the last therapist name and said yea she can be a little aggressive. She understood and we worked through some exercisies.
4th visit around 9 days. I worked my knee sitting a chair bending and using a bag of frozen vegetables as a ice bag. Slowly getting more Rom . When she arrived we checked and i am now at 67 deg versus 26.
So i think the aggressive treatment is wrong, it does nothing but cause inflammation and un-needed pain . My goal for tomorrows visit is to see a 80 deg bend. Today i will use the ice bag to slowly work my leg back to achieve this at my own pace. My swelling has went way down and my ankle is still a little sore. I will agree healing takes time, there is enough stress from pain. There is no need for an aggressive therapist to take part in any healing processes, if the aggressive therapist returns I will tell her to leave. TKR is painful for sure.
1st visit was to evaluate and measured day 1 after surgery. My spinal block was still active and i was able to bend my knee around 87 deg. Leg and ankle was swollen. It appears they use this as a starting point. So far pain was tolerable and no issues other than stiff and swollen.
4th day after surgery a different TP assistant visited with a pushy attitude. The comments she made sounded like i was into a few weeks after the surgery and was not achieving what i was suppose to.
She started pushing me to bend and exercise ,
My wife said she sounded like a drill sergeant.
My basement has 12 steps, she quickly worked me up and down the steps, not real slow. She kept commenting the Dr will force your leg if i do not get movement.
When then checked my Rom and was able to get 87 deg. She ask when i had surgery and i told her 3 days ago. Her comment was ohh. Well you are doing good smiled and said we were finished for the session.
The next day my leg swelled double the size . Stiff and was hard to make contact to the floor. I used — ice, ice ice . I think because of the aggressiveness my healing went backwards. It took 5 days to recover.
3rd visit - Another therapist visited and is now my permanent home assigned one. We checked my Rom and could only move my leg 26 deg. She went to touch my leg to help with the bend and I said no do not help and told her about my last visit. She looked up the last therapist name and said yea she can be a little aggressive. She understood and we worked through some exercisies.
4th visit around 9 days. I worked my knee sitting a chair bending and using a bag of frozen vegetables as a ice bag. Slowly getting more Rom . When she arrived we checked and i am now at 67 deg versus 26.
So i think the aggressive treatment is wrong, it does nothing but cause inflammation and un-needed pain . My goal for tomorrows visit is to see a 80 deg bend. Today i will use the ice bag to slowly work my leg back to achieve this at my own pace. My swelling has went way down and my ankle is still a little sore. I will agree healing takes time, there is enough stress from pain. There is no need for an aggressive therapist to take part in any healing processes, if the aggressive therapist returns I will tell her to leave. TKR is painful for sure.