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Reverse Shoulder Replacement One RSR down, one to go


junior member
Sep 14, 2013
United States United States
I'm 5 days out from surgery and doing pretty good. I have just a simple sling, which was enough of a problem (sharp pains from jostling when I move) that I ordered other slings to try. By the time they arrived, the pain was already lessening. My dr prescribed oxy to be taken while alternating acetaminophen and ibuprofen. I didn't take any oxy today or yesterday. I have a nerve block pump going until I take it out tomorrow. May need more oral pain relief without it. But I get to shower!! once the block catheter is out of my neck. I may just spend the whole day in the shower. :snork:
@Twinsanity Congratulations on your new shoulder! It is good to hear you are doing well. That first shower will feel wonderful ... just be careful not to move the shoulder very much. You are still very early in the healing process and do need to take things slow and easy for quite a while yet. If you need them do not short your self on the pain medications. Are you also applying ice/cold packs to the shoulder? That does help a lot with reducing swelling and controlling pain.
Welcome to the Healing Side, @Twinsanity! So glad to read that your pain is diminishing. Enjoy your shower, but take things slow. You are early days.

Hey all, I don't remember how to tag people. The only movement I am making besides my dangling exercises is from sleeping recliner to another armchair at my laptop table. And livingroom to bathroom and back. Lots of rest and icing. As far as I can tell, I'm not swelling or very bruised. Will get a better look at things later today. Anyway, as long as I am comfortable enough to rest, pain is not a bad lets me know I shouldn't do the thing that caused the pain. Like sneeze. Or twitch in my sleep. :sad:

Just name the member you want to address and add the @ sign in front of their username (no space) -- just like I did here. Easy peasy!

Sorry about the pain. It will get better with time.
Nerve block pump is off/out and I had my glorious first post-op shower. Sooooo good! My youngest helped remove the catheter and I managed everything else. Set a sturdy folding chair with a beach towel draped over it near the tub to sit on straight out of the shower. I read somewhere that hand towels were easier to dry with than a large bath towel and that turned out to be true. My shirt got bunched up behind me but I wiggled it loose without help. I need to be able to most of my own care so my daughter will feel ok to go home, she doesn't trust the younger siblings to make sure I'm fed and watered. :rofsign:
I'm glad for your progress, I'm almost 2 weeks and believe I'm going to make it.
More pain today, proof the nerve block was doing its job. I'm not sorry it's gone, totally worth trading it for the shower. Still alternating ibuprofen and acetaminophen. I added an oxy earlier after firing things up with my passive dangling exercises. I also have CBD gummies (legal in MI and with dr permission), a night version and a less sleepy one I can use as needed. The icing machine is helping. I've been sleeping with it on, about 6 hours at night and another 3-4 hours daytime napping.

I was worried about using the bathroom, something not mentioned much. We have bidet seats but controls are on the right. My left arm is stupid. I tried to teach it to do more things but it doesn't want to. I was mortified at the thought of needing my children to clean me up. I bought a bottom buddy assist tool and it helps. I also discovered if I loosen the strap on my sling so my hand dangles some, I can turn my body on the toilet far enough that my hand reaches the bidet control to turn it on. Reposition my body to let it work. Turn back to turn it off. Do a little drip dry (no blow dry on my cheap bidets, lol), pat with the paper clad buddy and I'm fresh and clean. No need to involve others in my business. Woot!
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@Twinsanity I definitely have “bidet envy.” Lol. I tried a handheld, rechargeable “bidet” device. It proved too cumbersome to operate one handed. So, I went back to my tried and true flushable moist wipes. They did the trick.

I really liked the nerve block. I’m glad you have pain management options. I didn’t need the “big guns” as much or as long as with my hips but when you need some, you need it. As you get more active, that achy soreness can ramp back up. It would catch me by surprise, sometimes. Blessings for continued good healing. Keep us posted.
Oh, man, am I hurting. Not my shoulder though, I have an abscessed tooth. The left side of my face is swollen and so. much. pressure. I called my surgeon's office and they prescribed antibiotics. It's too much and i wish i could sleep through this.
What a difference two doses (now 3) of antibiotic and some decent sleep made. My face is still swollen but the pressure is gone. Whew. That was scary. I called my surgeon, they said to call my dentist, dental office said they could see me mid-February but I'd need antibiotics now so call my primary, primary said she wouldn't prescribe without seeing me. I haven't left the house since my surgery, I'm in pajamas with no bra and crazy hair, I can't drive and there was no one here to drive me. Which was fine, they had no appointments. Go to urgent care or ER. At that point, I'd decided to do a video visit through my insurance but called surgeon's office back and they were concerned about my allergies (2 different kinds of antibiotics). So they prescribed antibiotics after all. I worry about infections getting in my knees or shoulder.
Oh no, I'm so sorry you had to deal with this run-around, @Twinsanity. Glad you finally got a prescription.
You poor thing, you didn't need that. It'll get better.
I had my first post-op visit today. The PA took off my dressing, said my incision looks great. An x-ray shows everything as expected. He's happy with my progress (completely dressed myself, including stepping into my bra, except for my right sock) and I haven't needed any oxy since the antibiotics took care of my tooth abscess. I can limit my use of the sling to when I'm up and active, sleeping, or leave the house for the next two weeks and then be done with it. I need to set up pt to start next week. I haven't tried sleeping in bed yet but I napped on the couch after brunch with my kids. That was amazing (my butt is tired of all the sitting).

In other news, my dog Poe's post-op was also this morning. We were all sure he has lymphoma but the biopsied tissue isn't cancer. His swollen lymph nodes could be caused by cancer somewhere else or an autoimmune condition, or... They don't know what is.
tSounds like your recovery is going great, despite the toothache (who needs that at a time like!). I'm nine days post RSR. Not as much pain as expected, but my little and ring fingers have been numb and tingling, and there are regular jolts of sharp pain in my hand. I'm wondering if all this is an artifact of the nerve block. I see my surgeon for follow up next week. As, for the rest of life, I've mostly been sleeping, reading, and watching streaming TV on my iPad. I do exercises 2x a day and have taken two showers with my spouse's helpm
tSounds like your recovery is going great, despite the toothache (who needs that at a time like!). I'm nine days post RSR. Not as much pain as expected, but my little and ring fingers have been numb and tingling, and there are regular jolts of sharp pain in my hand. I'm wondering if all this is an artifact of the nerve block. I see my surgeon for follow up next week. As, for the rest of life, I've mostly been sleeping, reading, and watching streaming TV on my iPad. I do exercises 2x a day and have taken two showers with my spouse's helpm
Oops, pulled the trigger too soon! Typing on my phone with one finger of my left hand. I had a bad reaction to hydromorphone in the hospital and basically stopped eating because I was throwing up so much. I still had bad waves of nausea when I came home so they gave me an anti-nausea med used for chemo. Fortunately it worked, and I was slowly able to develop an appetite again. My spouse has been phenomenal, making me meals that match my cravings but are also nutritionally adequate. For pain, I'm down to one or no T3's a day. Hope I'm not doing too little!
I hit a couple small things to celebrate the last couple days. First, I timed myself and I can shower and dress with no help in just about 20 minutes, not including shoes and socks. That's very close to my pre-surgery timing. Sounds silly but I work 5-6 mins from home. I could get in the shower 30-35 mins before work, dress, shoes, earrings and gather work stuff and make it there with 5 mins until punch in. Anyway, I got my right sock on by myself only took me three weeks to get that, woot! And I brushed my teeth with my electric toothbrush in my my right--surgical side--hand today.

I have to take my celebrations where I can. My son and I spent all day yesterday at a specialty animal hospital an hour and half away from home while my dog had a CT scan and some surgery. I haven't set up my PT yet because Poe requires complete supervision and nursing care for a serious wound (left from the biopsy he had at our regular vet). My car broke down on the way home. :sad: So thankful my sons are already working on it.
@Twinsanity You have been busy! I am very glad things are going well with your shoulder. Do still be gentle with it, though - you are still quite early in the recuperation process. I understand that life can get in the way ... and PT for shoulders really is necessary. I sure hope your dear dog gets better quiickly. And bless your sons for taking care of the sick car!!
Well, I drove for the first time since surgery yesterday (my orders were no driving until off narcotics and no sling, I've ditched the sling and no narcotics since the tooth abscess). Unfortunately, it was for a sad reason. I took my beautiful dog Poe to the vet for the last time. I am heartbroken at the loss of him.

I know I am still quite early in my recovery. I was supposed to set up my PT to start this week. I've been busy dealing with the care of my dog so put that on hold. I have been progressing in using my surgical arm though. I'm not doing anything to cause more than slight discomfort and backing off at that. In looking at what sorts of "exercises" pt has reverse replacement peeps doing, I feel like I am on track. I am practical...I will not over do to the point of damage or not move it to the point of winding up with a frozen shoulder. I don't want to pay for extra surgery I can avoid and I really want to kayak again! Thanks for your concern though, it reminds me to be even more mindful.

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