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Oh So Close!!!!!

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"Abnormalities in leg/feet anatomy:

* High or low arches
* Overpronation of the foot
* The force at the knee when the foot strikes
* Uneven leg length
* Bowlegs or tightness about the iliotibial band.
o Excessive wear on the outside heel edge of a running shoe (compared to the inside) is one common indicator of bowleggedness for runners."
Quote from one of the links.

Well, that explains that pain! My pt said that it was because my hamstrings were really tight, (which they are). All above statements apply to me. My bad leg became bowed as time went on. I've always had VERY flat feet and the PT said my legs are uneven.
That pain is the most prevalent one since surgery, (13 weeks), spontaneously, when getting out of the car and doing any twisting motions.
Thanks for the information!
Your welcome. My leg was also badly bowed prior to Tkr. Now, I get off of the bike every 3-5 mins and do the leaning stretch..
Great stretching info. I have had some challenges with the IT thang, too and didn't really know what to do. I'm gonna try these. I want to ride my bike but between work and this week's extracurricular activites, I haven't had a chance. Maybe tomorrow!!
A lot of the resistance I have with my ROM seems to come from my IT band.

My PT suggested I buy a thigh toner to help stretch the IT band, you know the one you put between your thighs and squeeze? (Less than $10 from Wallymart). So I did. Trouble is it keeps wanting to ping out from my legs, so I use a couple of small cushions between each leg and the toner. It also cushions the legs, I found it hurts the inside of my thighs otherwise too. She also showed me how to stretch it by lying on my back and putting my TKR leg accross the top of my other leg and dangle it off the bed. That seemed to work too.
[] Oh So Close!!!!!

Momma's proud of you all!


This is my nemesis at the moment!

[] Oh So Close!!!!!

Conveniently positioned in front of the TV, please note!!

Couple of years ago I had a Carl Lewis version but it so dominated my little sitting room I had to get rid.

I've had this one for about 2 weeks and already am up to speed with it. According to the monitor I am burning off around 400 calories each half hour stint which my fitness freak nephew tells me is too much and I should knock it back to around 300.

What do you think, ref - am I overdoing it?
Jose, is that an elliptical machine? It is really compact compared to the ones I've seen if that's what it is. Does it work well and smoothly? Sounds like you are 'bout to wear it out soon!! Does it help or hurt your knees?
It is a gravity swinger. Kind of like a cross country trainer. No cam on the front. They are smooth..

Miss Jo, if it feels good, do it!!! If you can't walk afterwards or you are too sore the day after, then cut back a little..Now that I think of it, I believe you have beat me over the head these last months with, "listen to your body".
No, I'm real good after. Makes me feel really perked up after sitting in front of this laptop all day catching up with all ya posts!
I thought it looked more ski than bike. Ofcourse I'd want to burn 400 over 300 calories. As long as you've got it to burn. I don't understand your nephew's angle.
No baseball game tomorrow---I am going to commute to school on my bike---about 3.5 miles one way---I have lights on the front, a double set of flashing lights on the back, a reflective vest, and reflective tape on my bike. I will leave around 6:00 AM and showere there, as well. Looking forward to it and to doing it more often.

Tim C.
Now that you have started, you won't stop. what an example and hope seeder.
Speaking of bike, i went from 4 to 5 minutes and seat height of 7 down to 6 today at Pt.
i have no idea if 4 or 5 minutes is long or puny, but considering I didn't do any bike (or exercise) before surgery and throw in the knees thing, I thought it was pretty good.
You BET it's good, wonderful for you! You are doing so well these days!
Ref, that is some bike ride. So glad to haer someone in North America has lights on their bike. No one seems to over here, it scares me to death of the accidents they could cause in the datrk.

Jenn, you are doing great. I only biked all the way round at 13 weeks!! Well done and keep it up!!

Jo, like your china in the cabinet, what kind is it? Keep up the good work on the "thingy".
Fla. law requires lights on bikes but bicycle enforcement is probably one of the most neglected areas. I wouldn't even know how to cite violations.
I like so see those flashing strobes on the back of cycles. Really catches your eye.
Hey Doug---I have two sets of red flashing strobes on the back, two head lights, and massive amounts of reflecting tape---I even wear one of those ANSI reflective vests in the AM. My cycling jersery and jacket is also HYVIS Yellow with reflective tape, as well. I am a vehicle, so I follow the rules of the road---stop signs, hand signals, etc. Most people around here are used to seeing commuters so they are redy for them. I also wera a very good helmet, gloves, and I have a pair of Oakley sunglasses that I wear, as well. Several keys to safer cycling ar to be visislbe and to be predictable.

Several of the communities aroud here are "bike friendly" (as if that means anythng) but we have a very large Metroparks system so people are always riding.

The ride to and from school was fairly easy today---I am a little stiff from umping four games and riding---but Oh, sure beats how I felt last year at this time.

I have a question about jogging with your knee. I know most amateur games are 2 umps where you have to cover multiple bases depending on the situation. Do you have any trouble jogging from plate to cover 3rd or from 1st to 2nd? I ask because in about a month I'm scheduled for a cardio stress test which I know from previous tests I'll have to jog for about 2 minutes and my surgeon said its OK but it won't feel good and you should try it on a treadmill. He said "jogging will never feel right because the prosthesis
doesn't quite do a good job in that mode". So what I was really asking is so what does it
feel like and is it bothersome.
Which surgeon is telling you it is Ok but won't feel good. OS or heart surgeon? i think there is a stress test that does not require running for folks who can't.
I was asking the orthopod. I know they have the chemical stress test, I just take pride that I can still get up to Bruce level 5 naturally. Just gives me the willies to be pumped full of chemicals to make your heart race.
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