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Pain Managment Finally?

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junior member
Aug 8, 2008
I called PCP today to see if he would take over pain managment.
After me babbling on for 10 min he said he would do it. What a load od my mind. I hope this helps with my depression.
Thank you all for your words of encouagement and advice.

Chuck, so glad to hear this worked out for you. When your most important job is healing, you don't need to have worries and concerns. It sounds like your doctor understands the value of pain management in your recovery process, so you are in good hands! Hang in there.....things DO keep getting better as you go along.
I am so glad that worked out for you. I have not had to explore that option as my surgeon is very aware of the pain and was always generous with meds. Hopefully you will feel much better now.
I never even thought to contact my PCP for pain management when my surgeon decided 2 weeks was long enough on narcotics. Great idea for next time. Oh, if only I'd found this forum sooner!

I'm curious though, for those of you who were on narcotics for months after surgery (and possibly also for some time before), isn't it hard to get off of them? I'm sure it's a gradual weaning process, but have you experienced any withdrawal symptoms? The last thing I'd want when I was just getting ready to go back to work would be insomnia, nausea, agitation, etc.
Hi Sham...I'm on my second TKR this year and used vicodin both times.

I found if I tried to cold turkey it I was very uncomfortable (flu-like symptoms for several days). What worked fine both times was a gradual reduction. I started with two pills every two hours.

As I got better, I gradually reduced the dose--first to 1.5 each dose, then one. I had pills that were scored and easily break in half. Right now I am down to one-half pill per dose and should be off that in next week or 2. (Not giving up my ibuprofen soon though!)
I used Oxycodone for four months post op..I went from two, to one, to one half during the last month and had no problems..
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