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one week post op TKR and no pain!!!

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Jan 4, 2009
United States
I am actually beginning to think I'm weird or something. I was so prepared for pain after this surgery. But I can honestly say I have not had a minute of real pain. A little of what I would call discomfort. Yes, pushing my knee back and back to get ROM back hurts. Alot. But that's just a moment. I have been home from the hospital for 3 and a half days now and am on my third therapy session at home (and of course doing the exercises myself twice more during the day which is boring but so very necessary.) I have been walking outside every day for about a third of a mile on a nearby flat access road with no traffic - concentrating on heel-toe and trying not walk evenly. My husband has video'd my walking so I can see which is helpful also. Yesterday I did half with the cane and half back with no cane. No cane around the house except at night when I can't see without my contact lenses and am thus unsteady getting up to go to the bathroom. I sleep just fine (always could -- anytime, anywhere because I haven't had enough time to sleep at night since I was a teenager so there's a lot of catching up to do :)) And that appetite loss even my doctor told me about - saying everyone loses 10 or 12 pounds - isn't happening because I'm not on the heavy duty pain meds. So I actually have to be careful not to GAIN weight becaue I'm in good shape now and don't want that to change. 3 Tylenol gets me through the PT - perhaps thanks to a cocktail of drugs my surgeon requires: 1 Celebrex and 2 Lyrica daily - anti inflammatories which, he said, lessen the need for pain medication. Also an aspirin twice a day as a blood thinner. It must have some effect ---- although he told me to take 2 Percaset (sp) for PT -- which I absolutely don't need and absolutely HATE!!.
Bottom line - I am now worrying that maybe when all the nerves wake up in my knee it will start hurting? although my PT says if it doesn't hurt now, it won't hurt later - except if I overdo it etc.
I have a stationary bike at home and my PT says I can start using it - gingerly- for ROM the second week post surgery. Which will be great; the bike was a big help in previous knee surgeries (ACL repair, etc)
I get my staples out in 9 days (14 or 15 days after surgery) and then I hope to get more aggressive outpatitent PT to help with balance (bad) and stairs (scary).
Swelling in my knee and leg appears reletively constant. In other words no worse after PT and walking etc. I have used ice after some exercise sessions. I think my ROM is at 113 without really forcing it and a little less lying on my stomach and bending my knee up. MY PT says I will improve in very small amounts at a time and not to expect big spurts of improvement in ROM.
I am curious if I am really "weird" or if others have relatively uncomplicated initial recoveries? Because all the fear about pain etc probably helped keep me from doing this a year ago when I should have done it.... So it may be useful for others contemplating knee replacement to know if bad pain is not necessarily an outcome.
I had BI-TKR 9 weeks ago and I had a simular experience with pain or lack there of. I had pain during PT that was temporary. I had some slight discomfort but nothing compared to the constant pain that I had before surgery. I think PT is correct if you don't have the pain directly after surgery you may not have it.

All I can say is WOW. What am I doing wrong?? I tryed the cane but My right leg just gives out for no reason and I fear I will fall. So I figured that is why they say to use a walker. If I knew why the leg gives out maybe I could work on it and get it to going. I am not afraid of pain I just need to knew what I am doing wrong. I want to be able to do what you are doing.
Yesterday I talked the PT person into taking out the staples. And wow what a difference that is, no more staples digging into the knee cap.
Please someone anyone if there is something I can do to make the Right leg more stable let me know. This Thursday Doc will want to set up left knee. And I am afraid that the right knee giving out for no reason is going to mess that up..
I was also pretty lucky in the pain department. I was at inpatient rehab for 11 days and they went with 2 extended pain pills with some breakthrough one. By the end of 3 weeks or so I just needed some mild pain killers before PT for a few weeks. The big problem I had was sleep.

I think if you have good pain control post op that carries over and kinda of prevents pain from getting the upper hand.

Everybody has their own chemistry so we will all have different experiences.

Backbay38, I'm thinking that a good part of your success comes from all the physical training you were doing before surgery. Whatever the reason, more power to you for such a wonderful pain-free recovery.

It is true what Simon says (no pun there!) and everyone is different.

Calling All Angels....please don't be hard on yourself. I think you are doing fine and the best thing you can do to get to that pain-free point is to keep working your knee and build those muscles. Ask you PT and your OS about the knee that you say is "giving out" on you. My guess is they will say the muscles around the new joint are still getting themselves back in shape and used to having a new joint in there.

BackBay's experience is wonderful, but certainly NOT the norm. Most of us had to go through a lot of pain and hard work to get to that point where we have our lives back. You'll get there....HONEST!!
I am having a hard time believeing this. I think my Hubby (I think this is right) believes I am gold bricking. Last night I went in to the Kitchen to nuke a Healthy choice meal (I had stocked the side by side befor surgery.) But they were gone. So back down the stairs I go 2nd trip in the last 3 minutes. And there they were. I was tiffed so as I went by Hub's office I asked why did you bring my meals down stairs? and he said we are going to need the room in the freezer for ice Sunday. And you need to keep moving and not sit so much it is good for you to go up and down the stairs. Needless to say I am not talking to him at this time. But then after reading how some are walking and everything before 2 weeks I am wondering if I am sitting to much with the ice when I should be just doing normal stuff
Pain med's showed up in the Mail yesterday!!! LOL
I echo what Jamie has said, Calling. You are expecting far too much and being very hard on yourself. Your husband seems to be being very unsympathetic too. Don't ever judge your own progress on what other's are achieving. We are all unique and different individuals and no two surgical journeys are the same. Since you don't have a good leg to kick him with, I'd take a pan to your husband's backside and tell him to nurture you a bit more as his marriage vows said!
Well said, Jo!!!

Calling All probably should start talking to dear hubby again if only to keep telling him that you are healing and doing just fine.

If you get up and around too quickly, you will know it fairly soon.....the knees and legs will swell and hurt more than normal. Do things at the speed that YOU are comfortable with. Continue to take your pain meds on schedule (thank goodness you have a big supply now that the mailed prescription finally arrived!). The pain meds should make you feel better and more like doing some things in small doses, but they are not intended to be your ticket to get back to full activity! You are NOT a slacker - quite the opposite!! I think you are doing much more than the "average" person! But you need to keep resting, icing, elevating in between those PT sessions and exercises that the therapist gives you to do. That is your job now - not cooking, not cleaning, not remodeling the family room, not taking down the outdoor Christmas lights that may still be up....not ANY of that "non-healing" stuff!!

As for me (with just ONE new knee), it was at least 4 weeks before I felt like doing anything around the house other than going to the bathroom, taking a shower (and I needed a nap after that), and nuking food. My guess is that hubby is beginning to realize he put foot in mouth about the big party on Sunday and now he is beginning to realize the work involved. He thought you'd give in and help, but now he's seeing you meant what you said. So stick to your guns, hon.....the party is HIS deal.....HIS work to do! You, on the other hand have a lovely plan to rest and recoup in the den with just a pop in to the festivities now and then when you're dewey fresh from a nap.
My husband is really glad he did not treat me like that. I didn't do stairs for at least six weeks after surgery--could have been longer. How long has it been since your surgery? I know it hasn't been very long. I'll bet he doesn't have a medical license of any kind. Your first expert is you--you are the only one who knows how you feel. The other experts are your OS and physical therapist.

The pain thing is really individual. I had a lot of pain--particularly IT band and piriformis. Other folks just don't. For example, I once had an endometrial biopsy. The doctor even said it would really hurt for a bit. I never felt it. I felt the knee!
This no pain after happens a lot with the my OS, Dr. Coon, but I wasn't one of the lucky ones, like I thought I would be. I was told I could have pain from bone ache, from the cutting of bones, and I did. It lasts 10-12 days, they said, and I was really hitting the Darvocets during that time.

Meanwhile a man who went to the same doc, didn't have pain afterwards and either did this 70+ year old woman I knew. No rhyme or reason to this, I had always been told I had a high pain threshold by other docs and I was very strong going into surgery.

So you're probably over 10 days out by now and sounds like you've escaped the bone ache pain.

A surgery buddy of mine, who had her TKR same day, same doc as me...she got a lot of bruising which I think was because she was running around so much immediately after at Costco on day 3, stuff like that. I think keeping your feet up high minimizes the bruising and swelling.

You're one of the lucky ones who didn't get pain, backbay.

After reading what all of you wrote I think my pre-operation workouts ARE making a big difference. also I am thinking my surgeon's witch's brew of drugs - the Celebrex, Lyrica and even the aspirin for blood thinning are a big help with pain. I realized last night that when I say i go to bed without any additional pain medication (tylenol) I am actually taking a lot of it!! It just isn't labeled "Percocet"!!! all the extra drugs end after 2 weeks when the staples come out and I guess I go to out-patient PT.
I am NOT doing a lot of stairs - even with the one leg at a time method. Our house is built on a rock and you have to go up and down one or 2 steps to get to the bathroom, kitchen etc. But I'm not doing the bedroom. Sleeping in the LR. Can't deal with going to the bathroom in the middle of the night with an immobilizer on my leg -- and going up and down a flight of stairs. Plus not seeing anything because I don't have my contacts in or glasses on.
In terms of feeling like your knee is giving out Calling All Angels -- I thinbk it is simply muscle weakness. Even I feel that occasional when i Move a different way that needs my deteriorated inner quad muscles. (my other quad muscles are better from doing straight leg lifts with weights before the operation and quad sets). I also say tell your PT and just work on building strength. I am religiously doing all the exercises at least 2 and mostly 3 times a day. And walking, walking, walking. I get tired after a third of a mile outside but I can do a bit more each day. I get up and just walk purposely around the house as much as I can. Use the cane for balance and try to walk evenly and slowly. Don't rush or try to walk even at a normal pace. It's more important to try to place your wieght evenly. I actually found at first that walking outside with a walker was helpful because I could balance lightly on it and it was there if I needed it but it helped me to learn to walk evenly again. Slowly, slowly and concentrate on puting that foot down heel - roll forward to toe off. It seems jerky at first but my PT says as the muscle strength comes back it will become more fluid and "normal".
Building those musicles is EVERYTHING!!! don't give in to the pain - get it under control. I am now convinced that many doctors do NOT do adequate pain mediation. And if you are in pain you won't do what you need to do. And the more pressure you have to place on that kne knee - because your muscles are weak - probably the more pain you'll be in. Strong muscles take the weight off your knee and you have to build them!!!
My husband has been just wonderful as a cheerleader and helper. I got a little discouraged this AM because I didn't get the hi flex knee I expected - because the surgeon said my side ligaments were too badly damaaged and my knee was a "challenge". But what the hell - he's right. I am already so much better than I was just one week ago.
BTW we are NOT having a Super Bowl party! I said no way. Just one couple and I think I can deal with that.
You have to put your foot down. This is your life you are getting back. Not something to put on the back burner for a Super Bowl party!!!
It's great hearing about all the variables; we really all are different! And yet the same with this knee thing!!!
Well I have to wash my hair int he kitchen sink (ugh)(no showers for another week) and take my 3 Tylenol to get ready for the PT visit.
This is such a GREAT forum!!!!!
Excellent post, BackBay! Your words will benefit a lot of folks out there!
I loved your post. Thanks!! It does seem like you have it all togther. And a Husband
that is surportive. I am 60 years old and have never felt that. You are lucky. And
if I had a good leg I would put it down. LOL But at this time I am scared that it
would me that would go down tiring to put my foot down. Plus after almost 40ty years
I have found it easier to just go with the flow. (whimpie whimpie thats me) I have 2 Great children (and their better halfs) Plus 5 wonderful Grandchildren that complete my life. They are the reason I want to be able to run and play!! LOL The 3 years old calls me Gram-ma dude. Something he pick up a pre-school. Everything is Dude.
^i^ speaks volumes about what a great Gramma-Dude you are that your grandkids were worried about you. Sounds like you raised some wonderful children who are passing it on to their kids!
Calling all angels ---- I guess we all live our lives in our own ways. You sound like you have a wonderful family with children and grand kids and that's your support and what keeps you going and gives you a goal to reahb your knee.
My husband and I chose not to have children; we were both very involved in our work which we both love. We have been married for well over 30 years and almost get divorced each day!! There are times I wish we had. And I'm sure he feels the same way. We are 2 strong personalities and fight alot. But nothing is hidden; it's all out front. And I think in the end we are each other's best friend. My husband pushed me to get the TKR for a year and I was in total denial and blew up at him each time he mentioned it. But he got me thinking and when my knee got in the way of work and life -- it wasn't a foreign idea to get it replaced. We love to mountain climb and walk all over on vacation and of course he still runs marathons although I can't. But I will run again -- just short runs and races with him. So he is winning as I am.
But Calling -- DONT get involved in the Super Bowl Party unless you feel up to it. I have read a lot of posts here about people overdoing it early on and paying for that for days. We had an ice storm here today after snow and I couldn't walk outside so we went to the supermarket and I did the aisles and my husband said we may as well buy some stuff... and so we did. And I survived. But I won't rush to do shopping again until I'm sure I can stop and start, stand and walk for 20 or 30 minutes. Not quite there yet :) And it sounds like you aren't quite there yet for the party. But you do HAVE to get your pain controled so you can exercise like crazy -- and then the pain will gradually go away as you get stronger. As for the Super Bowl -- we have no local teams in it this year. So except for the 3D commercails I have heard about -- I can sleep through it if I want to :)
There was some discussion on this thread about ice storms (off topic) that was moved to its own thread under the Lifestyles forum.
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