pain meds

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Jenn, my scar also was sensitive around 7 weeks when it wasn't before. I'm at about 9 weeks now and it is still a little sensitive sometimes.

Doug and Skeet, I DEFINITELY had all the symptoms you guys have when I went off hydrocodone and then again going off Darvoset. The good news is that about a week off the meds entirely, it all stopped. God bless you guys and I hope you can get to the point of no meds. It was a huge relief for me to feel more like myself again.
Jim if you are still experiencing all those awful symptons can you see another doctor and explain what is happening? It is bad withdrawal symptons.

I have them when I leave my next pill too long. I have been cutting back a bit at a time, it will take me weeks, but I can't take the withdrawal symptons at all. The crying, the "air bubbles" going under the skin, the itchies under the skin, the nausea, the shakes, the sweats the not being able to sit still, having to pace the floor. Feeling generaly very unwell to say the least.

It is awful. It happened to me last year when I was on Percs for my wrist. My pharmacist told me not to go cold turkey, but to cut them down a small piece at a time. I am now down to 3/4 of a pill 5-7 hourly from 2 taken 4 hourly in the first few weeks.

I think your surgeon should be made to take Percocet for weeks on end then let him try to just stop them and see how he feels about it then. He is either very insensitive or just plain ignorant when it comes to narcotic addiction. Please let him know how you are feeling and see if he will prescribe enough until you can stop them. It is taking me about 2 weeks at a time to cut a quarter at a time. It is not easy. It makes me really mad to hear what he is making you go through. Good luck. (((((((((HUGS))))))))) Sue
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