hello gbetty,
I have a wonderful PT who, as a woman, is very in tune with how we do things with our posture that impact all the connections in our system and how changes in one area can impact other areas. I alternate visits with her and her PT partner Nate who is a hard-core, tough PT who really pushes me, sometimes painfully, and I know my progress is good because of the combination of their two styles and philosophies.
Today I worked with Nora and a licensed massage therapist about some of those "connections" that affect my posture and therefore my gait. The MT worked on muscles, tendons, etc in and around my new knee and up toward my hip. There is a tendon band and also some bursal sacs up your thigh and toward your hip that are commonly tight and possibly inflamed in people, especially women, with knee and/or back issues. There are stretches you can do to help with those....
In my case, I am 8 weeks post op on my knee and 4 weeks post-op from back surgery so I can't do some of the stretches just yet in my knee PT due to the back-surgery complication..... but as soon as my neurosurgeon clears me for PT for my back we will start working on more of the systemic issues. In the meantime we are working on my posture and balancing and remembering not to do things like "kneeing in" (as all good girls were taught to do when we all wore dresses) and to look straight ahead and up, rather down when I do my walks.... fire those glute muscles and tuck in my abs.... it all works together...
I think this combination of therapists is wonderful for me. I don't know if you can find someone of a similar training and philosophy where you are---- but I wish you luck as you look for solutions.