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"Outpatient" THR scheduled!

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Payback is wonderful! Hope your hub does great tomorrow!
You guys are the best!!! Don't know what I'd do for support without you!

I failed my EKG, my heart rate was only 55, so my primary doctor advised me to switch to in-patient at the medical center, so I did. That explains why I feel so weak all of the time. They also moved my date up to Feb 18th. I have to get further heart testing at the cardiologists office. I have had trouble in the past with an irregular heartbeat.

Josephine, have you had any patients with bradycardia? Just wondering how they did with the spinal.

My primary doc seems really concerned that it might be a block, but my cholesteral was only 150, and is always low. But what scares me is that the epidural will slow the heart rate even more! Tomorrow is the chest x-ray----not sure if that would show the reason though. I really hope I don't need a pacemaker, I have enough on my plate now.

PRGal, my son is 17. I think they play reruns of the bionic woman on nickelodian.

So no more outpatient for me, I think I will take advantage of the care as Laurie said.
Hop along it is kind of nice that the decision was made for you. although sorry you are worried about the reason.

When I had my hip replaced, my EKG was abnormal, no one made any comment about it, I found out when I picked up my medical records after. It was as you because of a low heart rate.

For this back surgery my heart rate at pre testing was 38!!!!!!!! I guess it explains walking around light headed. Once again no one seemed to say anything about it. I was speaking to the technician about my previous low heart rate adn how no one made any comment and asking her if anyone even looked at it. She seemed to ignore me until she looked at the one she had just done. She told me it was abnormally low.

I am glad your docs are on top of it. Let me know what happens. I had no problems at all with heart rate.

Judy sorry to hear that your plans have to change. You are wise to get all things checked out fully before your surgery. I'm sure your doctors will take good care of you!! Let us know how things progress and in the meantime, you'll be in my prayers.
Hi Hopalong, Sorry you are having health concerns before surgery but if your hospital provides the great care that mine did you are no worse off, and maybe better.

I am not at all informed about heart rate except that I thought a slow rate, to a point at least, was a good thing. Amazing the diverse things we learn on this forum.

Good luck with your ekg.

My hubby had minor surgery today, foot surgery to remove a bone spur. He was at the same place/hospital, much easier largely due to the milder anesthesia. Couldn't believe that 2 cups of coffee right after he came out of surgery tasted good to him and he kept it down!!! And a turkey sandwich on top of that. Funny how the memories of how nauseated I felt after my THR came back as I watched him down that coffee.

Did get my gym workout in this afternoon. Can't wait for spring and hiking. My body and soul is ready after this brutal winter. Can you believe that we here in northern NJ had a slight earthquake last night???? Thought I wouldn't experience them again after I moved from California in 1980.

Take care,
Hey Hop! You will do fine! Just keep a good positive attitude. & your friends here will pull you through!

Laurie,,,,did you feel the earth move last night? That's wild! Glad your hubby is finished with his surgery! Take good care of him tonite!
Wow---I like Mudpro went through the same experience and there is no way I would have wanted to come home early...(with drain in and pain meds and being sick to my tummy etc...)
I thought I would die those first two weeks (and they kept me in the hospital for 6 days).
I am a heavy girl and I am sure my weight caused me a lot of pain in the fact that I could not move around very easily.
I would think twice about this if it was me now having been through it ....
Best of luck to you...hugs Carol
Laurie,,,,,,you sound like you're really doing well! What specifically is your exercise regime?
Hi Judles, I try to get to my gym 4/5 times a week. My goal is 50 minutes on the elliptical and treadmill and a burn of 600 calories. I then do several minutes of crunches and a few reps of arm exercises. i have been going to World Gym for years but before my THR I could only use the elliptical and 40 minutes equaled about a 350 calorie burn and 400 was at the max of my ability. I could not use to treadmill because my hip pain.

At 56 I am fighting mother nature but holding my own. I really love to power walk but the weather has b een so bad this winter and I don't want to slip on ice. Can't wait to have my first spring in many years pain free to walk. Maybe another month and I will be out there at 5:30 am.

Are you into regular exercise? If so, what is your routine?

Hi Laurie! Wow! You inspire me,girl! Like you, I love doing total full body/core workouts! Before my hip pain became excruciating, I would do 45 min on the eliptical and do free weights a few times a weeksn too! I really became depressed when I used to walk 4 miles a day on our high school track 2 summers ago & this last summer I would be in agony if I even walked half a block! Last week I started working on the recumbent bike starting out at 3O min then increasing my time to 1 hour! I have been so thrilled with this surgery! Keep up the great work! My TRHR wa Nov 7th so I'm a little behind you!Life is so wonderful again,,,isn't it? I can't wait for spring to come! Who do we believe Punxatawny Phil who says 6 more weeks of winter, or Staten Island Chuck who totally disagrees! Meanwhile, its been snowing most of the day! Hope your hubby is feeling good! Funny topics about raised toilet seats tonite! Hope you are feeling good! Watch out for black ice,,, I slid on some and it totally freaked ne out!!
Judy wow! heart rate of 38? You sure? I feel less panicked at 55 now. But yeah, I do feel light-headed alot lately. How is your heart-rate now? Has it gotten any better?
Like Laurie, I thought low was good, but it's only normal if you are an athlete the doctor said.....if not, something is wrong.

Laurie, I saw the earthquake news, but it didn't reach us in Little Falls only 30 miles away from you. That must have been scary! Did it freak you out?

I can't wait to have a first Spring in 5 years without hip pain too!!! If all goes well.

Carol, I am a heavy girl too. I went from one extreme to another in the past decade. Thanks to quitting smoking and not being able to move without severe pain for 2 years. Plus I have neuropathy and myopathy (muscle weakness from the hips down), so it won't be easy I know. Did you have minimally invasive?

Judles & Laurie.....when I get my grove back I will get back in shape like you both did. I used to be a 4-mile a day runner (10 years ago), no more running since jogging wears out the new hip, but I will be a walker soon.
Yes Hop it really was 38. It generally runs in the upper 50's. It was somewhere there when I had my hip replaced in June.
I just went and filled out the request for all of my medical records when in the hospital so in about 10 days I guess I will have them and eventually show them to my primary care doc.

Judy I have exactly the same problem! Felt nauseous and dizzy prior to going into theatre for my hip replacement 3 months ago, and apparently my pulse rate was down to 40. In the 4 days I was hospitilized I had 3 ECG's and an Echo and it NEVER went above 42. I saw a cardiologist while I was in there and he explained I have an "electrical disturbance" in one area of my heart. Hopefully it will be controlled with medication - if not he mentioned something about cauterizing the area???? (I stopped listening at that point.......!!!) I'm in the process of waiting for a follow up appt to see the cardiologist again. Do you have any idea what treatment they will be giving you? I really want all this under control before I have my other hip replaced!
No one has mentioned this at all. I was telling the technician this time and asking her if I was just going through the motions as no one seems to look at my issues.
Let me know what happens with you.
I will Judy! :) I guess you've got more than enough on your plate at the moment without adding more! Good luck with your recovery - I don't post very often, but I look in every day and it's good to have you back!
I've heard a little about this procedure.

There are little nerve bundles in the heart that control the heart's function.
If I remember correctly, the whole structure is called the Bundle of His. If one section of this is malfunctioning it can be 'deactivated' by using a very tiny pulse with a cauterising probe. The other bundles then take over. It would be done under local anaesthetic and with live xray control otherwise known as an image intensifier, much like a cardiac catheterisation.
Oh I really hope heart surgery is not in my near future! Although, I guess that surgery sounds better than installing a pacemaker though. I google-imaged installed pacemaker photos, and they are really creepy looking! I am 48, and feel 90 now! No mas, por favor!

Josephine, being as ther epidural/spinal lowers the heart rate even more, what do they do if the heart rate goes too low during surgery??? Will they be prepared for that?
They'll be prepared pretty much for anything, my dear! That's their job! And they have a whole gallery of drugs for almost every conceivable eventuality. One group is for increasing the heart rate, so don't fret about that.
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