Ok-Whattya think?

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Prinny, you could always search out another doctor for a second opinion.
prinny I hear you loud and clear. I've had the same problem with my thoracic spine.
My doc did after cancelling my surgery send me to the best spine doc in the world so now i am still loading up with percocet and waiting for the surgery approval again and a new date again!!!

I, if in your shoes , would be at a revision specialist as soon as possible.
This is just too crazy.
I am certainly not a medical person in any way, but i would also ask my surgeon if a short ( a few days only ) course of steroids (prednisone) would bring down the inflammation faster and then continue on anti inflammatory meds.
Have you got your xrays? Can you post them in here?
No unfortunately I do not have copies of my xrays.... and it'd take me a bit to get them, PLUS $$ for them.... I go back to see my surgeon on 11/11... we'll see what he says then. If nothing else, I'm going to request copies of my medical records while I am there at the clinic then... I want copies of my last few check ups to see what he's written in them, and my last few xrays... I'll keep everyone up to date.

Jo, honestly, should I still be in pain this long out (8 months after left, 6 months after right)?? Does this sound odd to you??
Well, given the history, it's not really surprising. You had a fall, you have osteophytes and you have something else going on.

However, I've just reread this thread right through and I'm beginning to wonder if that hip's not become loose.

I would echo what Jamie said back there - you should get yourself a second opinion, preferably from someone who has no connection at all with your present surgeon. There is something amiss there and I don't think it's all due to osteophytes.
Hello All!

Just posting an update.... still waiting to find out what the heck is causing all this pain. Still fighting with trying to get the OS to listen to me. Pain in buttock/groin is STILL there, x-rays appear normal. OS said bone scan could be done at one year, but that's another 4 months out! UGH! Unless I want to pay out of pocket to see another dr I'm stuck with the one I have :( What do I do??? I pulled my medical records to see what he has been writing in my chart, and he says in all of them, "undetermined cause of pain" well no DUH! :doh:

Supposedly my surgeon is the BEST in the area.... so why can't he figure out what is going on with me??? IRRITATING isn't even enough of a word to describe me right now!!!! :hissy:

Prinny...I'm so sorry to hear that you are still having problems and your "best" surgeon is not helping you! Is it because of your insurance that you must stay with this doctor? It sure seems like a second opinion would be worthwhile at this point.
Well, I'll tell you why he can't figure it out, Prinny. Because, all evidence to the contrary, he is not God! The human body is prey to so many aches and pains that are totally indefinable and you'd need to be a genius/prophet/fool to try and put a name or source to them all. Truth is, there is much more about the human body we don't know than what we do know, it would fill a place the size of the British Library. They do their puny best but there's still heaps of stuff that defeats medics. Sad fact of life, I'm afraid.

So the only option is to treat the symptoms which, in your case, is to try some pills, PT or such and see if it helps at all.

Of course, the veterinary surgeons have it best! :wink:
Im sorry I sure hope they can figure it out soon......get better soon ill keep you in my prayers........)
Ok Jo, need your advice. Ok, so through all of this, I called my doc back in Dec and said I JUST couldn't take the pain anymore in my buttcheek in the right side (the side that's been hurting me this whole time) and now my left thigh is getting this sharp stabbing pain in the middle of it(and I previously had NO pain in that one!).... So he orders blood tests to check for infections and apparently those were normal (though he never gave me the actual numbers) and he says we'll do the bone scan closer to a year again, so we're back to the same holding pattern.

SOOO the next week I end up coming down with a random bladder infection, go to the dr, get the antibiotic, everything seems good, it goes away. Then after New Years, it feels like the bladder infection might be coming back, it burns when I go to the bathroom and I feel the twinge of the bladder spasms I had with the first bladder infection(which by the way was HORRIBLE and had me in screaming pain for like hours!). So i go to the dr thinking the infection is back and they tell me my urine test shows no bacteria in my urine but that my WBC count is really high and leukocytes were 1+.... that my body must be fighting something, but not another bladder infection and to just wait it out.

Since then (in just the last week) my pain in my thigh in my newly painful side is so bad I have to use the cane again. I'm nearing my 1 year anniversary on that side and the pain in the butt cheek is still there on the right side, as it's been for months.

I called my surgeon this week Monday to say I couldn't take the pain anymore, and the nurse informs me he has cancelled all his appts and surgeries this week because his son is critically ill, but that I can see one of his PA's. Well I can't get in to see them till NEXT week! And I already have an appt with a second opinion dr next week, and then my normal surgeon the following week.

What do you think Jo? Does my urinalysis have anything to do with my painful hips or vice versa? Are there additional questions I should be asking!?!

I'm at my witts end, and I'm tired! Dealing with pain, doped up on Percocets all the time again just to get through a day at work, and walking with a cane at 28 years old is getting REAL old REAL fast.... Any suggestions would be lovely! :)
Well, it looks like you're going to have to sit it out and wait till he's available. Rotten bad luck that.

However, my original opinion is the same - that something's worked loose and now you've had that blood test, I'm even thinking it might be an infection because of this:
my WBC count is really high and leukocytes were 1+
So make sure you take that lab report with you to the surgeon you're seeing next week so he has the full picture.
Could the C-reactive and Sed rate tests be normal though and STILL have infection?? Cuz those two results just a few weeks ago were normal, but my UA was showing the high WBC and leukocytes results?? :sct:
Yes, they could because an infection such as this is usually sub-clinical, meaning it doesn't show like a 'normal' infection. Therefore increased blood leukocytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein levels are neither sensitive nor specific.

I'm a new hippie! Have been reading your posts here. I'm so glad you have Bonesmart to use as a sounding board with your issues. So hoping you get an aggressive doctor dealing with your situation and that you feel that something is getting done!
Hi "Kym with a Y"! :) I've only just caught up with reading your post and I can't tell you how sorry I am to hear of what you're going through! It's good to hear from you again - but not under these circumstances!

I'll be waiting to hear the outcome of your doctors visit and will keep my fingers crossed that it all works out okay! Take care of yourself.......:cnsl:
OMG hello!

Yep that's right, "Kym with a "Y"" is back :) But under crappy circumstances! :( I am so disappointed with my surgeon right now and do NOT know where to turn.... I feel like I'm getting no answers and I'm dealing with horrible pain that nobody wants to help me with! It SUX! I've sent ANOTHER message to my dr's clinic(one of his PAs) since he's out with a critically ill child right now, so we'll see where I get with this. I'm just exhausted dealing with this much pain, and honestly every HOUR feels like 3! :( I'm at my wits end, and I'm scared quite honestly. There must be something wrong for it to hurt like this. I dunno. Alls I can do is sit and wait until my doc will DO something for me!:sigh:
Let us know what the doctor says as soon as you've seen him! I wish I could do more to reassure you - but he's the only one who can do that!

I can totally understand you being disappointed with your OS- I went through exactly the same scenario after my first LTHR. With Jo's help I went for a couple of second opinions and have (hopefully) ended up with a new OS who knows what he is doing!

Big difference being - I wasn't in the sort of pain you are in! :( I hope it all gets resolved sooner rather than later! :cnsl:
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