One Year Check Up

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Mar 21, 2008
United States United States
Hi Folks

Well it has been a year and saw the OS the other day. The x-rays are good and he was happy with the bend though he was hoping for a little more. The knees were really swollen so that did not help. I thought I would pass this on for the others -- he said no one gets the same degree of bend they do in the OR.

He had no answer for the continuing low level of discomfort and swelling. The past few days were almost like the old days because of the rain. I thought the surgery would cure the osteoarthritis problem but it hasn't or I have it in more than the knees (though the pain is in the knees). As for the very tight hamstrings/hip discomfort he said to keep stretching them and for the werid pain on the fibula just a chronic inflammation. The last NSAID my PCP prescribed messed with the kidneys so back to mega aspirin even if it does cause anemia.

Overall I am very happy with the outcome as the knees sure do work better and I can do alot more. The rain should pass soon and that should reduce the discomfort.

I am glad you had a good check up and your x-rays done. Have your knees consistently swelled since the operation? My swelling went down and I stopped icing about the 6 month mark.
I will be interested to see how I do next week on my one year anniversary. Especially to see what he has to say about the "crunching" sound in my knees when I sit and stand, but not when I walk. The sound is just like the noise my 'bad' knees made! I only feel the rain a little bit, it is more a drop in the air pressure with the low coming thru. I still am aware of where my platform is located within my leg, right where the numbness begins on the lateral side of each leg. Do you feel that as well?
I am looking forward to meeting you on Saturday! At lease the rain is supposed to stop for the day.......
Congradulations on your one yr mark.....Hopefully the swelling and all will go down....I am only 9 weeks so I like to see where people are that are so far ahead of me....Glad your xrays were good. Hope you keep improving....I am glad you are happy with your knees that makes me feel better. Thanks for posting............Best wishes............
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