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new member
Mar 21, 2009
United States
Hi I am 4 months post op now and doing fine. Working normally in my daily life, but still have swelling. I can bend and straighten great but still get stiff when I sit and sleep. What is happening now when I sit in a kitchen chair, I am getting a sharp catching pain in the side and back of my knee. It takes my breath away, but when I stand it goes away. Is anyone having things like this happening. I can walk pain free and but this is happening now. A new and different pain that I didn't have before. Is this normal?
Welcome Joanemma. So glad you joined the BoneSmart forum!

It is quite common to still have swelling and odd pains at 4 months. Many people (including me!) had this at 6 months and beyond. The soft tissue in your knee swells slightly and there is not a lot of space for the fluid (swelling) to go, so it can hurt without even appearing swollen on the outside. The pain can be in different places too, including all around the knee or even down in the shin area. You can take an over-the-counter anti-inflammant (Tylenol, Aleve) when it occurs and that should help.

If it continues or if you are concerned, make an appointment with your surgeon and go in to have it checked out. Sometimes that helps just to ease your mind....that's what I did. Your new knee joint is very strong and the chances are slim that it is a problem with the joint.
Welcome, Joanemma, you certainly came to the right place. I have been coming here for more than a year and I think that just about every kind of pain has been reported by one or all of us during that time.

One thing for sure, we all take different lengths of time to heal, and you seem pretty normal to me. However, Jamie gave you really good advice, if it is something that is of concern to you call your OS and let him check it out. You know the old saying, better safe than sorry.

My husband says even though it is inconvenient to go the doctor and sometimes you feel like you are asking silly questions in the end it is all worth it because it relieves your mind. Glad you found the forum here and look forward to more posts from you. Good luck. Rowdy
Thanks so much for your replies. It helps. You feel like your doing good and I know in many ways I am ahead of others I know that went thru it around the same time. But these crazy pains make you wonder and drag you out. This is a great website. By the way what did Josephine go thru, a replacment?
Yes, our dear Jo had a knee replacement. She's doing well and should be coming home tomorrow (Monday).
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