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over did it

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Apr 14, 2009
United States United States
Hi Everyone, This past saturday I when to a wedding and a outdoor reception, My husband put the wheelchair in the car and was going to take it out at the church but I told him no I was going to walk in the church.Then we got to the front of church and saw all thoses steps so with cane in hand and hubby arm up the handicap ramp that started half way from the front all the way of the side of the church that when you open the door you where in the front of the church and we needed to get on the groom side so more walking down the isle to the other side of the church.That was the most walking I did.The wedding was so nice it was a second marriage for both of them and the bride has a 11 year old son and when the bride and groom walked down the isle the son ran up behide them and put his arms around both of them and had the biggest smile I ever saw, I hope someone got that picture I know I didnt, our son had our camera. So after the wedding back down the ramp and now to the reception that was in their back yard and they have a acre of land so it was way in the back so I did get into the wheelchair but after 3 1/2 hours I just couldnt sit any more and my pain pills just didnt seen to work and we did bring the ice packs so I needed to go home. I told my husband to go back after he got me in bed. Everyone told him that they could see the pain that I was having in my face. On Sunday I did sleep half the day away and same as yesturday. I am still tired today but I have the PT coming. This is getting long until later hope all is haveing less pain, Peggy
Hi Peggy!
Wow! That was a full day of activity and I just wish people that threw weddings would keep in mind the level of stamina of their guests, with respect to where they have the ceremony, reception, etc. But young folks never give that sort of thing a thought, I guess...unless they have a loved one that has or is going through that sort of thing.

Try to elevate, ice, elevate, ice most of today, I'd say...That in conjunction with resting and your pain meds should help you get back on track with your pain management. Still, it is hard to regulate one's activity while the world is spinning by, isn't it? Hope you feel better today and just rest as much as you can. Hugs!
Hey Peggy ya you are only 3 week out wow how in the world did you do that.......I bet those steps looked like a mountain.......Glad you got to rest though, takes a lot out of ya!!! Try to take it easy.....I saw your other post i know about the summer but you really needed it done.Glad you got out a lil bit I know what you mean....Take care get some rest........:)
Try not to over-do it again...easier said than done I know. Get some rest, ice and elevate. Hope your feeling better soon!

Take Care!!!!

BTKR 7/20/09
Oh, sorry you over extended yourself. We all do it at one time or another. Please rest and take it easy until you are back where you were pre-wedding. It will come. And next time, use the wheelchair, walker, cane, crutches or whatever you have to make your time out easier. It takes quite a while before you have the stamina - not to mention the leg strength - to do what seems like a "simple" event. None of them are simple....just being outside your home is a huge step forward!!
Peggy!! There IS hope!!! We just went to a wedding Sunday night and danced the whole night! Woke up yesterday......pain free!!! AMAZING!!!! Give yourself MORE time!!! But it will be soooooo worth it!!! :wink:
Good for you, Peggy! Apart from the pain and feeling tired, you did no damage and it was terrific of you to do it. What a wonderful effort.

And please, folks, don't ever worry about 'long posts'. You all know I have written some epics here sometimes. There's no limit on post length. You need to say it? Then say it! we love to read it.
Oh Peggy, I can so 2 weeks, I traveled 3 hours away for a 3 day weekend with 2 teen daughters, husband and friends for a National Bible Quiz and Awana Games Competition. They had prepared for a year for this competition and I wasn't going to miss it. Told OS I wouldn't do surgery when I did if I couldn't go. But oh boy did it take it's toll. We did drive the day before, so we could get set up at the hotel and have time on the CPM (yes, I took it with me). I took a wheelchair with elevating legs and used it most times since I needed to pace myself. Kept leg elevated as much as possible. Got up and walked per PTs instuctions every hour, and did exercises too. I wouldn't have missed those memories for anything. Even provided lunch with fruit, sub-sandwiches with the works, dessert and snacks for the team on both days. Believe it or not, I took the riding cart through Super Walmart to buy all the food. Looking back, I see how foolish that was. I didn't realize how serious this surgery was and how long it would take to heal.

Needless to say even at 4 1/2 months I still overdo...and have to have down time icing and elevating. Unfortunately, the better I feel, the more I overdo. Hard to set boundaries that we can live with, but it improves over time.

You are doing wonderful. Try to pace yourself and don't underestimate your energy. This soon in your recovery, fatigue is going to be the biggest factor. Save your energy for pt. For extra things like the wedding, use the wheelchair and don't try to impress anyone. I know I struggled with that helpless feeling, not wanting to stand out. That will come in time. Rest and relax as much as possible and before you know it, you'll feel more like yourself again.

It is so easy to over do it. I can see how it happened. But two weeks after your procedure is early in your healing. Please take it easy.
Hi---I think you were truly terrific to attend---and as already been said--think of the memories. I can't wait to get out and about----but know from others that fatigue and pain usually happen when one overdoes----I'm beginning to understand how "ICE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND" Please take care. Nancy
I am still resting did go out for a small walk yesturday with my home health aid,today I was on my bike for 5 mintues not sure how long to ride it will ask my PT when he gets here. The pain I do feel is on the inside of my knee and is tender to the touch,not sure what that can be. But me and my bestfreind are staying Cool!!
Peggy, it's likely soft tissue swelling. I used to have that a lot and still get it after a year and a half if I really do a lot. Ice there too and take the anti-inflammants.

You'll likely have a variety of different pains as you heal. It just goes with the territory. The knee compartment is very small and any swelling at all in there (even if you can't SEE it) has to travel somewhere in your leg. And that's the place you'll feel some pain and tenderness. It goes away with the old, elevate, ice, anti-inflammants.
Thanks Jamie, I do need to call the doctor for anti-inflammants tomorrow,will keep up with the ice,elevate and I have been resting but I am starting to love my afternoon naps.
Hey Peggy Just checking in with ya.........Im glad you got to walk a lil. After the other day you probably need much walking I believe....Take care hope you get that swelling down.........Gotta love those naps get em' while you Have a great rest of the day....:) Sound like you spirits are getting better.......Im glad.......:)
I have been waiting all day for a visting nurse to take my blood and shes still not here. Good thing I dont have anywhere to go today,tommorrow,or next week. I got on my bike and just started going and going that was the longest 10 miles to nowhere.Now how long should you be on the bike and does it matter how hard or soft should you make the wheel?
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