I am actually beginning to think I'm weird or something. I was so prepared for pain after this surgery. But I can honestly say I have not had a minute of real pain. A little of what I would call discomfort. Yes, pushing my knee back and back to get ROM back hurts. Alot. But that's just a moment. I have been home from the hospital for 3 and a half days now and am on my third therapy session at home (and of course doing the exercises myself twice more during the day which is boring but so very necessary.) I have been walking outside every day for about a third of a mile on a nearby flat access road with no traffic - concentrating on heel-toe and trying not walk evenly. My husband has video'd my walking so I can see which is helpful also. Yesterday I did half with the cane and half back with no cane. No cane around the house except at night when I can't see without my contact lenses and am thus unsteady getting up to go to the bathroom. I sleep just fine (always could -- anytime, anywhere because I haven't had enough time to sleep at night since I was a teenager so there's a lot of catching up to do
) And that appetite loss even my doctor told me about - saying everyone loses 10 or 12 pounds - isn't happening because I'm not on the heavy duty pain meds. So I actually have to be careful not to GAIN weight becaue I'm in good shape now and don't want that to change. 3 Tylenol gets me through the PT - perhaps thanks to a cocktail of drugs my surgeon requires: 1 Celebrex and 2 Lyrica daily - anti inflammatories which, he said, lessen the need for pain medication. Also an aspirin twice a day as a blood thinner. It must have some effect ---- although he told me to take 2 Percaset (sp) for PT -- which I absolutely don't need and absolutely HATE!!.
Bottom line - I am now worrying that maybe when all the nerves wake up in my knee it will start hurting? although my PT says if it doesn't hurt now, it won't hurt later - except if I overdo it etc.
I have a stationary bike at home and my PT says I can start using it - gingerly- for ROM the second week post surgery. Which will be great; the bike was a big help in previous knee surgeries (ACL repair, etc)
I get my staples out in 9 days (14 or 15 days after surgery) and then I hope to get more aggressive outpatitent PT to help with balance (bad) and stairs (scary).
Swelling in my knee and leg appears reletively constant. In other words no worse after PT and walking etc. I have used ice after some exercise sessions. I think my ROM is at 113 without really forcing it and a little less lying on my stomach and bending my knee up. MY PT says I will improve in very small amounts at a time and not to expect big spurts of improvement in ROM.
I am curious if I am really "weird" or if others have relatively uncomplicated initial recoveries? Because all the fear about pain etc probably helped keep me from doing this a year ago when I should have done it.... So it may be useful for others contemplating knee replacement to know if bad pain is not necessarily an outcome.

Bottom line - I am now worrying that maybe when all the nerves wake up in my knee it will start hurting? although my PT says if it doesn't hurt now, it won't hurt later - except if I overdo it etc.
I have a stationary bike at home and my PT says I can start using it - gingerly- for ROM the second week post surgery. Which will be great; the bike was a big help in previous knee surgeries (ACL repair, etc)
I get my staples out in 9 days (14 or 15 days after surgery) and then I hope to get more aggressive outpatitent PT to help with balance (bad) and stairs (scary).
Swelling in my knee and leg appears reletively constant. In other words no worse after PT and walking etc. I have used ice after some exercise sessions. I think my ROM is at 113 without really forcing it and a little less lying on my stomach and bending my knee up. MY PT says I will improve in very small amounts at a time and not to expect big spurts of improvement in ROM.
I am curious if I am really "weird" or if others have relatively uncomplicated initial recoveries? Because all the fear about pain etc probably helped keep me from doing this a year ago when I should have done it.... So it may be useful for others contemplating knee replacement to know if bad pain is not necessarily an outcome.