Thanks to you all i do appreciate each and everyone of you for real ,as you can see its another miserable night here 2:20 am and i cant sleep tp save my self these hebbie geebies are horrible really bad tonight .When i laydown it seems to worsen ,my doc told me to gradually go off the percocets and i said i would if i had enough to do so only had like 4 that surely isnt enough but still wouldnt prescibe me anymore said try vicodin which i cant take ,nor darvocet,nor altram cant take anything like advil or motrin because im on plavix for my heart...so he said well i guess its tyelenol i laughed inside cause those are useless !! My look at me ramble i so apologize i do truly thank all of you and may godd bless each and everyone ............ from tryin to go to sleep jim LOL