OS Finally Discuss Revision

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Dec 24, 2007
Northern California
Hello Everyone,

I was two years post-op on November 8; I was seen by my OS today and finally he is talking revision. I am not ready! He will keep me comfortable until I decide I am ready. I pray I make it to March 3, 2010 at which time I will retire after 34 years of federal service. I can recover without the stress of thinking about returning to work.

It’s been a painful two years…

Happy Monday
Finally, MsSplenda! And not before time, eh?
hey Im so sorry you have to go thru it again........I dont think anyone expects that after all you went thru but you will get thru this as well...........Try to get it over with that way for not in pain a whole lot longer..........just be done with it..........Please let us know when you decide we are you here for ya.....Take care post anytime............)
Good luck with your decision, Splenda!!!! I hope yoir OS DOES keep you comfortable as possible and that your knee behaves until revision time!!! (:)0)

You said it best!!!!!!! I feel really well today. Thank you for all your support you are GREAT!

Thanks to everyone for their support it's appreciated! I will keep you all informed.

Happy Tuesday!
MsSplenda it is a good decision finally. I hope you stay comfortable until retirement, that would be perffect .
Is your doc a revision specialist? If not , definately get one it needs to be done right this time.
Yes, my doctor is a revision specialist... I do not see the OS that perform the initial surgery nor am I angry with him; he's in the business to help not hurt. Only God knows what happened here... Judy everytime I post you make sure to remind me to obtain a revision specialist. I have one of the BEST... Thanks for your concern...
That's great news, Splenda! You sound better already!!! (:)0)
Sorry about that. I have such a bad memory. i remember you and all the pain you have put up with . Just don't want you to have any more. I might remember this time
MsSplenda....it sounds like you are making a very wise decision to have the surgery following your retirement. Congratulations on such a long career in Civil Service! I had 30 years....trust me, retirement is fabulous! You'll love it once you get through the surgery and hopefully uneventful recovery period.
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