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pain in groin 3 months after knee replacement

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junior member
May 14, 2007
I recently had groin pain a few days ago but am not experiencing it now at all 3 days later.

I have just started walking 1&1/2 miles a day, at it for 3 wks. I hadn't been taking walks

for many yrs because my knees were so painful, bone on bone. I have had two knee

replacements a yr apart, the last one done March 2 of this yr. The groin pain started one

night soon after taking an almost 2 mile walk. It disappeared after resting for a day. Now I

have resumed walking & no pain so far.With the groin pain I began to be concerned that it

might be my hip on the right side . I recently had my right knee done. On the other hand I

am wondering if my body is having to adjust to a new way of walking after so many yrs of

limping with pain. I would appreciate hearing if others have been through a similar


Sharon, I had EXACTLY the same thing happen at about 6 months with my new knee. I was so concerned about it, I had my OS xray my hip at my 6-month knee checkup. There was no problem with the hip and sure-nuff, the pain disappeared after some time and taking Aleve. I think bodies do LOTS of readjusting during the YEARS following this type of major surgery. Especially since your pain comes and goes, it should not worry you about your hip.
I 2 nd that. When I started walking correctly after all that time...yrs...same thing happened I guess its just using parts we havent in a while...If it comes back and your worried then to ease your mind see your Dr...But your just gettin' out there doing your thing...and congradulations to you...thats some terrific walking you are doing........Keep up the great work................
Thank you Jamie & Texas for your quick replys. I feel so much better knowing others have experienced the same thing & that it wasn't your hip. Hopefully it isn't my hip either. I went for another walk today & did wonderfully. Glad that you are doing well also.
Thank you Jamie & Texas for your quick replys. I feel so much better knowing others have experienced the same thing & that it wasn't your hip. Hopefully it isn't my hip either. I went for another walk today & did wonderfully. Glad that you are doing well also.
Sharon I had a similar experience when I started doing longer walks again. In fact I don't think there is a muscle or tendon in my body that didn't have to do some readjusting toi my new knee and new "normal" way of walking. But adjust they did and now I'm pretty much fine. When I do a really long walk or hike something sometimes hurts in my left (unoperatied) leg or hip. But it goes away and both legs were unused to long walks for the 8 months or so before my TKR. So expect more odd aches and pains but they're normal as long as they go away in a few days.....
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