somebody correct me up if I'm wrong,..
I believe,..
you want to have a constant-low level of the med in your body, it doesn't take time to do it's job when it's needed.
take a dose just prior to an activity (helpful because we usually know what we are doing most of the day).
I take a dose when I get on my feet for the first part of the day,.. a dose for a nite-cap to keep my body quiet,.. between these I may take 0,1,2,..maybe even a 3rd boost,.. but I have been able to keep myself down to 1 on average for a week.
Is it possible that we are still healing whether or not we use meds to knock down the pain?
take as directed? the hardest part for me is to ingest some type of food with it,.. my appetite has never quite returned.
but as I stated above correct me if I'm off target,.. I'm still learning about MY meds.