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On a positive note

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junior member
Dec 16, 2008
Australia Australia
Hi all

Sometimes I think the people who have had a relatively easy time don’t post enough. (Me included)

I had a BTKR just over 3 months ago. Yes, the first 6-8 weeks were miserable but now I am a new man! I can walk for miles, I can stand for ages. I did an intercontinental flight and am now looking forward to an extended driving holiday... Something I could not contemplate a few months ago
I am glad I had the surgery done

I know a lot of people had or have problems and I honestly feel for you. I guess I am just one of the lucky ones

Oh wow! That IS good news, Richard! And you're right. I just had to remind someone else that we get a disproportionate number of problems here as those whose recoveries go smoothly have no need to come to a place like this and post. They might post pre-op to ask questions and get help/reassurance in the lead up but if things go as they should after, then they're off and getting on with their lives which is exactly as it should be.

I do thank you muchly for coming back to let us know how you're getting on though. Hope you have a terrific holiday. God bless!
Great Recup, Rich! And I heard it just gets better & better,too! :)
What a day brightener your post was, Richard!!! Thanks so much for providing such positive feedback for those who are still just considering the surgery or those who may be in the early stages of recovery. As we all know, it is SUCH a big step in life and one you have to make voluntarily.....scary!!
Woohoo Richard,

Great to hear from you and that all is going SO well. Just wonderful.

Have a great holiday. Sounds fantastic.

Chris :)
You are so right Richard, I had an easy time as well and the problem with posting for me was there were so many other people posting who were have serious problems I felt almost as though it sounded like I was boasting if I posted how well I was doing. I know that is silly but it is how I felt and I don't think I am the only one who felt that way. I had my surgery, both knees at the same time and just did really well. Like you I can stand forever and walking is no problem, ROM and extention were right on from the time I left the hospital, didn't have to do rehad like expected, only had three sessions of PT and was released by OS at five weeks with his parting words being, this kind of surgery isn't for everyone, but you are one of the lucky ones that it is designed for, you have done better than patients who only have one knee done. I don't know why some of us have such an easy time, my opinion is that we picked the right doctor, whether because of luck or tons of research. I was fortunate in that the OS who did my scopes was the head of the Ortho at the University hospital here and he had raised his children in the small town where I was raised and we had friends in common. He didin't do TKR's but had a doctor he trained that is the best in this part of the country and he told me not to allow anyone else to do my surgery. I still talked to other people who had their surgeries done by him and even talked to nurses who had worked with him. One of the things I was told by all the nurses was that he was the most particular when it came to everything in the OR being just so so and sterile. He was attentive, patient, answered questions where I could understand and made me feel like he really liked me. I do believe the surgeon is the most important factor in the equation that we can actually do something about. What we can't do anything about and what seems to cause the most problems is peoples immune system. Even though I read as many of the posts as I have time for I don't post very often anymore. I pray for everyone and think Jo is wonderful. Certainly this forum is a blessing and has helped us all. I wish everyone had an easy time but that is never going to happen, unfortunately, but with Jo's help and the help of the others who come here at least they will have their support and input. That is a blessing and the best help they can have. Rowdy
Obviously if people didn't have any issues there wouldn't be a forum. I am stoked for you. You are like my dad, in 4 weeks he was done....and it changed his life at 70 years old. My case is different, BUT, this weekend walking down the stairs it felt like things are getting close to normal. I'm stoked!!!!
Great news Rowdy, I too have had what I call a pretty easy time, well I'd have no hesitation going back for the next one, when the time arrives. I think it's good to hear just how positive an experience it can be.

Sorry it's been a bit more difficult for you execk2 but good to hear it's looking more promising. I'm stoked for you!

Chris :)
I too agree with Rowdy, on many points. I had a wonderfully skilled surgeon who I was very comfortable with performing my BTKR surgery. I had a relatively easy recovery. I am very glad I had both knees done at the same time.
My husband and I are just back from a week ski vacation in Rangeley, Maine. My husband and I skied broken link removed: and Sugarloaf Mountain during the week. We had 28 inches of snow on Monday and lots of wind & rain on Friday turning the roads into ice rinks! I did ski 2 days at Saddleback and one at Sugarloaf. I had a fun time! I had BTKR on June 18, 2008 and was skiing 7.5 months post op. I am hoping to get some walking in and start to lose some of the weight I have put on over the last 10 years! Just being able to ski again has given me a new lease on life, and part of my old life back.
I came home to a dead computer, so, I will have to get that fixed. I am posting from my husband's.....
Yes! Posting the good things are important. I surprised many on this group board by returning to work with help early (12 days after surgery providing child care in my home for 9 children). After the summer my number dropped to 5 with the return to school and the changes in the economy. I then had 2 more from one family leave as their Mom lost her job. I was down to 3 children. I start a new 2.5 year old towmorrow. So, maybe things are starting to look up. I was down by half enrollent for 4 months.....
Keep a positive attitude, ask questions when needed of your OS and PT, work hard, and your new lease on life will be worth all the time, effort, and energy you put into your own recovery.
Great post Crystal.

My daughter in law does what is called Family Day Care over here, same as you. I take my hat off to you. I do foster care but the most I have had at one time is 3, although it is 24/7 care, which can be challenging at times :) I still think you at home carers are great.

Chris :)
I too agree with Rowdy, on many points. I had a wonderfully skilled surgeon who I was very comfortable with performing my BTKR surgery. I had a relatively easy recovery. I am very glad I had both knees done at the same time.

Hi, Crystal! Good to hear from you. I remember you as one of our poster chicks for easy surgery and fast recovery. It is so rewarding to hear these good stories. And even if one's recovery is not quite so fast (like mine!), the joys of doing things is still very, very sweet!
I had BI-TKR on 11-13-08 the experience was amazing. I had constant pain for the last 10-15 years that was dibilatating. After the surgery the pain was gone although replaced by different pain that I knew would go away. At about 4 weeks 90% of my pain was gone. I know I am very lucky and I continue to post as much as I can (all positive toward this surgery) I was able to return to work at 7 weeks post op and now at 14 weeks post op I have a new life doing things that I could not do for the last 10 years.

I live in Memphis, Tennessee and we dont get very much snow maybe 6-8 inches every 4 years. well over the weekend we got 8 inches and I spent all day with my 6 year old sledding and making snow men (What a day) I would never have attempted that before.

Max!!! WOW! That's such fabulous news! You sound like YOU'RE even going through a delayed childhood! :)
Wonderful Max,

Enjoy your life.

Chris :)
I agree that there should be more positive writings about TKR. Literally everything I read about the operation scared me to death. I expected massive pain, weeks and weeks of heavy duty pain pills that would turn my mind to mush and enormous pain during PT. None of which happened. Thanks to a combination of circumstances starting with a great surgeon and excellent pain control from the start -- I had no pain, was able to walk unaided in 5 days, found the bending pain with PT and my own efforts tolerable for the few moments it really hurt (3 extra strength Tylenol for the PT sessions which was really more than I needed). I go for my 6 week checkup to my surgeon Thursday and can walk about a mile and a half at a 3 mph pace. Not exactly blazing time but it's improving. My ROM went well past 130 weeks ago and my PT laughs at me because I want more to match my good leg --which will take perhaps months, he says. A matter of stretching shortened quad muscles in the once bad leg.
Bottom line -- I'v e been very lucky. But since the operation I've read other really good outcomes here. And if everything you read didn't scare you so much -- there are people - like me - who might have the operation sooner. Which in my case probably would have been a very good thing since the past year hasn't been great, with my life and work defined by how far I could walk etc with my bad knee. Some people I met just before my operation from my gym told me the first week was bad but after that it was not bad at all. eVen that was a lot better than I was reading on medical websites, newspaper articles and here. So some positive re-enforcement is really important!!! And sometimes if you expect bad things to happen, they do. The mind is very powerful and can turn what might be just "discomfort" into real pain -- because that's what you expect to have. This is not a paean to Pollyanna-ism!!! Just a plea for more posiive stories. If overall -- your outcome is positive week to week --- you can also overlook the little problems and setbacks that I learned - truthfully -- from this forum - are part of even the best recovery.
Just wanted to share that today, I did my first push a trolley up each aisle in the supermarket shop, load the car, unload the car and carry the bags into the house, and unpack them into the kitchen cupboards, and did it all pain free. Woohoo! I might add I did it all with a trolley that when I wanted to go left it went right!

I also did the shopping after going to the bank, walking to the bootmaker to pick up shoes that weren't ready, and walking back to the car, (I would have driven before). I have never been so happy to go shopping in my life.

Chris :)
Way to go, Chris!!!! It's amazing how good the little things can feel. You begin to realize how much of life you have been missing!!! Go girl!!!
Thanks Jamie!

Chris :)

Might have a quick Nanna nap now before my young charge gets in from school, then it's the usual Weds round of dance and athletics.
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