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Pain above knee after surgery, unable to lie down

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Jun 9, 2006
My dad is having extreme pain just above his knee and is unable to sit or lie down for more than 10 minutes before the pain is excruciating. He doesn't complain until it's really bad.

His surgery was Tuesday morning and the doctor felt that it went well, a lot of arthritis and bone spurs. Dad has been trying his hardest at his PT but noticed a very bad pain just above his knee. He's still unable to lift his leg without ***istance. Movement seems to be okay.

The folks at PT thought it was probably his stitches hurting. He had an xray done this morning that didn't show anything. Mom asked me to surf the web in hopes of finding someone who has been through this.

He was supposed to be discharged today but instead is just discouraged. And he still has to do his other knee eventually!
6 weeks into recovery and still can not sleep in my bed..due to inability to get out of the bed. I have found if I use my recliner , foot piece, elevated 45 degrees, helps the pain. It is only place I can get a decent nights sleep. I sleep on the affective leg with a flat pillow between my knees an it helps some. When I get up in the morning, I do some knee exercises before trying to walk..IT HELPs!!! As for the pain above the knee, mine is still very sore. Ice packs seem to work. Now I can feel the knee making all kind of grinding and popping sounds. I hope it is still in place. It started Sunday after PT had me walk up 2 stairs, hold leg up on second step and flex it for count of 10 repeat x 10. Now I have pain at the top of my knee incision and the bottom!!!??? I hope some of this is helpful. I neglected to say I am 54 and have been dealing with osteorisis x 10 years. Don't give up..If it continues call yor Dr.
It saddens me to hear these stories. I had my right knee done in September 2004, and for the most part it came out alright.I had other issues. My knees were bad from a car accident 30 years ago. So the internal structure of the knee was not the best st start with. Anyway the right one was OK. My left one I had done last February, 2005. This was a different result. This one went terribly wrong. I would up having a lot of ligament damage inside. I am at a point where I wish I never had any of the surgery done.

Anyway the point I wanted to address was don't get your hopes up to high, this coould lead to my situation of becoming really depressed. Keep your eyes on where you cam from. Once you do this, there is no turning back. Now I have to pick up my life and mov e forward. Love to hear from anyone. I just keep an eye on the day.
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