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pain 1 1/2 years after bilat. THR

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May 12, 2009
United States
Hello Everyone,
I just came across this site after many months worth of looking for help for ongoing, chronic pain after having both hips done (6 weeks apart) in Nov. - Dec. 07. My pain extends from the outer hip down the sides of both legs and I have an abnormal gait, probably due to the 1/4 inch difference in my leg length. I have PT'd to death and still can't stand or walk for very long. I can manage grocery shopping, but that's about it. The ortho says x-rays show all to be in perfect alignment, he even injected one of my hips last December with no relief. I'm sick of pain pills and wonder if anyone with an auto immune issue has ever experienced anything similar?
Sorry to go one so long!
Hi Pontius1, so glad you found us. Our forum nurse, Josephine, will check in soon and probably have some guidance for you from a medical perspective.

Have you thought about getting a second opinion from a different orthopedic surgeon? I'm sure you agree....but you shouldn't be having pain like this.
I am sorry you are having trouble, I am a knee so I cant help, but they will all be along soon. I sure hope you can get this straight......I do agree with the second opinion if he is saying there is nothing wrong but you clearly know there is.........Hope you feel better soon............Kim
Thanks so much for the replies. My surgery was done at the Cleveland Clinic by their most senior hip guy and I don't know where I would go for another opinion without major travel. They have sent me through neurology, rheumatology and I have another appointment to see another rheumatologist at the end of the month because I have many other medical problems, all seemingly unrelated, but they seem to think that there is an auto immune problem causing chronic inflammation around both prosthesis. I'm an RN as well and have tried accupuncture, PT - you name it. I've had bilateral pulmonary emboli (preop!) and am still on Coumadin because of my gait, so anti-inflammatories are off my list of options. We've recently taken custody of our 3 year old granddaughter and I need to be there for her and keep up with her! On the other hand, she gives me a reason to keep trying and hoping. My THRs were done due to idiopathic avascular necrosis - more auto immune stuff?
This site is a blessing, just to read the success stories of others - I'd like to be one of them :-)
The fact that it's in both legs would point to some other problem more than hip problems as I'd think it unlikely you'd have the same pain in both THRs but would be entirely consistent with a neuro or vascular problem.

I suggest you get yourself referred first to a vascular surgeon and then to a neurologist or neurosurgeon and rule out any problems in those areas.
Dear Jo,
You must have seen and heard it all! I think that you are correct about the identical problems with both hips. I have a vascular surgeon (she placed a vena cava filter before my surgeries - it's since been removed). I liked her a lot and I think that giving her another call would be an excellent idea. Not sure where to go with the neuro, but I will take your advice, and thanks so much for listening!
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