TKR Patience really is a virtue….

Oh, one more thing I want to mention. I have been doing research on the knee stiffness and have heard many people swear by rubbing castor oil on their knee. It is supposed to help the inflammation. I ordered some online and it will be here today. I’m going to start using it and see what happens. I’ll let you know if it helps.
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Oh please do let me know how you get on @Dmcfad2 …. I’ll try anything that helps :)
One question I have….. as I’ve been wide awake I shuffled my legs down to the bottom of my bed and just let them hang over the edge of the bed to get a little bend from them and my incision felt really sore and tight at the top as I stretched….. the incision is healing really well….is it normal to feel this way??
Yes. Totally normal... transitory worsening of various areas will work themselves out as long as we keep moving.
With my first TKA I went through a rough patch between weeks 7 and 12 when - despite good daytime function - over night the knee would stiffen so badly I needed to use both hands and my other leg to get out of bed. Excruciating stiffness the first dozen steps. At week 12... it vanished. Why and how? No clue!
not gonna push the exercises today because I feel I deserve a day off
Good for you and good for your knee!
What amazes me is how ADLs are never really taken into account by the medical profession when it comes to PT.
I was blessed that my OS never forced PT. He knew I was a single lady and had to take care of things that a spouse usually would. At each of my visits, without a PT report, he was happy with my results! ADLs do work for most of us. Others might need more, but it's fine to try it without PT for the first couple of months.
Sooooooo….. I’m now 6 weeks post op.
Week 6 was tough. After having had a week with my OH I was back to being home alone again…… still unable to drive and nervous of walking outside alone as the frosty paths make me nervous of slipping.
As I mentioned earlier in the week I had various appts Mon and Tues, then Weds and Thurs I seemed to have it in my head that I had to push my home exercises….. so I did, to the point where my sleep was rubbish, my leg ached, my knee was hard and stiff, so yesterday I literally did nothing other than watch TV, do a few little chores around the house and cook tea.
Then I decided I was finally going to have the longed for bubble bath.…. Something I’ve been craving for the past 6 weeks.
I like a shower but I do like to have a nice relaxing bubble bath at least once a week, especially in the Autumn/ Winter months .
So I waited till my OH was home from work, I ran the bath, with plenty of bubbles and in I got….. heaven… to lie back in the bath fully submerged was bliss. I was also able to gently bend my knee in the water, pretty much pain free.
Then came the time to get out…… now….. my bath is quite deep, which is normally something that I like, however, when you have a knee that won’t bend that well , it’s not easy to get yourself from sitting flat, to standing up, especially with no grab rails round the bath to hold onto. I foolishly pulled the plug and let the water drain from the bath while I towel dried my hair, then I attempted to get out….. no chance….. I had to call my OH to come and help me….. now had I left the water in the bath I could have gently rolled onto my good side, got onto my unoperated knee and hoisted myself up…. But no…. I was in an empty, slippery bath with a leg that wouldn’t bend…I’m sure you’ve got the picture by now…. It took about 20 mins to get me out of the bath….. the more my OH tried to help me out , the heavier my body seemed to become, I couldn’t lift myself up as I inexplicably seemed to lose all my strength in my arms….i couldn’t push myself up with my unoperated leg as my operated leg had now become a lead weight… I couldn’t roll onto my knee, the bath had seemed to get narrower, and the more I tried and failed, to get up, the more I alternated between panic and hysterical laughter!!!! Finally I managed to roll onto my good knee and with the help of my OH and a towel shoved against my leg to stop me slipping I managed to stand and then get out………… needless to say, I was so exhausted that I went to bed at 10.30 last night and woke at 6.30 this morning, so I finally got a decent nights sleep!!!
it’s now 8.50am and I’m about to get up.
My knee feels less stiff snd achy this morning, so I think resting yesterday really helped so this weekend I plan to do nothing more than my daily activities , and as my OH has a rare full weekend off work we’ll put up the Christmas tree.
The moral of this tale is that if you plan on having a bath, make sure you have a good plan on how to get out, and don’t have one if you’re alone in the house, just in case you can’t get out, lol!!! I will be sticking to my showers for a little while longer I think…..
Happy healing weekend to you all…. X :plugging-in-xmas-tree-smiley-emoticon:
Sorry for laughing. I just got the picture in my head! I'm glad you enjoyed your bath even though you didn't enjoy getting out! I still need rest days. They are awesome!
Oh my!!!! Quite a saga.... I guess the moral of the story is, if you desperately need a good night's sleep, take a bath!!!!!
Glad I’ve made people giggle today….. :loll::heehee:……..
Question…… I don’t know if it’s just me but my leg is aching so badly….. not my knee but the outside of my leg where it’s still feeling numb….. it’s very frustrating and the only thing that seems to help is icing it…. Is this a common thing or just me???
@Loulou67 I have noticed an increase in pain for the last three days. My calf aches a lot, is sore to the touch and it measures two inches bigger than my right calf. It’s probably just more pain from the swelling. To be safe I scheduled an appointment with my primary care physician, just in case it might be a blood clot. I am susceptible to blood clots and I have a chronic one in my right leg already. I don’t have pain on the outside of my leg. Mine is on the inside. I am on a blood thinner every day, so I don’t know if it is even possible to get another blood clot. I’ve also tried rubbing the castor oil on my knee for the last 3 days, but my stiffness and pain has actually become worse. LOL Oh, well. I‘m going to keep doing it for at least another week. It can’t hurt. :shrug:
Glad I’ve made people giggle today….. :loll::heehee:……..
Question…… I don’t know if it’s just me but my leg is aching so badly….. not my knee but the outside of my leg where it’s still feeling numb….. it’s very frustrating and the only thing that seems to help is icing it…. Is this a common thing or just me???
Yes, I still sometimes have aches at the numb outer area of my newer knee plus at the area higher than it that isn't numb , and used to get some on the earlier knee.
@Dmcfad2 I was wondering today if I should try the castor oil trick, after you mentioned it I did a lot of reading up on it…..
I too am susceptible to blood clots and I was injecting blood thinners for the first 4 weeks.
I hope you get a positive response from your physician!!
Thank you for the laughs. I needed this, this gloomy Sunday morning!
The moral of this tale is that if you plan on having a bath, make sure you have a good plan on how to get out, and don’t have one if you’re alone in the house, just in case you can’t get out, lol!!! I will be sticking to my showers for a little while longer I think…
Yes! :yes!:
Oh my goodness, this all sounds like an ad for OT (occupational therapy). So glad you had the wherewithal to plan your bath with OH there. Now you know what to do for the next bubble bath, which you will probably be ready for fairly soon.
What amazes me is how ADLs are never really taken into account by the medical profession when it comes to PT. You are moving around, attempting to get your daily ADLs done and the stigma surrounding ROM adds stress to the lives of many people who are new to joint replacement procedures.
I agree. Some PTs are great at recognizing and working with this. Others seem to take a more compartmentalized approach.
An OT on the other hand would look at the ADL’s and run with it …breaking them down and figuring out how to move about the day and incorporate knee rehab goals into the daily routines. One legged toothbrushing and side stepping anyone? Is it a hamstring stretch with an added short or long arc quad….or is it trying to put a sock on :heehee:
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So it’s 10 mins past midnight……
I had a pretty good Monday overall… I changed my bedding, I wrapped a ton of Christmas presents, did some ironing, (and managed to do it standing up)! I cooked tea, and made my partners lunch for work today.
I didn’t leave the house , except to empty the bins, because it rained solidly all day.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that I had taken over 4000 steps in total!!!
I didn’t do any exercises on my knee other than sitting on the arm of the sofa at regular intervals across the day , letting my legs hang down and then gently swinging them back and forth.
I’ve iced and elevated across the day.
Partners up at 4.30am today so bed time was an early 9pm, which was fine by me as I was pretty tired.
I’ve been in bed for 3 hours and I’m wide awake , largely due to a worsening pain in my UNOPERATED knee!!! I’ve somehow managed to twist my right knee and the pain is bloody awful!!!! I’ve had to take painkillers and I’m now icing the leg to see if I can get some comfort that way!!
Will this misery with my knees ever end!!! :cry:
Fingers crossed I’ll get some sleep and wake up feeling less pain…… just when you feel you’re tuning a corner….. another obstacle hits you…. As you can probably tell I’m feeling very sorry for myself right now :sad:
just when you feel you’re tuning a corner…

Yep! This is indeed a roller-coaster recovery. It looks something like this:


Sorry you've hit one of the hard parts of the ride. Feel better.
Awww @Loulou67 what a way to have ended a darn good day!!!!!
Fingers crossed you can at least doze off with the pain med on board and rest up tomorrow.
If the twisted "good knee" is able to bear weight, not swollen, etc, in the morning another OTC remedy you could try is topical arnica gel.
I hope you were able to sleep in this morning. Not sleeping is a pain. How is your old knee? It sounded like your new knee did great! Your activity this early in your recovery is amazing! You might want to take today off and rest both knees.
I hope you're still feeling good today after all of the activity of yesterday, Loulou.
That was a lot...YAY for you! :yes!:
I am sorry your other knee is bothering you and wish you lots of comfort, hopefully it eases soon. :console2:

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