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pain in tibia

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Former BoneSmart staff member
May 5, 2009
Minneapolis, MN
United States United States
I have been moving along okay--just notice that if I walk from one end of the mall to the other, my leg is sore when i am done. My flex is okay--130 and my extension is 0.

But, today, I woke up limping and all day the pain is getting worse. If I touch the joint line on the lateral side--it feels like a bruise. And, when I walk, there is pain on every step. It feels like the pain is in my tibia. I have pain all down my shin too. I notice the pain when I life my leg up before I put it on the floor---and last night I noticed that if I rolled to the lateral side, it work my up.

I have pt tomorrow and can ask Ben about it, but am hoping that it will be gone tomorrow. I bought a trainer so that I can ride my own bike indoors now. The seat is so much more comfortable than the fat ones on the stationery bikes--I have alwats used the thinnnest seat I could get! I think it will be more comfortable to be able to ride my own bike.

today I rode the stationery bike for 20 minutes and used the rowing machine for 20 minutes and did some of a yoga class--I just stayed in the back and did mostly core exercises. So, nothing major to cause this amount of pain.

I have used my entire pain arsenal--tramdol, Tylenol, Lodine and two alleve!! I am trying not to take any narcotics since they contribute to brain mush. I am worried that somthing is wrong with the tibial component. Kelly
Kelly, sorry you are hurting. I can't recall how far out from surgery you are and that makes a difference. If you are under 6 months, talk to your therapist about it tomorrow. Chances are that you have just overdone it and you have some soft tissue swelling. It can cause that pain down your shin (I know from first-hand experience!). You didn't mention icing, but you should be doing that in addition to the pain meds. If the pain continues and you become more concerned, go in and have your surgeon take a look.
Hi Kelly. You are describing pain I had when I over did it. You are doing alot which is great but that might be the pain...Maybe took awhile to catch up. therapy, mall, yoga, bike..I would hurt as well..But you are def. moving right along......Talk to your PT. If he says the same thing, just cut back a lil. As Jamie said if it doesnt, see your surgeon again. Sure hope you feel better soon......Please let us know how you are doing..............
My bet is it's ITB syndrome.

And, umm - honey - "nothing major"? Surely you jest!

Today I
~ rode the stationery bike for 20 minutes
~ used the rowing machine for 20 minutes
~ did some of a yoga class - mostly core exercises.

Since rest is the primary treatment, I suggest you cut that in half at the very least while this is in its acute stage! You could also use ice, heat and/or a TENS machine to help with the pain. And maybe search for some sites with ITB stretches and try them out.
Dear Jo, just came back from urgent care---I still cannot believe that I am doing anything to cause this level of pain in my knee---I feel like all I do is sit around!!

But, he got so specific--if I stand for 30 minutes, then sit for 10. If I exercise for 40 minutes, then sit for 40 with my knee up.

I am trying to work in my studio in the midst of all this---I know that there are people who go back to work at 3 and 4 weeks. Yesterday I did work quite a few hours--it was so exciting to be in my studio and be able to think again. But, by 1 am, I could not stand the pain--level 7 or 8 and for the rest of the night, it was pretty bad. I even took narcotics., which I have been trying to taper off.

Jo, 20 minutes on the bike seems like nothing to me---especially since I use very low resistance and it really helps my knee be less stiff. It is so frustrating to do so little. At least they said I could continue my pool workouts.

The nurse practioner was pretty explicit though--when the knee hurts you have to stop until the pain stops or you will have constant pain. I really liked her; but it is so hard to hear that I have to curtail my activity more.

I moved my sewing machine so that I can sit at it now instead of stand. So, when I stand for 30 minutes, I can sit at the machine for 10. That way, I can at least keep on going.

Do you think icing really helps? I hate the ice--but she told me to ice four times a day! I have only been icing once a day. Kelly
Kelly, the nurse was telling you what you need to hear. You need to slow down, take it easier, ice and take pain meds at this early stage in your recovery. If not, what she told you will come to pass. You will still recover, but it will take longer and be more painful than if you follow her advice. I'm sure Jo will tell you exactly the same.
It might seem like nothing to you but it's not 'you' that is the point - it's your new knee! Darn it, girl, you're only 30 odd days out of surgery and you're acting like it's 3 months! Of course you're only sitting around - that's what you're supposed to be doing! And so some others have gone back to work at 3/4 weeks - so what? I bet they regretted it! Everyone's recovery is different and unique to them. You shouldn't compare yourself to other people. only listen to what your body (specifically your knee) and remember that.

Remember this too - you only have one quota of energy. If you use it all in excessive exercise and work and housework and all, your body won't have sufficient to complete all the healing it has to do. And then you get all these extra inflammations and pains and your body has to heal those as well!

Tell me, do you drive your car at 70pmh in 2nd gear as well? :wink:
Ice is amazing for me...I know you want to get back out there and work, we all do, but when you do to much your not gainimg because now you have to back off...Just take is easy it will come...............Good luck to you!!!!!! Your not lazy you just had surgery..take care of your self dont go backwards just stay a lil ahead...sorry we just
I hate ice because it is cold. I sit there with this thing around my leg and it burns. By the time 20 minutes is up, I am squirming around trying to find a position that does not hurt. Ugh. I am going to try more use of the pool. The nurse said that it was okay, I know that I can really move my leg in the pool, which is a relief.
It should never burn, dear. When it's initially taken out of the freezer, you should protect your skin with a tea towel or pillow case. Once it has warmed up a bit, then you can apply it direct to your skin but it should never be that uncomfortable. Same thing with heat.
Yes, Skigirl. I used gel packs that had a thin cloth cover and wrapped each one in a terrycloth dish towel. It is still cold enough, but doesn't feel uncomfortable. You can actually do skin damage if you place something directly on it that is frozen like that. Try putting a little more between you and the ice source and maybe it will feel more comfortable to you.
Skigirl --listen to everyone!!! I ended up having the TKR because I never listened to anyone or anything (including my body) and ran on injuries before they were healed and hiked and stretched with them etc.n etc. And one day I woke up with an unstable knee because so many of my ligaments were shot. And arthritis which I had helped along with my feelings of invinciblility. A long marthon training run was just so important I couldn't miss it -- no matter how much my knee was hurting. I just thought my body was never going to let me down. WEll guess what. It did. And does. Although I did a lot of exercise early on relative to many people with recent TKR's I was a lot more cautious than I usually am and really asked my PT before doing stuff and when I got tired I stopped. And when something hurt afterward or the next day I laid off for a few days. This is too big an operation to just push through pain because you're so anxious to get moving again. I totally understand that Kelly ---I'm the same way. But you'll get there a lot faster if you slow down. Honestly!! I know how frustrating it is for you; it's much harder for very active people to stay relatively inactive. But in another month you will be like a diferent person IF you don't screw yourself up with too much of a good thing. OK??? You'll do fine. Just give it a little more time....
Hi Kelly,

I agree with the others, it sounds like you are over doing it to me. I'm 10 1/2 weeks post-op and still experiencing the pain you spoke of, especially if I've been standing for long periods of time or walking more than I'm used to. Ice seems to work for many, but with that kind of pain, heat initially works better for me. Be sure to exchange it for ice when you can tolerate it without your knee throbbing.

My OS also prescribed me a muscle relaxer to help me sleep through the night with the spasms. I am shocked at the loss of muscle tone through this surgery. It does improve though with hard work in PT. If you are anything like me, you probably have muscles that haven't functioned well for a long time due to the necessity to replace the knee. I had to build up my inner thigh muscle. Oye vey!

Hang in there and take it easy on yourself. I can totally relate to your need to be moving. I can't stand being still either.

You are doing amazing at this stage of recovery! Just be patient and it will improve with time. That's what they keep telling me. :D

We post to get advise, but we need to follow the advise.
Jo, Jamie, Back and Linda and all the others have all advise you to
slow down. Most of all your body is telling you to back off with all you are doing. Even your nurse told you.

Lord knows I am not nor have I every been known to have patience. I tried the over doing and not taking pain meds, but I decided I did not want to hurt and had a lot of help with me first 5 weeks they kept me from overdoing and I listen to Jo and Jamie and my OS.
I started taking more of the pain meds,icing, elevating and getting some rest. I am doing so much better. Have not had pain in several days, but I am sure if I overdo, I will be right back where you are. Frankly I don't like pain and I don't want to keep slipping back so I am going to continue with the advise received here from Jo, Jamie, Kim and all the others. I don't like it but I am limiting my
exercise to 20 mins twice a day. I am going to start water PT next week for 2 days, but I have already told the PT that I will not do any aggressive PT I am finally feeling better and I don't want to go back.

I know there will be days when I overdo, but not on purpose and I may have pain but it won't be because I over exercised and pushed my knee, it will be because of everday situations.

I do hope you feel better soon.
Linda---I hate the cold of ice---I shiver the entire time it is on myleg. Now, I use a down comforter to wrap up in, but still can't stop shaking. It is so cold that it is painful--almost like a burn. The pool feels a lot better, I just came from a pool workout and it does feel better. My husband is hovering with the ice, but I am trying to ignore him!!!
Haha I agree with the cold I use a blanket,,,but it does go away,,,That is sweet of hubby , he knows,,,,,Take it easy,,,Gotta love that pool right!!!,,I do to,,lol
YOu have already got the best advice going. I am a hippy and very active. I was totally shocked to learn last year that I needed a new hip. My doc was shocked when he got in there and saw it too.
Anyway at about 4 weeks I was feeling ok, started swimming, walking to the pool and back and a walk in the evening with the dog, did still take pain meds. WEll, did my hip protest all that. My home pt thought I had started walking a few house lengths, not 3/4 mile each way to the pool to swim a mile. I am an obsessive exercisor. So I did set myself back , but actually did learn my lesson. I've had other surgery since and have gone very slowly back to exercise.
About the ice, I love it for my knee surgery, hip surgery (it was summer and hot out). My spine surgery it did hurt a lot, so I did not ice. But today I had injections in my lumbar , was more in the mood for heat, know it is the wrong thing, so I made myself some hot french vanilla coffee drink, got my blanket and ice pad and here I am. You can do it too!!!! Ice really is a wonderful thing.:hehe::thmb:
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