I did not have the Quad Sparing surgery.
I had both of my knees replaced at the same time last June (I was 58). The motion was sitting and lifting the leg and foot from the floor to the mattress of the bed, and sitting and lifting the leg from the floor to the PT exercise bed where you lay down and do leg exercises (I was in a rehab hospital on Friday when my surgery was most of Wednesday). Yes, I could lift my leg after 3 days up onto the bed and onto the PT table. I was well medicated!
My quads were each cut about and inch and a half up on each leg. Even with the lower quad cut, you still have strength in the upper quad. It was very helpful to me to be ready in upper body strength and having my quads as strong as possible for me. Doing the exercises hurt, but were helpful in my recovery.
My incision was 6.5 inches in length and when I look down at each knee incision, the scar runs from a central start above my knee medially (towards the inside on each knee) by about 1/2 inch. I asked the OS if this was done on purpose. He responded, "Absolutely! By cutting medially by 1/4 to a 1/2 inch it eliminates about 2 to 3 inches in length."
Good answer for me! No way would I have wanted a longer incision.