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pain in groin after surgery

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junior member
Nov 28, 2007
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Hi everyone im 35 had LTHR 14 weeks ago apart from a blood clot 3 weeks post op in the superficial veins (i have varicose veins in that leg which were stripped 8 years ago but were worse after surgery than before and they give me grief sometimes) my recovery has been very good, no pain meds since the blood clot i have a swelling above the left knee which has been there since the surgery however this is not painful but sometimes it feels warm/goes red and is bigger than usual this coincides with me being on my feet all day so i asume that's the reason. I started swimming which has been great i only swim front crawl or backstroke and do some PT excersises don't spend too long in pool 30 or 40 minutes and i was going 3 times a week. My physio therapist was on holiday for 2 weeks and off sick for a week during that 3rd week the groin pain started, it occurs when i get up in the morning and is very painful when i put weight on the operated side after 20 minutes or so of hobbling around it wears off and i seem to be fine all day only the occasional twinge. Then i found when walking up stairs it was difficult to put weight through the operated leg i had pain behing the knee and up my shin. I stopped swimming that week and when i went to physio last wednesday she said my inner thigh muscle on the operated leg was very tight and she did some work on it she advised me i was doing too much and to plan my days better e.g don't swim/shop/do housework all in one day. Since she worked on my thigh the pain behind the knee and the shin pain when stair climbing has gone, however the groin pain when i get out of bed in the morning is still there. I have not swam for two weeks now as i have been quite busy and although i am on my feet most of the day i do try to sit for a bit and i wouldn't consider myself to have overdone it in the last couple of weeks. Has anyone else had a similar experience? My 6 week post op assesment was fine.
Thanks Tracey
Hi Tracey - not that I can compare to where you are at... but: I'm 1 week out today from LTHR. My pain is in groin, behind my knee, top of knee, sometimes shin and tingly foot. My incision and the left hip are least of my concerns. I am no weight bearing (only toe touch) and my muscles have tons of stretching to do. Stretching is VERY painful at this point. So, the funny thing is we have similar symptoms, but you are doing everything and all I do is lay in bed and stretch. Yesterday was my first PT, so lots of stretching and the pain in my knee was unbearable at night. After a good night's sleep and rest I am fine this morning.

Sounds like psoas tendonitis which is the big muscle marked on this image. You can see where it inserts into the top of the femur at which point it is known as the psoas tendon. The muscle also passes just under the groin area which accounts for the pain being experienced there.

[] pain in groin after surgery

You need to go see your physio again and get her to work on it. Or maybe see your GP and see if he has anything to suggest. If it's getting really set in, then an injection of Depomedrone and local anaesthetic might be called for but that would most likely be from the surgeon.
Thanks Josephine i am booked in tomorrow with physio and i will see how it goes over the next week or so, if there is no improvement i will see my GP. I am due back at hospital for check up on 19th November so i can speak to them if i'm still having trouble.

Hi Lidia - hope you are not too uncomfortable today, those first couple of weeks can drag but it does get bettter and better and even with the couple of minor set backs i have experienced the relief at not being in that constant pain is a wonderful thing. The last week (apart from the muscle trouble) i have felt really well i don't remeber the last time i felt this good. I hope its not too long before you really feel the benefits of your surgery.
Take Care Tracey.
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