Hi there
I realise we all have different experiences of pain after TKR. Mine is extremely painful five weeks after surgery. Last weeks measure ment on the bend was 70%, a lot of the pain seems to feel like some pulling of the ?ligaments that travel down the outer side of knee. Had I known the level of pain I would experience I am still at the stage where I woud say no not ever again. I have noticed others talk about good pain cover being important and also another NZ person talk about low level of pain relief, certainly thats been my experience. I am due back at work at 6 weeks and frankly Im not sure how I will hande that. Definately will not be able to manage full time then. can people share experience of pain, at what stage it seemed to reduce and hope that it will eventually be pain free.
I realise we all have different experiences of pain after TKR. Mine is extremely painful five weeks after surgery. Last weeks measure ment on the bend was 70%, a lot of the pain seems to feel like some pulling of the ?ligaments that travel down the outer side of knee. Had I known the level of pain I would experience I am still at the stage where I woud say no not ever again. I have noticed others talk about good pain cover being important and also another NZ person talk about low level of pain relief, certainly thats been my experience. I am due back at work at 6 weeks and frankly Im not sure how I will hande that. Definately will not be able to manage full time then. can people share experience of pain, at what stage it seemed to reduce and hope that it will eventually be pain free.