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penicillin allergy

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Feb 28, 2009
Hi folks,
Something I meant to mention to the OS is that Im allergic to penicillin and cephlosporin....does this pose a problem.? I know there are lots of antibiotics out there but I just want to feel sure that if i do get an infection theyll be able to deal with it and that I won't end up with anaphylaxis (or septacemia). What antibiotics are routinely used and are they penicillin/cephlosporin? and what alternatives would the drs use for someone who is allergic?
I will talk to the doctor, but in the meantime?
Rachel, I'm allergic to penicillin too and it posed NO problem with my surgery. As you say, there are plenty of antibiotics if needed. I was given something via IV right after surgery, but I'm not sure exactly what....morphine made me not care! Normally for me doctors use tetracycline (not sure if I spelled that right or not). Of course, you know you need to tell everyone you have that allergy....but you knew that!

This is one thing NOT to worry about, okay?
More worried by the dentist! sorry Peta, but you know, I prefer hip surgery to opening my mouth. Had a tooth ache yesterday. I'm sure its because I made a dental appt. Gone today! More muscular, than tooth
More worried by the dentist! sorry Peta, but you know, I prefer hip surgery to opening my mouth. Had a tooth ache yesterday. I'm sure its because I made a dental appt. Gone today! More muscular, than tooth

Hmmmmmmm.............! :) Your dental appt is this Thursday isn't it? Good luck and let me know how you get on!

More worried by the dentist! sorry Peta, but you know, I prefer hip surgery to opening my mouth. Had a tooth ache yesterday. I'm sure its because I made a dental appt. Gone today! More muscular, than tooth

It probably hurt from clenching your jaw during sleep because you were worried about the dental appointment! Hang in'll be fine!!!
Hi gal! I know you know this but you know me!!! I feel better once I say something! Just be sure and tell your OS AND the hospital about your medication allergies. It's important that they log it into your records so they notice it on the front page. Just one of those things. They usually always hang an antibiotic bag when you come out of surgery so just to be on the safe side, be sure they are aware! They have many different medications that will cover all problems.
Oh and about the dentist?? I'm with you girl! Gees, I always said I'd rather go through child birth than the dentist visits! yucko....
BTW have a nice dentist visit! Let us know!
When you go into the hospital, they will ask you at least 2 times if you are alergic to anything. I was asked by 5 different people in the hospital. Nurses, admissions personnel and anesthesiologist. I also have a penicillin allergy.
Hey Nancyo,
Childbirth is a breeze...I can do that without any pain relief or anything but if a dentist dared go near me with out a local anaesthetic (or whatever) they'd be murdered!... I wonder if dentists have a self esteem issue????

Peta, is there anything you can do for jaw joint/muscle soreness prior to going to the dentist. As I said before my issue is not the teeth, its holding my mouth open for so long, my jaw muscles get extremely fatigued and sore...and I really can't hold my mouth open for very long...they give me a splint /support thing but that only helps for a while. The rest of the timne I spend my time massaging my jaw joint and muscles from the outside....
To the best of my knowledge - probably not Rachel. I was going to suggest the bite block - a lot of our patients find that helps enormously in keeping their mouths open without strain. The difficulty is getting access - for that you HAVE to be open unfortunately!
But I've been wondering whether some sort of sedation (orally) prior to your appt might help? Again - we have patients who get themselves so worked up beforehand that it would be almost impossible to get them in the chair without some sort of relaxant. I'm thinking along the lines of valium perhaps? Can you get in to see your GP before your dental appt on Thurs and see what he/she thinks? I think it would make a difference - both with your apprehension AND with the muscle strain. If you're more relaxed so will your muscles be. Let me know how you get on.

Peta :)
Luckily, I don't have any dental phobias, but I do recall that when I lived in Texas, my dentist used nitrous oxide (laughing gas) as a relaxant, with a hit of oxygen at the very end before letting me get out of the chair. Remember feeling very--well, relaxed or anxiety-free are the best words that come to mind--but not dopey at all. (And despite the common name, wasn't giggly, either! :-) Haven't found a dentist since that does the same, but it sure was fun while it lasted! (OK, Rachel--"fun" may be a bit of an overstatement for you!)
Rachel - how did you go at the dentist? I've been thinking about you all day! I'm heading in to work shortly and won't be home until much later - but I'll check in when I get home to see how it all went.

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