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Outside PT

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Jun 7, 2008
United States United States
Today will be my first day of outside PT! When I got this scheduled this morning they asked if I was driving yet (this was my OS's nurse). I said no because I was still on pain meds. Well, then I thought about it, that I hadn't taken any prescription pain meds since last night before my last home physical therapy at 7pm. When I went to bed, I took 2 Extra Strength Tylenol. Then again this morning at 4am same thing.

Since I hadn't taken my late morning pain meds, I thought I'd try the driving thing (we live on a private road). I got in the car fine, drove fine with no problems whatsoever with ROM needed for driving. I decided to take only the XST for my late morning meds so I could drive to my PT this afternoon. This is my first appt with them after three weeks of inhome PT, so I understand there will be an "assessment" then I can discuss the need of pain meds with them. I can handle the pain of everyday stuff, but wondered if I'd be able to give it enough of a work out if I didn't take my pain meds until I got home.

What did you guys do about driving (sure would be nice to not be beholding to anyone anymore if not necessary) and pain meds at this point.

I am 3 weeks PO and I had a uni.

Maybe because you had a partial you'll suffer less in the pain dept. Hope so. i was driving around 2.5 weeks. And yes, you have to keep that in check with your drug consumption. i imagine you will know by this late afternoon how you far with out the strong stuff and PT. Best. Nice to drive again huh?
I'm almost 7 weeks out. I drive around town okay. I'm fine on ipuprophen only during the day.

However, I was doing PT without vicodin and my progress was very slow.

Recently, I started taking a vicodin an hour before PT and I can tolerate much more--my progress in PT has been much better since I started taking one before. So my husband drives me to PT still :)

My recommendation--if the PT hurts (and it probably will) don't stint on the pain meds.

I drove in for my first PT, the drive was OK, not alot of traffic. Stopped at the pharmacy to pick up my new script for Darvocet instead of Norco (Norco MIGHT be keeping me awake at night... they suggested this).

My new PT person was not happy with the progress of my 3 weeks of at home PT...

At home, after all my exercises and stretches, THEN my PT would measure my ROM and straight leg, but this new PT measured me as soon as I walked in the door and I wasn't as "pliable" as I had been with the pain meds...

On Monday, my home PT measured me at 3 and 95 and today the new one measured me at 8 and 88. I really felt I was pushing it by doing the higher end of all the requirements my at home PT gave me. My new PT (Lynn) said I will always walk with a limp if I don't get my leg straightened.

New PT has me on a whole new regimin of tasks, that will be good to move me past where I've stalled. I'm heading out of town tomorrow morning until Sunday and really have to concentrate on these new exercises on my trip!

I posted last week that I was having a hard time sitting in a chair and she said the rule of thumb is to either have your leg bent purposely in a normal sitting position (not very comfortable, but do it) or straight. NO IN BETWEEN, like when I sit down, I favor my bad leg and it does not tuck back in the same position as the good leg. She wants me to make a concious effort to sit down without moving my feet (like a squat and then squatting).

I just took two darvocet and am camped in my recliner with ice for a rest!

Onward and upward!

Laurie, you are at 3 marvelous wonderful weeks. Still time to gain ROM before you worry. Sounds like the new PT will psuh you, but don't get discouraged.
Laurie, Try using an ottoman or a chair in front of your recliner. Put your foot on it and let the weight of your leg work on straightening it out. You may need to get someone to prop your foot with a rolled up towel to keep it from rolling out on you.
Doug -
I think this recliner has been my undoing! As much as I think it's straight and elevated, there probably is just enough of a dip at the foot to give me a dropped leg, therefore my leg has conformed to this angle.

So, when I came home, I immediately put the pillows under my leg to straighten. She's got me putting a rope around my foot and pulling my extended leg toward me, using my other hand to press down hard right above my knee as one of the exercises, hold for 10, do 10 ...every two waking hours...

I am willing and ready for anything, I just thought I was really pushing myself with what I was doing at home. Little did I know I had moved beyond those and should have been challenged more so that I could have "expanded my horizons!" It wasn't that I was pefecting what home PT asked me to do, I just needed different ones to make me do more. New PT also thought that possibly home PT was doing same therapy for me that she does for her older clients. I'm 54...

Oh well, I'm ready to take on more!

Laurie, did you try weights on your ankle while lying on the bed on your stomach with leg hanging off? Was that you I mentioned it to or someone else. i think it was someone else. All a blur.
Am I the only one whose ortho did not send to PT? At 71/2 weeks my ROM is about 95. My hamstrings are still a little tight but coming around. The knee is bending much better with less pain. My surgery was done by a leading ortho at the Mayo Clinic in Mn. I had 4 days of PT in hospital and told to do the same thing at home by myself. Is this normal? It doesn't sound like it according to all the posts I have read here. My next appt with ortho is July 17. Maybe he will make a recommendation then. FYI I had a TKR left with the Stryker Triathalon PS and the new poly disk pad.
I think I am doing quite well at this stage for being on my own. Any opinions?
You sound like you're doing great too, but I'm wondering too about what the doctors would like us to ideally be at and at how many weeks out would be a good goal to be there?

My PT today said the doctors and PTs used to think that 90 was a reasonable goal, but thought they were leaning more toward 120 as ideal now. I guess it depends on what we want to do when we're done. I want to be able to go down stairs (normal) and to kneel to work in my garden, I know there are some people that a couple years out still can't do either of those.

Am I the only one whose ortho did not send to PT? At 71/2 weeks my ROM is about 95. My hamstrings are still a little tight but coming around. The knee is bending much better with less pain. My surgery was done by a leading ortho at the Mayo Clinic in Mn. I had 4 days of PT in hospital and told to do the same thing at home by myself. Is this normal? It doesn't sound like it according to all the posts I have read here. My next appt with ortho is July 17. Maybe he will make a recommendation then. FYI I had a TKR left with the Stryker Triathalon PS and the new poly disk pad.
I think I am doing quite well at this stage for being on my own. Any opinions?

Sue, it sounds like you are doing well on your own.

My sister had bilateral replacement 18 months ago and had no outside PT. Her doctor (now retired) never even mentioned it. She did the home exercises & worked hard and is walking well now. On the other hand, I am doing outside PT (8 weeks post-op), making slow and painful progress (up to about 110 now)--she and I compared flexing knees the other day and we both thought mine bends better than either of hers. I'm aiming for 120.

Some doctors just don't seem to believe in the value of PT. Many folks seem to do okay that way, but I have become a big believer in PT myself. I know I could not have progressed as far on my own.

Personally, I wouldn't wait for the doctor to mention it--I'd ask :) Just my opinion, though :)
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