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Pain Control

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junior member
Feb 24, 2008
United States
It looks like it will be 2months or so before I can have the first THR. Meanwhile, I would like to hear from any of you that have good remedies for pain. My worse hip is my right, but I believe my limping has caused severe sciatica in my left leg. The pain in both hips is worse after activity, but at night time is is horrible! I'm open to any suggestions; drugs, diet, voodoo, ANYTHING!
Mikey your post made me laugh with the Voodoo, But honestly I think I am right there with you. If you read my post you know I use an airbed to sleep which has been wonderful. But I had it for an extra bed so for once it was a good thing! Do you use heating pads, they are wonderful also. I know it gets old biting the bullet, pain is a real life changer and I just hope surgery changes that.
Hi Mikey I too suffer terribly some nights the only thing i find that gives me any relief is a hot water bottle. I find that if i lie flat on my back and place the bottle over the joint it does ease some of the pain, i find when i am in that much discomfort the pain meds i am on do nothing for me. When i am working i have tried the heatpads that sunshine suggested and agian whilst it does nothing for the acute pain that occurs when bending, twisting, weight bearing etc i do find the warmth over the area of some comfort. Its certainly worth trying them

I just found this forum and your post was the first I read!

If you find a good voodoo cure, I'll be next in line!

I'm headed for a RTHR next week. I'm off the nsaids so I don't bleed out on the table...

What was working reasonably well for me was voltaren 2xday and xtra strength tylenol every 6 hours and ice. Neither the votaren nor tylenol work alone, but together, I was holding on. I'm pretty miserable now. It's cold and rainy here in NH. Brrrrr.

What does the Dr. say? What if anything are you taking now? I am on Naproxen 500mg that I routinely take in the morning and will take one in the evening if I think I need it. I asked about Celebrex and was told it was several levels above and my primary physician said he wanted to go in stages. Naproxen is good for the inflammation as are most nsaids. My wife and her nurse buddy push Ibuprofen or Tylenol for more pain relief. I don't see much difference between them.

The best thing you can do is not to aggravate the joint, but other than sitting on your butt, its hard not to do. Go with what the Dr. recommends, he should have your whole medical history to work from and know what would best suit you.
Thought of trying a TENS machine? It could help a lot, especially with the sciatica.
Josephine, Don't want to steal the thread but will a Tens work with Arthritis cause I have one from awhile ago for a frozen shoulder.
There's no telling what a TENS will work for until you try it. Can't lose anything by doing that and you might have a lot to gain. Why not give it a go?

(However, I did say 'try' a TENS machine!!)
Hi Mikey,

This might sound strange to you but my staionery bike was/is a great pain reliever for me. I also do massages with almond oil it also have worked for me. I do use aleve when I am at work. I have a foam mattres pad which helped with the soreness. I hope you find something that would work for you.
Mikey -- give your doctor a call and ask (...what he thinks...) about prescribing a TENS. I totally agree with Josie. It's highly effective in interrupting pain.
I've heard naysayer MDs poo poo the idea but the patient can say "whatever... but I want one anyway". This actually happened to me once, then the doc later apologized, then started prescribing them routinely and found his need to write out narcotic prescriptions actually started DECREASING.... food for thought.
I regularly attempt pain relief with any other means than pills! Jacuzzis, Ice packs, moist heat packs and TENS have almost always worked for me. I've found that a bottle (30 tabs) of Vicoden last 6-7 months for me! And I prefer to protect my kidneys from NSAIDS.
Barb, RN
This is not medical advice, just experience....Common knowledge...
Barb, you took the word right out of my mouth. I have used my TENS on all sorts of pains. In fact, when I had my arthroscopy, I used it to get back to work after only 2 weeks! I had to as I was already in trouble for having had too much sick leave. So I would strap that thing on my leg and secure it with surgical tape, put the gizmo in my pocket and work on. I worked in the operating theatre (OR) and so you can imagine, I was on my feet and running up and down the corridor all day. Couldn't have done it without my little friend. But when my surgeon noticed me adjusting the machine one day and learned what I was doing he was flabberghasted! He'd never even given any consideration that a TENS might be helpful. So, like your doc, he knows tells his patients about it!

You never know what will work till you try!

Mind, one other thought - a person doesn't HAVE to have it prescribed. I bought my latest one off Ebay for about £20 ($40) and it's neat. It's the third one I've had, I wore the other two out!
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