Hello to my fellow TKR-ERS, Tis only me Klinger with a little question for my little forum friends. I,m now 3 weeks post op,doing well and not in a huge amount of pain. I can walk without sticks although if its any big distance I do use them as advised. The only real pain I get is when pushing it hard doing my physio workout. I,m still not much past 90 flexation but can walk without limping. So after all that waffling my question is....when bending the knee do most of us get the pain and discomfort in the same area/place, mine is not in the knee-joint itself, but I,d say a tightness about 3-4 inches above the knee at the top end of what I think maybe the quadricep tendon. I suppose this is a little poll type question really so a short and to the point answer might be of interest to us all, anyway cheers for listening all and I,ll catch up with you later,all the best Klinger